The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 80 Double Emperor PK

Chapter 80 Double Emperor PK
Every piece of information surprised Ye Qingxuan.

She never thought that Su Tianling was originally a disciple of Lizong.

According to the potential regulations of the ninth-class regional powers.

If a person was once a disciple of a big power, he cannot become a disciple of another big power, otherwise, he must be severely punished!
If it's just like this, it's fine, for Su Xiaoke's face, she won't care about it.

What's more, Su Tianling showed a monstrous talent, and she didn't care about it.

However, Su Tianling actually humiliated the female disciple of the Li Sect!
In her life, what she hated the most was a man who raped a woman!

"Xiao Ke, let Su Tianling come over!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Xiaoke on the tower and said in a deep voice.

"Hmm." Hearing this, Su Xiaoke's body trembled slightly, his fists clenched, and his heart was extremely restless.

She wouldn't believe it if her brother raped a female disciple and beat her to death.

When she was in Qingling Town, her brother ate the treasures of heaven and earth, and his cultivation level skyrocketed. At that time, he already had the qualification to manipulate Liu Xue.

If her brother really raped female disciples, Liu Xue would have been bullied countless times in Qingling Town.

But Liu Xue was not intact in the end.

It's nothing more than her brother taking advantage of it.

Li Ran stood in mid-air, she looked at Su Xiaoke on the tower, she had met Su Xiaoke a year ago, she was very talented, now she was wearing the robe of the Young Sect Master of Zhijian Sect, that is, Said that Su Xiaoke is already the young suzerain of Zhijianzong.

"No, I'm already here."

A voice sounded, and countless people followed the sound, only to see Su Tianling walking casually.

Everyone was speechless, Su Tianling had a normal expression when the head of the Li Sect came to pick him up in person, did he think that Su Xiaoke was backing him, so he was confident?

"Brother." Su Xiaoke swooped down and appeared in front of Su Tianling, holding his arm, with worried eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry." Su Tianling shook his head lightly at her, and then the two walked over.

When Li Ran saw Su Tianling, her eyes flashed icy cold. That day, she had just returned to the sect and wanted to soak in the hot spring to refresh herself.

However, as soon as she took off her clothes, she realized that there was a man there!

Hot spring pool, that is a forbidden area!

How could she bear it when a man appeared?
More importantly, Su Tianling saw her body!

Although there is still a bellyband, which is not fully exposed, it still makes her unbearable. Only by killing Su Tianling can she feel at ease.

Half a day ago, she learned that Su Tianling was in Zhijianzong and became a disciple of Zhijianzong, so she rushed over immediately!

Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Tianling, frowned and asked, "Have you ever raped a female disciple of Lizong?"

"No, I was seduced." Su Tianling.

"..." Ye Qingxuan's hair was black and her face was cold. Who would believe this reason?
"Master, my brother will definitely not bully a female disciple, you have to trust me." Su Xiaoke looked up at Ye Qingxuan who was in the air, with a firm tone.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep look at Su Xiaoke, even for Su Xiaoke's sake, she would not let Li Ran take Su Tianling away today.

Li Ran frowned when she heard Su Xiaoke call Su Tianling brother, brother and sister?

If they were brothers and sisters, it would be very difficult to take Su Tianling away!
Su Xiaoke is already the young lord of Zhijian Sect, Ye Qingxuan will definitely care about Su Xiaoke's will, it won't be easy for her to arrest Su Tianling.

Su Tianling looked up at Li Ran in the sky, and said with a faint smile, "Sect Master Li, you arrested me yourself, is it really because I humiliated the female disciple? Is it really because I killed Xu Bo? You don't have to come find me yourself, do you?"

"This sect is for this!" Li Ran said coldly, with murderous intent in her eyes.

"If you don't know, you really think so." Su Tianling shook his head slightly, he looked at Ye Qingxuan and said with a smile, "I'll tell you a secret, do you want to hear it?"

"I think so." Ye Qingxuan said without hesitation. Judging from what Su Tianling meant, there seemed to be something hidden in it.

"Ahem, then I said it. That day, the weather was fine, so I was prone to sleepiness. I wanted to soak in a hot spring to relieve my fatigue. Not long after, I saw..."

"Shut up!" Li Ran was filled with terrifying pressure, and she yelled like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, making people's souls tremble.

Li Ran stared into Su Tianling's eyes, and threatened coldly, "If you dare to say one more word, this sect will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Su Tianling shrugged and said, "It's as if you won't kill me if I don't tell the truth."

"You!" Li Ran's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent. She personally arrested Su Tianling, just because she was afraid that Su Tianling would spread the matter. In that case, she would become a dignified empress of a generation, the master of a sect, and become a person of the ninth class. Time to talk about?
"Keep talking, ignore her." Ye Qingxuan said, her eyes glowed with a ray of curiosity, it seems that the hidden story in it is more interesting, it can make Li Ran stop, and she is very angry, and wants to kill Su Tianling It made her want to know the reason even more.

"How dare you say it!" Li Ran shouted coldly!
Su Tianling stretched for a long time, yawned, a chair appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and then lay down, he looked at Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran in mid-air, and said leisurely, "One let me talk, the other doesn't let me talk." Say, who am I supposed to listen to?"

"Listen to me!" Ye Qingxuan said.

"Listen to me!" Li Ran said.

"Ye Qingxuan!" Li Ran looked at Ye Qingxuan coldly, and said coldly, "If he speaks out, our Li Zong will immediately start a war with Zhi Jian Zong! We will never die!"

"Sister Li is quite fierce, think this sect is a vegetarian? How can this sect be afraid of your Li sect?" Ye Qingxuan let out a disdainful look, looked at Su Tianling, and urged, "Hurry up, if you say so, This sect gives you a big reward."

"Ye Qingxuan!" Li Ran's face was extremely cold, and the coercion all over her body spread to Zhijianzong's protective formation. Her eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at Ye Qingxuan coldly, and said solemnly, "You are playing with fire!"

"What's the matter with playing with fire? Do you think I'm afraid of you? This sect tells you that as long as the main battlefield is in Zhijianzong, with the strength of this sect, coupled with Zhijianzong's sect-protecting formation, it is enough to beat you to death!" , In addition, the group of Martial Kings behind you will all fall here!"

Ye Qingxuan stood with her hands behind her back, a sense of coercion from the Martial Emperor spread all over her body, rivaling Li Ran's coercion in equal measure.

When Li Ran heard this, her pupils shrank. If a big battle really broke out, she could guarantee that she would retreat completely, but the group of Wu Wang elders behind her might not be able to retreat completely.

For a moment, Li Ran didn't know what to do.

I thought that Su Tianling could be apprehended easily, but who knew that Su Xiaoke was already the young lord of Zhijian Sect, and he and Su Tianling were brothers and sisters.

Even if we go to war now, it will not work at all.

If we don't start a war, we can't just go on like this, right?
[The old book will end at the end of this month, and this book, The Great Son-in-Law, may be updated on 5.1, so vote for more recommendations. 】

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