The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 849 She's Pregnant

Chapter 849 She's Pregnant

Although Su Xiaoke and the others had doubts, they agreed.

So, the six of them sat down in a place not far away where there were fewer people.

Liu Xue said in a voice transmission, "My father has another woman outside!"

"What!" After Su Xiaoke and the others heard this, their expressions all changed. In their impression, Liu Feng was obviously a strict wife, not a strict wife, but he loved Xie Yujie very much, so they let Xie Yujie go.

She never expected that Uncle Liu, who seemed to love Xie Yujie very much, would do such a thing!

"Calm down! Don't change your face! Don't let other people notice, this matter can't be discovered by my parents." Liu Xue reminded immediately.

Su Xiaoke and the others calmed down, their expressions calmed down quickly, and they responded in a whisper, "If Aunt Xie finds out, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

"That's why I asked you to discuss. If something about my father comes out, what should I do? It's mainly my mother. What will happen if she knows that my father has done something wrong to her? How sad? How can I make my mother feel sad? Not sad?" Liu Xue.

"It's impossible not to be sad..." Su Xiaoke said, "If Aunt Xie finds out, she must be very sad."

Liu Xue said with a headache, "Then what should I do?"

A few people began to use their brains to think, and thought for a while, but they couldn't figure out why.

Firstly, Uncle Liu and Aunt Xie have a very good relationship.

Another couple of hundreds of millions of years.

What would happen if this happened suddenly?
Can Aunt Xie accept that girl?
That girl in her 20s?
It is about the same size as their No. 20-generation granddaughter.

How can Aunt Xie accept this?

If it is the same generation, about the same age, maybe there is still a chance.

The age difference is too big!

"Aunt Xie probably won't agree." Xia Qingran said softly.

"Uh, I heard that if you have a concubine, you will spoil the concubine alone... Aunt Xie probably won't agree." Su Xiaoke.

Liu Xue gave Su Xiaoke a white look, and said angrily, "What does this have to do with it? Hurry up and think of a way, what to do."

Su Xiaoke and the others thought about it, but they didn't come up with a reason.

After all, they are juniors, and sometimes it is difficult to deal with elders' affairs.

Several people discussed to no avail, so they decided that they could only go wild first.

"I'll go back and ask my parents." Su Xiaoke said.

"..." Liu Xue glared at Su Xiaoke, "We can't let more people know about this."

"Don't worry, I won't expose Uncle Liu and Aunt Xie." Su Xiaoke said.

"En!" Liu Xue nodded helplessly, it seemed that there was only one way at the moment.

at this time.

The competition in the Immortal Venerable Realm has ended, and the final strongest Immortal Venerable has fallen.

Su Tianling looked at him and nodded slightly approvingly, "That's right, practice hard."

"Junior must work hard to practice!" The man said hurriedly, rejoicing in his heart, although Dao Zun didn't reward him anything, but it's worth it to be familiar!

Su Tianling nodded slightly and smiled, continuing to chat and drink with others.

The grand ceremony held this time was still very lively.

Su Xiaoke came to her parents at this time, and she whispered to Concubine Xiao, "Mother, I want to ask you something."

Concubine Xiao got up and followed Su Xiaoke to a place where there were fewer people, she couldn't help asking curiously, "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaoke whispered, "If my father has another woman outside, and that woman is only in her 20s, would you accept that woman?"

Concubine Xiao's face changed slightly, she stared at Su Xiaoke, "You mean, your father has another woman?"

"No, I'm just making an analogy." Su Xiaoke.

Concubine Xiao thought about it, God King Ye was basically with her all these years, how could he have time for other things?
It should not be.

"You made such an analogy?" Concubine Xiao was speechless.

Su Xiaoke said with shame, "Mother, tell me, will you accept it?"

"No." Concubine Xiao shook her head lightly and said, "No matter what level she is at, besides, that woman is too young, only in her 20s, just like a doll."

Su Xiaoke sighed in her heart, as she expected, there was really no possibility.

"Say something? What you said shouldn't be fictional, right? Who is it?" Concubine Xiao asked.

"This... is a secret." Su Xiaoke said.

Concubine Xiao glared at her, "Still keeping it a secret from me? Did this happen to someone around us? Let me think about who it could be? Su Tianling?"

Su Xiaoke said with shame, "He wouldn't like someone in his 20s, right? It's not him."

"Why not? Didn't he also live for 10 years before, and he fell in love with you." Concubine Xiao.

"It's not him." Su Xiaoke said.

Concubine Xiao thought, if it wasn't Su Tianling, who could it be?And let her daughter care so much, she is definitely closer to her daughter.

But, after thinking about it, I couldn't think of anyone else.

It seems that most of them are monogamous, and they can't see anything in normal times.

"Don't even think about it." Su Xiaoke said speechlessly.

Concubine Xiao nodded lightly, looked at Su Xiaoke with a little deep meaning, and reminded, "There are some things, don't help me blindly, so as not to cause trouble."

"Understood." Su Xiaoke.

"Go and get busy." Concubine Xiao.

Su Xiaoke nodded, went to find Liu Xue, and told her about the conversation with Concubine Xiao, Liu Xue was not in a good mood after learning about it.

If this is the case, her mother will definitely let her father choose one of the two, with her and without me.

Just thinking about it makes my brain hurt.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoke, what are you two doing here if you don't go chat with the people in Wubuzhou?" At this time, Xie Yujie and Liu Feng came.

Liu Xue glanced at Liu Feng, feeling a little angry in her heart, she said to Xie Yujie, "Talk to Xiao Ke, then go."

Xie Yujie nodded and smiled at Liu Feng, "Let's go elsewhere."

"Okay." Liu Feng smiled, looked at Liu Xue and said, "Everyone from Wubuzhou is here today, you two should entertain more."

"Got it." Liu Xue said.

Liu Feng smiled and said nothing, and left here with Xie Yujie.

Su Xiaoke whispered in a voice transmission, "It really doesn't look like anything on the surface."

Liu Xue didn't say anything, but felt a little angry.

"Let's go." Liu Xue said.


This big ceremony lasted for more than half a month before it ended.

One day, Su Xiaoyao came to look for Liu Feng, and saw Liu Feng lying on his back on a chair, while Xie Yujie was playing with a child.

"Going to play?" Su Xiaoyao looked at Liu Feng and said with a smile.

"Okay." Liu Feng nodded, got up and said to Xie Yujie, "Daughter-in-law, I'll go out to play for a while."

"Go." Xie Yujie didn't think too much, and played with the child.

Liu Feng and Su Xiaoyao left here. On the way, Liu Feng said in a voice transmission, "I'm leaving, and you have to disappear for a while, otherwise Yujie will ask me where I went."

Su Xiaoyao looked at Liu Feng speechlessly, "How far have you and You Qingqing developed?"

"She is pregnant." Liu Feng sighed.

"..." Su Xiaoyao looked at Liu Feng, frowning, pregnant?This is too serious!

"I'll go with you!" Su Xiaoyao said.

"Okay." Liu Feng nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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