Chapter 822

Li Ran shook her head, but didn't say anything.

Li Xin was short of breath, and looked at her, "He has treated you like that, and you are still so unwilling to say it? Are you just watching him get married nine days later?"

With moist eyes, Li Ran lowered her head and said, "I made my own decision and secretly put Xinhuo Dan in his teapot."

Li Xin, "..."

"That is to say, he is not to blame for this matter?" Li Xin.

"Hmm." Li Ran made a weak voice.

Li Xin was suddenly speechless, but still asked curiously, "Which family is he from?"

Li Ran shook her head, "It's not from this town."

"What? From another town?" Li Xin wondered, "When did you have contact with people from other towns? Why didn't I know? Also, many times I can't find you when I look for you. Could it be that you have been in other towns? town?"

Li Ran shook her head, "I've been on the mountain."

"On the mountain? What are you doing on the mountain?" Li Xin asked puzzled.

Li Ran lowered her head, "Don't ask, I want to be alone for a while, okay?"

"You!" Li Xin said, "Can you be left alone at a time like this? No, I have to accompany you!"

"Okay." Li Ran suddenly felt warm in her heart. When she was sad, it was good to have someone to accompany her.

Three days passed.

Li Ran went up the mountain quietly to prevent Li Xin from following her. In the past few days, Li Xin has been with her all the time, and she always wanted to know who that man was. She was afraid that Li Xin would follow her, so she quietly left while Li Xin was asleep.

Halfway up the mountain, look at the entrance to the secret realm.

Li Ran bit her red lips lightly, her master said to ask her to come back in three days, and now it is three days later.

In another six days, it will be the day when Master and Uncle Liu Xue get married.

Standing at the entrance of the secret realm, hesitating for a while, finally made up his mind and stepped in.

The secret realm is not big, it only covers an area of ​​ten acres and has a courtyard.

Entering the courtyard, she saw her master busy, making the original simple courtyard, at this moment, become extremely delicate.

Red lanterns are hung in many places, and there are double happiness characters!
Su Tianling looked at Li Ran, "Come on, help me with my work, set up this little secret place, and I will marry your mistress in a few days. From now on, this will be my residence with your mistress."

Hearing this, Li Ran felt extremely uncomfortable, as if being stabbed by a needle.

"Okay." Li Ran forced a smile and walked over to help.

After the two of them worked for a while, Su Tianling turned to look at her, "Disciple, remember not to spread what happened that day, or I will blow up with your mistress!"

Li Ran nodded, "Don't worry, Master, I'm not stupid."

"That's good." Su Tianling nodded lightly.

After working for several hours, the courtyard has been fully furnished.

Su Tianling nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "It's finally done. I arranged it myself, and it really feels different."

Li Ran smiled and nodded, "That is."

Su Tianling smiled, looked at Li Ran and said, "Teacher, what you did that day, I was very touched by the teacher. Your innocence is gone. I'm afraid even getting married will be very troublesome in the future."

Li Ran smiled, "I don't marry."

"Don't marry?" Su Tianling was stunned for a moment, looked at her deeply and said, "I feel at ease as a teacher. Originally, I wanted to marry your teacher's wife first, and then marry you when you are an adult."

"Huh?" Li Ran stared blankly, want to marry her?
I'm sure!

If I had known, I would have married!
Why did she say not to marry?

woo woo woo...

Regret, very regret!
Su Tianling sighed, and said to Li Ran, "If you want to get married someday, remember to tell your teacher."

"Understood, Master." Li Ran nodded, feeling relieved, it seemed that there was still room for turning around.

But she was puzzled, "Master, don't you mind?"

"So it needs to be stable for a period of time. When she loves your master so much that she can't be herself, at that time she will not let go of being a teacher and can only compromise." Su Tianling smiled and said, "However, the only teacher is your wife, and You, after all, do not want to ruin you as a teacher."

Li Ran's pretty face flushed slightly, she bowed her head and was speechless.

Seeing her appearance, Su Tianling couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"I'll cook." Li Ran said, and immediately ran to the kitchen and started to work, the words that Master just said kept appearing in her mind.

But when I think of the uncle, I can't help but feel cold. Who knows if the uncle will mind?
After being busy for a while, Li Ran brought the food to the table and looked at Su Tianling, "Master, please have dinner."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, and began to eat.

Until the evening, Li Ran didn't go down the mountain, but frowned slightly, with a lot of preoccupations.

Every woman has menstruation.

Three to seven days each time.

But according to the time calculation, the menstrual event should have come at noon today, but it didn't come, and it's getting dark now...

Is it...

Li Ran's heart trembled, "Isn't there?"

If there is...

Li Ran's face turned pale, if she was pregnant at this time, she would not be able to pass any test.

Master has already said that to marry her in a few years, you have to pass the test of the teacher's wife first.

If she returns to the family, the parents and elders in the family will know that she is pregnant out of wedlock, and because of the style of the family, they will probably kick her out!
Put another indecent hat on!

"Wait a little longer, maybe the menstrual event will be postponed for a day or two?"

Li Ran thought in her heart.

After washing, I fell asleep.

But, can't sleep, sleepless all night.

I can't menstruate, and I feel very panicked.

woo woo woo...

"Why don't you come?" Li Ran wanted to cry anxiously, she used to hate menstruation, but now she can't wait for it to come.

After dawn, Li Ran got up, washed up, and went to work in the kitchen.

Not long after, Su Tianling got up too, seeing that Li Ran had just finished cooking, he couldn't help smiling.

"Master, you can eat." Li Ran said

Su Tianling nodded lightly, looked at Li Ran, "Okay."

During the meal, Li Ran looked at Su Tianling, "I want to go down the mountain after eating."

"Okay, there's nothing to do these few days." Su Tianling said to her, "I'll let you take a few days off, and you must come on the wedding day. The wedding will be held in this secret place of mine. There are only a few people, and a table will be set."

"How many people?" Li Ran asked suspiciously, "Isn't it a big banquet?"

"As a teacher, I always like to be pure, and I don't like to make friends. On the wedding day, besides your teacher's wife and I, there are also two female disciples of your teacher's wife." Su Tianling said.

"Got it." Li Ran blinked, so simple?
See you for the first time in your life!
Getting married is a major event in life, shouldn't it be a major event?

Li Ran didn't say anything. After eating, she immediately went down the mountain. The most important thing right now was to go to a remote town and find a good doctor to see if she was pregnant.

When going down the mountain, she took one step at a thousand meters. Although she was only 16 years old, under the guidance of her master, her realm had already reached the Black Realm.

Realm, Yellow Realm, Black Realm, Earth Realm, and Celestial Realm.

The Black Realm, looking at the small town, is definitely the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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