Chapter 809 Su Yu
"You mean, it's still my fault?" Li Ran raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

"It was your fault." Su Ling looked at her, "You don't think there are too many taboos between men and women, but I think taboos are necessary. You didn't consider this, which led me to like you. You said, Is this your responsibility?"

"You can do it, you, after surpassing me in realm, a bunch of unreasonable nonsense." Li Ran said angrily with a cold face.

Su Ling didn't want to say anything more, what he said was the truth.

Ye Qingxuan said at this moment, "I'm hungry."

Su Ling heard this and said to her, "I'll cook."

Get up to the kitchen and start working.

Ye Qingxuan glanced at the kitchen, and then whispered to Li Ran, "I always feel that he has changed a bit."

"It's inflated, I didn't expect that I would look away. If it was someone else, I would have slapped him to death." Li Ran said with her chin in her hand.

"Hmm..." Ye Qingxuan also felt that she had misread Su Tianling for the past 19 years. They were in control of every move she made, and the changes in her mood were well under their control.

It can be found that it suddenly changed.

"As strength becomes stronger, people will really change..." Li Ran.

"Hey, I suddenly became stronger, so I naturally want to get what I want. After I get it, I won't like it as much as I did at the beginning." Ye Qingxuan.

"Yeah." Li Ran nodded in agreement, and she said, "Speaking of which, I have played with you the longest, Xiao Xue, Xiao Ke, and Qing Ran haven't played yet, if it ends at this time, the three of them Do you have an opinion?"

"It's not over yet." Ye Qingxuan said, "Why are you so anxious, where are you going? It's still too early for the end."

"Yeah." Li Ran nodded slightly, "What are you doing next?"

"Let's talk about it after we get married. During this time, let's follow him first." Ye Qingxuan said, "We have tossed him a lot over the years, let him be comfortable for a while, and then slowly toss."

"Well, good." Li Ran agreed.

After Su Ling finished the meal, he brought it up and said to the two, "Let's eat."

Ye Qingxuan moved her chopsticks first and began to eat. She took a bite, looked at Su Ling and asked, "I'm going to give birth in a few days. I'm pregnant with a girl. What name do you plan to name?"

Su Ling looked at her, surprised, and asked him what the child's name was, did he not resist?

It's only been a day, and the attitude has changed a lot?

It's too simple, isn't it?
Su Ling immediately turned back to her thoughts and said, "If it's a girl, I'll call it Su Yu, how about it?"

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan said, "Then call me Su Yu."

Su Ling smiled and nodded, picked a dish for Ye Qingxuan, and then another dish for Li Ran.

After the meal is finished.

Seeing that it was getting late, he said, "Go to bed early?"

"You won't think about that again, will you? I'm pregnant now!" Ye Qingxuan protested.

Su Ling blushed, "I'm just talking. If you don't want to rest, I'll go out and deal with things first."

"What's the matter?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"We're getting married soon, so we can't make arrangements?" Su Ling said.

"Unseal my cultivation first, and I will announce it myself." Ye Qingxuan said.

Su Ling looked at her, hesitant, unsealing her cultivation at this time?
Ye Qingxuan stared at him, her face turned cold, "The baby is about to be born, you don't think I will run away at this time, do you? Besides, you are Wu Zong, where can I go?"

Su Ling thought it was reasonable, it seemed that he was thinking too much, so he waved his hand and released Ye Qingxuan's seal.

After Ye Qingxuan was able to use her cultivation, she uttered a voice, "Ten days later, Su Ling will get married, and the sect will arrange the wedding with the highest standard of etiquette."

Many people in the sect were stunned when they heard the words, Su Ling is going to get married?

Moreover, it was arranged with the highest standard of etiquette!

The highest standard, only the suzerain can have this treatment.

That's right, Su Ling's talent is extraordinary, and he is likely to be the next suzerain in the future, so it can be understood with the highest standard of etiquette.

a time.

The elder got busy.

An elder directly ordered everyone to stop what they were doing, temporarily stop practicing, and work together to arrange a happy event.

All of a sudden, everyone in the sect became busy.


Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Ling, "Are you satisfied?"

"Yes." Su Ling.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will run away?"

"Scared." Su Ling.

"..." Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Ling, suppressed her smile, and said slowly, "I have figured it out, since I am pregnant with your child, it would be pitiful if the child was born without a father, so I also Admit it, as for the relationship, you can develop it slowly, but if you treat me badly, I will take the child and leave."

Su Ling looked at her and said seriously, "I will definitely not let you down."

"That's about the same." Ye Qingxuan nodded in satisfaction.

Su Ling looked at Li Ran, "I will not let you down either."

Li Ran turned her head away and said coldly, "It's up to you."

Su Ling was speechless, it seemed that Li Ran was still angry, and could only slowly resolve it with time...

On the sixth day.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly called out, frowning and stroking her round belly, "The baby is about to be born."

"Then what should we do?" Su Ling asked anxiously.

"Nonsense, help me into the room, Li Ran, you help me deliver the baby." Ye Qingxuan said.

"Okay." Li Ran.

In the room, Li Ran said to Su Ling, "You go out first."

"I can't watch?" Su Ling blinked and said, he is the father of the child, why can't he watch the birth process?
Li Ran glared at him and said, "What's so good about having a baby? Get out."

Su Ling didn't insist anymore and walked out.

Staying in the yard, I feel very excited in my heart.

He is going to be a father.

A little while passed.

He heard the cry of the baby, and pushed away from the room excitedly.

I saw Li Ran holding the child.

Su Ling walked over hurriedly, looked at the child with a strong smile on his face, and looked at Ye Qingxuan, "Are you okay?"

"I'm Emperor Wu, giving birth to a child is like playing, what can I do?" Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes at him and said, "Go make a pot of tea, I'll drink it later."

"Oh." Su Ling hurriedly went to make tea.

Ye Qingxuan stood up as if nothing had happened, looked at the child, and gently played with her fingers.

There is a soft look in the eyes, the third child.

Before, she gave birth to a boy and a girl, and this time she gave birth to another one.

"Xiao Yu." Ye Qingxuan called.

His first name is Su Yu, and his nickname is Xiao Yu.

Li Ran looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile, "Mother, this is a real child. After the child is born, you can't hide it from your family, right?"

Ye Qingxuan blinked. Marriage does not need to be called family, but children are real...

I have to call...

If you don't call, you will be reprimanded.

"We'll let you know the day before we get married," Ye Qingxuan said.

Li Ran nodded lightly. When the time comes, her children, Su Xiaoyao, Ling Wan and the others will all come here. Seeing the current situation, I don't know how they will feel...

(End of this chapter)

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