The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 843 Unbalanced Proportions

Chapter 843 Unbalanced Proportions

"?" Li Xin looked at Hua Qingcheng, stunned there, "When did you get married? Why didn't I know?"

"Uh, many years ago." Hua Qingcheng.

Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran looked at Li Xin and said, "The two of us were the last to marry Su Tianling together, ranking fifth and sixth."

"?" Li Xin looked at them in confusion, what's going on?
What happened, why did she feel like her head was a mess?
Seeing Li Xin's gloomy look, Su Tianling pointed at her, and a ray of memory entered her mind.

After receiving these memories, Li Xin's face couldn't help changing, and her eyes revealed a look of shock.

it turns out!

I see!
Li Ran and the others have lived for so many years, and she also understands why they have become like this.

Co-authored... She has lived with a group of powerful people who have lived for a long time?
Li Ran held Li Xin's hand and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, although you are much younger than us and your realm is lower than ours, but there is no need to be nervous."

Li Xin nodded, knowing that Li Ran and the others are so powerful, she suddenly felt that it was not appropriate for her to stay here.

Hua Qingcheng looked at Li Xin with a smile and said, "It's normal to feel uncomfortable at the beginning, and it will be fine after a while."

"Yeah." Li Xin nodded.

"Okay, okay, let's eat, I'm hungry." Su Tianling said at this time.

"Then eat." Li Ran.

A few people ate and chatted, played here for a few more days, took care of some things, and then left.


South Gate.

When they appeared here, the immortal soldiers and generals from Nantianmen came one after another, cupped their hands and said, "I have seen the Taoist, the Taoist mother."

Su Tianling nodded slightly.

"You guys step back." Su Tianling said.

"Yes." The immortal soldiers and generals retreated one after another.

Li Xin looked at the majestic Nantianmen, and couldn't help feeling a sense of shock in her heart. This kind of place is much better than a small town, and there is no comparison between the two.

There were also immortal soldiers and generals who saluted Su Tianling and Liu Xue respectfully, which made her stunned.

"Be casual here, just treat it as your own home." Li Ran said to Li Xin, "Let's go, I'll take you to play."

"Hmm..." Li Xin.

A few people wandered around, Li Xin saw the holiness of this heaven, and felt even more shocked in her heart, Li Ran and the others who became sworn sisters of Jin Lan with her had too much background.

According to Li Ran's words, they are friends who have forgotten their age.

Up to the No.30 third heaven in the heavenly court, the highest heaven is their residence.

But there was no one in this place.

Su Xiaoyao and the others had already gone to play, and as for Su Liyuan and the others, they also disappeared and went to other places to play.

Basically, throughout the year, they may not come back.

Su Tianling saw that the five major continents were very peaceful today, so he announced, "Ten days later, people from Wubuzhou, and even other places, will have a confrontation of the younger generation."

Immediately after the order was given, someone went to make arrangements.

Several people stayed in the courtyard for a long time, Su Tianling said to them, "I'm going to the main hall, I haven't gone to court for a long time."

"Go together." Liu Xue said, speaking of it, they hadn't gone to court for a long time.

"Let's go." Li Ran.

Several people went to the Golden Luan Hall together. At this time, there were many gods gathered in the Golden Luan Hall. When they received the news that they were going to go to court today, they came as quickly as possible.

When Su Tianling and the others appeared, they saluted one after another, "See Dao Zun, Dao Mu."

"Exemption." Su Tianling said lightly, and walked straight to the throne above.

Liu Xue and the others sat at the bottom.

Li Xin was also among them, watching this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little reserved, this was the first time she had seen this scene.

Su Tianling, who was sitting on the throne, glanced at everyone, and said lightly, "Report the situation."

An old man in a red robe came out, and he cupped his hands to Su Tianling, "Returning to the Daoist, Yanyuan Hall has always been normal. Over the years, I have met many lovers."

Su Tianling nodded slightly.

After Yuelao stepped back, a person walked out. He cupped his hands to Su Tianling and said, "Reporting to the Daoist, the weather has been good these years, and there is nothing wrong."

Su Tianling nodded slightly.

At this time he asked, "How is the heavenly law between heaven and earth?"

"It's perfect, like today's creatures, no one dares to commit crimes easily, and the crime rate is greatly reduced." One person said.

"How about entertainment." Su Tianling.

"It's also very good, now that the [-]G network is fully covered, everyone can access the Internet, and communicate across borders without any hindrance." One person said.

Su Tianling nodded in satisfaction. He glanced at everyone and asked, "Do you think there is anything that needs to be improved in the world?"

Everyone shook their heads, today's place is very perfect, all aspects have been very good these years, if we say perfect, I really don't know how to perfect it.

"Reporting to Daoist Master, there is indeed something that needs to be improved." Yuelao walked out at this time, and said slowly to Su Tianling, "Nowadays, there are more men in the world and fewer women, resulting in unbalanced marriages. In the world, there are three trillion men who cannot marry. To the daughter-in-law."

Su Tianling was stunned for a moment, three trillion?

so scary?
Doesn't that mean that the status of women has skyrocketed?
This is not okay, there has to be a balance.

Su Tianling moved his mind and modified some laws between heaven and earth. He looked at Yuelao and said, "In the next few years, out of ten fetuses, nine will be female babies, until the ratio of male to female is balanced, and it will return to normal."

Yue Lao smiled and nodded.

Su Tianling smiled, and he glanced at everyone, "Is there anything that needs to be improved?"

Everyone thought about it, and after thinking for a long time, one person walked out. He looked at Su Tianling and said, "Returning to the Daoist, the world is safe now, and there is nothing that needs to be perfected."

Su Tianling nodded, looked at them and said, "It's fine if there is nothing to be perfected. If there is anything that needs to be perfected, please report it immediately."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded in satisfaction and said, "If there is nothing else, let's retreat."

Everyone bowed out.

Soon, most of the people in the Golden Temple left, only some fairies remained.

Li Xin, who was sitting in it, looked at this scene in shock, this is simply a master!

It doesn't care about the fate of people between heaven and earth, but it also cares about other things! ! !

What is this if it is not a master?
Su Tianling leaned on the chair at this time, and said lazily, "I haven't cared much about this world, everything is fine, and there is nothing to do."

"Explain, the world will turn the same without you." Liu Xue said with a smile.

"You are wrong." Su Tianling said with a smile, "There must be someone in the world who can deter everyone, otherwise, there will be chaos, and the original order will become a mess."

Liu Xue gave him a white look, but did not refute, because these are facts.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll take Li Xin to the lower realm to play." Li Ran said to Li Xin at this time, "There are many interesting things in the lower realm, and it is the origin of technological development. You will definitely fall in love with it."

Li Xin blinked.

"Go." Li Ran waved her hand and left with Li Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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