Chapter 815
Ye Qingxuan blinked and remained silent.

Li Ran and Hua Qingcheng were also silent.

Seeing that they were silent, Su Ling frowned deeper and looked at them, "Are you playing with me?"

"No." Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Ling, "How can you say it's just for fun? It's because I like you! Otherwise, do you think I'll just let you take advantage?"

Li Ran also said, "I didn't play with you, but I just like you, so I did this on purpose. I can't let me take the initiative, right? Don't you think so?"

Hua Qingcheng looked at him and said, "With our looks, strength, and family background, we can meet a man who is a hundred times better than you, but we choose to talk to you, tell me, is it because like you?"

"It's because of this that I feel something is wrong." Su Ling said in a deep voice, "I know how much I have. You can indeed find someone better than me, but why do you stay with me? If you say yes Li Ran, I can still understand, after all, Li Ran has been with me for so many years."

"But you two." Su Ling looked at Ye Qingxuan and Hua Qingcheng, "I haven't known you for long, why did you lure me into the bait? Are you still pregnant with my child?"

The more Su Ling thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Although he wasn't too bad, it wasn't so bad that Ye Qingxuan and Hua Qingcheng, who had only known him for a short time, directly followed him!

"This..." Ye Qingxuan and Hua Qingcheng looked at each other, what should I say?

After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Ling, "It's actually like this. Our three seniors discussed it a long time ago. If we want to marry, we should marry the same person so that we won't be separated. Besides, Qingcheng and I really think you are good... ..."

"One more thing, we have known you for a long time, and sometimes we would go to the town and watch you from afar. Speaking of which, we grew up watching you too." Ye Qingxuan said.

Su Ling thought about it, and although the explanation was clear and logical, it was still full of doubts.

He looked at Li Ran, "Why do you like me?"

"Long time makes love." Li Ran said solemnly, and after finishing speaking, she felt that it was not enough, and added, "I watched the grown-up man, don't worry, if other men have too many thoughts, we are worried, so we came to you. You can be regarded as a child foster husband!"

Su Ling looked at Li Ran, the explanation was understandable, but why did he feel something was wrong?

Forget it, they are already husband and wife, and they even gave birth to a child for themselves, even if there are some ulterior reasons.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Su Ling looked at them, "Forget it!"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Then don't mention it, let's eat."

"Yes, eat!" Ye Qingxuan said.

The four of them ate together. After eating, Su Ling looked at them and asked, "Go to the Holy Land now? Or the Emperor Clan?"

"En." Li Ran nodded, "Then let's go now."

Li Ran waved her hand, and the figures of the four disappeared out of thin air. When they reappeared, they had already arrived in a city under the jurisdiction of the Holy Land of this world.

There are many people in this city, and it is extremely prosperous.

Su Ling looked at Li Ran, "Didn't you use the teleportation array?"

Li Ran looked at Su Ling with a smile, "Didn't I tell you the reason before, you already know that we hooked you on purpose, so naturally we don't need teleportation array, in fact, our realm is very high!"

"How tall?" Su Ling asked.

"Hehe..." Li Ran laughed, "I'm afraid it's hard for you to reach this level after thousands of years of cultivation."

"Martial Emperor? Martial God?" Su Ling.

"War God? It can be crushed with one thought." Li Ran said lightly, "Don't ask what the specific realm is, it's too complicated. In short, it is dozens of realms higher than your current realm."

"..." Su Ling suddenly became weak, this...

"Okay, don't think too much about it. We are both husband and wife. Qingxuan gave birth to your child, and Qingcheng and I are both pregnant with your child. Even if we cheated you, can we forgive you? It won't be so Be careful?" Li Ran smiled.

Su Ling nodded, it was really difficult to say anything.

"Let's go shopping." Ye Qingxuan said at this time, looking at the shops on the street, they are indeed okay.

"Go." Li Ran.

The four of them watched from the shops on the street, going to this shop for a while, and going to that shop for a while.

It also attracted the attention of many people. Although it is said that there are no ugly women among practitioners, not all of them are stunning women. On the contrary, there are not many stunning women.

Su Ling followed behind them, a little speechless, a bit dizzy for shopping, really casually.

After shopping for a long time, a few people were a little hungry, so they found a restaurant and waited for food in the box of the restaurant.

At this moment, Li Ran took out her mobile phone, and Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan also took out their mobile phones.

Seeing the interesting things in their hands, Su Ling couldn't help asking, "What is this? It looks interesting."

"This." Li Ran looked at him, "This is a mobile phone, which can transmit sound across hundreds of millions of miles, and can also see the person on the opposite side. In addition to these, it can also record what is happening, and record it forever."

"So miraculous?" Su Ling was shocked. Even with his current state, he couldn't even transmit voices over hundreds of millions of miles, let alone hundreds of millions of miles.

"I can still lie to you." Li Ran gave him a blank look.

"Is there any extra mobile phone?" Su Ling asked.

"No." Li Ran.

"Okay." Su Ling.

Li Ran smiled and didn't say anything, of course she has a mobile phone, but if Su Ling knows how to use a mobile phone, she can use the Internet to find out what happened to them a long time ago.

Therefore, there are no mobile phones in this world, but a network has been laid for the convenience of the few of them.

Su Ling looked at Li Ran's phone, and a picture appeared on Li Ran's phone, very real.

"Is this real?" Su Ling asked curiously.

"People are real, and the plot is all acted out." Li Ran explained.

"Actor? Why do you want to act?" Su Ling asked puzzled.

"This... can be regarded as a profession. Through acting, let many people see it, so that you can make money." Li Ran.

"There is such a profession." Surprised, Su Ling continued to look at Li Ran's phone.

watched for a while.

There was a knock on the box door.

"Come in." Su Ling looked over.

After the box door opened, a young man appeared, and there were some people behind the young man.

"Young master, it's them." The man behind the young man said.

The young man in the lead looked at Li Ran and the others, and a look of amazement flashed in his eyes. When his gaze fell on Su Ling, he frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He walked in directly, looked at Li Ran and said with a smile, "I am Zhang Yi, a disciple of Hongtu Holy Land, who are some of the disciples of Holy Land?"

Li Ran didn't look at Zhang Yi, but stared at the phone, and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just want to get to know the three of you." Zhang Yi smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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