Chapter 827 Married

Liu Xue nodded with a smile, looked at Su Tianling, "Let's go."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, held Liu Xue's hand, and immediately walked out of the secret realm.

Several people landed on the monster's back, while Liu Xue got into the sedan chair.

The sparrow flapped its wings and left.

After half an hour, we arrived in the secret realm.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue with a smile, "From now on, this will be our home."

Liu Xue nodded lightly, looked at her two apprentices, and said with a smile, "Introduce each other."

The two disciples nodded lightly, they looked very delicate, and each of them walked out, each of them was a beautiful woman.

The girl on the left looked at Li Ran and said, "My name is Hua Qingcheng, and I am 17 years old."

The girl on the right said, "My name is Ye Qingxuan, and I am 17 years old."

"My name is Li Ran, and I'm 17 years old this year." Li Ran looked at the two of them and said.

"We are the same age." Hua Qingcheng was surprised, and then laughed, it seems that because of the same age, the relationship between each other has been drawn a lot in an instant.

"Yes." Li Ran nodded with a smile.

"Teacher, you go cook." Su Tianling said to Li Ran with a smile at this moment.

"Okay." Li Ran nodded, and then went to work in the kitchen.

Liu Xue looked at Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan, "Go and help in the kitchen."

"Okay, Master." Ye Qingxuan and Ye Qingxuan nodded, and then they both went to the kitchen.

Su Tianling and Liu Xue sat down with a smile, and they chatted.

"How is it?" Liu Xue asked.

"It's okay." Su Tianling nodded and looked at Liu Xue, "I think it's better not to go too far."

"I didn't think too much about it." Liu Xue said with a smile, "It's almost enough."

Su Tianling nodded.

Liu Xue looked at him and said, "There was an unusual vibration in the world before, have you checked it out?"

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, "I didn't check."

"Why didn't you check?" Liu Xue asked puzzled.

"Need to investigate?" Su Tianling said lightly.

Liu Xue looked at him, "It's best to check it out. After all, you are the sky. It stands to reason that you can know what happened anywhere between heaven and earth with just a single thought. Find out what, I think it's best to be cautious."

Su Tianling didn't care much and said, "There's nothing to be cautious about. Do you think there is anyone in this world who can surpass me?"

Liu Xue was silent for a while and said, "The road is endless. I remember that you said this yourself. Although it has been quiet for too many years, if you encounter unusual things, you'd better investigate."

Su Tianling nodded, "Okay, I will create a divine sense, travel around the world, and check."

Liu Xue nodded, whether this matter is serious or not, although she has been very calm these years, no force can shake the position of the Su family in the world.

However, she didn't want to have any sense of crisis anymore.

The previous crisis has been resolved.

Who knows whether the next crisis can be resolved safely?
No one can guarantee.

Su Tianling didn't say anything. The previous shock in the world was indeed unusual, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

In his understanding, the Tao has reached its peak, and there is no way to advance. It is impossible for anyone to be stronger than him.

Although he said that the Tao is endless, he can personally feel that he has reached the peak of the Tao, where there is no way to advance.

Even if it is a little unusual, so what?
After a while.

The three of Li Ran brought ten cold dishes and ten hot dishes, implying perfection.

"Let's eat." Su Tianling said with a smile.

The three of Li Ran nodded and started to move their chopsticks.

Liu Xue also moved her chopsticks.

Su Tianling and Liu Xue finished eating for a while, and Liu Xue looked at Li Ran and the other three with a smile, "Your master and I will rest first."

"Okay." The three of Li Ran nodded.

Su Tianling and Liu Xue went to another yard, and now that there are more people in the secret realm, they built a few more yards.

In the yard, there were only three people left, Li Ran.

Li Ran was a little depressed, her master and Liu Xue went to another yard, and what they were doing, you don't need to think about it.

When I thought about what Master and Mistress were doing, I felt very uncomfortable.

"Li Ran, why don't you eat it? This meat is delicious." Hua Qingcheng looked at Li Ran and asked.

Ye Qingxuan also looked at Li Ran, "Did something happen?"

Li Ran shook her head and said with emotion, "It's just that Master suddenly has a wife, and I'm not used to it. In this secret realm before, there were only Master and I."

Hua Qingcheng looked at her and said, "Qingxuan and I are not used to it, but we gradually got used to it, and it becomes natural."

"Habits become natural..." Li Ran didn't know what to think of, and a bright light flashed in her eyes.

Afterwards, I had a big appetite and ate with vegetables.

In the evening, Li Ran said to the two of them, "I live in another secret place with my friend, it's getting late now, I'll go back first."

"Is it far?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"It's not far." Li Ran said, "It's only ten miles away, just a few breaths away."

With her current cultivation in the extreme earth realm, the distance of ten miles is only three or five breaths.

"Well, let's go play at your place tomorrow." Ye Qingxuan said.

"Okay." Li Ran nodded, and then left here.

Back in the secret realm, I saw Li Xin cooking.

When Li Xin saw Li Ran came back, she couldn't help asking curiously, "Didn't your master get married today? Didn't you come back so early?"

"It's already dark, should I disturb his good business by staying there?" Li Ran gave her a blank look.

Li Xin chuckled, "You can bother me."

Li Ran gave her a blank look, and said angrily, "Let's cook your meal."

While busy cooking, Li Xin said, "I made you something to eat, it's good for the fetus."

Li Ran, "..."

"I'll go!" Li Ran looked at Li Xin, "You are so caring."

Li Xin smiled and said, "Of course, who made you my best sister?"

Li Ran smiled, smiled, and felt a little uncomfortable. When it comes to the fetus, after the child is born, will the master recognize it?
If she doesn't admit it, wouldn't she want to raise the child by herself?

Also, in another year, on her birthday, her parents will come to pick her up. If they find out that she has a child but don't know who her husband is, they will be very angry, right?

Li Ran felt a headache and was a little upset, so let's do it for now.


After a while, Li Xin brought three dishes and one soup, and said to Li Ran, "Drink some soup and make up for it."

"Yeah." Li Ran took a sip of the soup, her eyes couldn't help but lit up, she looked at Li Xin in surprise, "Your soup is delicious, when did you learn it?"

"Guess!" Li Xin said.

"Guess your size." Li Ran rolled her eyes, "Quickly tell me."


On the other side, although Su Tianling and Liu Xue were in the room, they kept paying attention to Li Ran.

"I can't bear it." Su Tianling smiled lightly.

Liu Xue gave him a white look, "Then change the way."

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded, already having an idea in his mind.

"Rest earlier?" Su Tianling looked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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