The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 85 The Great Zhou Dynasty Challenges the Disciple of Zhijianzong

Chapter 85 The Great Zhou Dynasty Challenges the Disciple of Zhijianzong

"Give it a try if you have a suitable opportunity..." Su Tianling thought, already having a plan in mind.

The next morning.

Zhou Jingze, the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, brought a group of talented military generals to Zhijianzong.

Zhou Jingze was dressed in a yellow robe, with a handsome appearance and a beautiful tree facing the wind. The person who received him was Lin Ruhai, the great elder of the sect.

Lin Ruhai looked at Zhou Jingze and asked, "The prince came to know the sword sect, why?"

"I heard that Zhijianzong has a new young suzerain. This young suzerain is Su Xiaoke who came from the Western Wilderness a year ago. Is this prince right?" Zhou Jingze stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Lin Ruhai.

"His Royal Highness is really well informed. Su Xiaoke is indeed the Young Master of Zhijian Sect." Lin Ruhai's face was slightly gloomy. Without Su Xiaoke, his granddaughter Lin Ziyi would be the Young Master of Zhijian Sect.

"The prince originally thought that Lin Ziyi could become the suzerain, but I didn't expect it to be Su Xiaoke from Xihuang." Zhou Jingze looked at Lin Ruhai, and said lightly, "Take the prince to see her."

Lin Ruhai walked ahead with a sullen face and led the way.

Whenever someone mentions Su Xiaoke, he feels a great pain in his heart. The position of young suzerain should belong to his granddaughter.

Zhou Jingze glanced at the group of generals and geniuses he had brought, and said, "It's your first time to Zhijianzong, let's compete with the disciples of Zhijianzong."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Not far away, the disciples of Zhijianzong changed their faces when they heard the words. This group of generals from the Great Zhou Dynasty wanted to compete with the disciples of Zhijianzong.

Although there are hundreds of generals in Zhijianzong, the group of core disciples at the top level have long been killed by Su Tianling.

If the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty competed with the generals of Zhijianzong, wouldn't Zhijianzong be overwhelmed?
Lin Ruhai took Zhou Jingze to the edge of the top of the mountain, because the top of the mountain was a forbidden area, even if he was an elder, he could not step in.

Lin Ruhai said in a deep voice, "Young Sect Master, the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty has arrived."

His voice spread into a courtyard on the top of the mountain.

"Let him wait at the foot of the mountain."

Soon there was a voice, the voice was a man, listening to the sensuality, it was the voice of a young man.

Hearing the words, the crown prince Zhou Jingze rolled his eyes slightly, and felt a little annoyed in his heart. He, the crown prince of the great Zhou dynasty, came here in person!

He didn't even invite him in to sit down, but asked him to go down the mountain and wait!

"Who is this person! As far as I know, Su Xiao is a woman!" Zhou Jingze looked at Lin Ruhai.

Lin Ruhai said emphatically, "This person is Su Tianling, the elder brother of the young suzerain. Relying on the status of the young suzerain, he is very arrogant and domineering in the sect!"

"I see." Zhou Jingze took a deep look at the mountain, turned and left angrily.

Lin Ruhai followed closely behind.


Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke and asked, "Why don't you go?"

"Zhou Jingze came to the sect to test my strength, just like sister Xue who just became the young master of the Lizong a year ago was also tested by Zhou Jingze." Su Xiaoke said, "His intentions for coming here are not right. Why do you need to give him a good face?"

"Well, then you can press me again." Su Tianling was lying on his stomach, wearing a nightgown.

Su Xiaoke gently pressed the muscles all over his body.


At the foot of the mountain, the Martial Arts Field.

A general from the Great Zhou Dynasty stood on the Martial Dao Stage. He looked at the disciples of the Zhijianzong generals present and said, "I heard that the swordsmanship of the Zhijianzong is superb, and the disciples of the sect are powerful. I, Qin Hao, want to learn."

All the disciples present frowned, all the core disciples of the sect were killed by Su Tianling, and the people brought by Prince Da Zhou must have been carefully selected.

If the sect sent ordinary generals, they might lose in the stage.

When Qin Hao saw that none of the disciples of the Sword Sect came up to the stage, his expression turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "What? Are you looking down on me, Qin Hao! If so, I will set up my own arena, and anyone who wants to challenge me can challenge me!"

As soon as these words came out, all the bloody disciples of the sect were offended.

"I'm coming!" A disciple came up to the stage. He was a general in the mid-term. He stared at Qin Hao, his eyes bursting with anger. A general of the Great Zhou Dynasty dared to set up a ring in Zhijianzong. Did this mean that Zhijianzong was weak? !

Qin Hao looked at the disciple, and immediately shot, the flames around his body rushed out, like a burst of wild fire, as if to swallow the disciple.

The disciple condensed a sword intent, the sword light flickered, and stabbed at Qin Hao!

The ferocious flame seemed to contain a strong incineration power, burning the sword light at an extremely fast speed, and then the flame landed on the disciple like a dragon.

The disciple let out a scream, and flew out of the Martial Dao Platform with flames in his body.

Seeing this, all the disciples pointed at Qin Hao on the Martial Dao Stage one after another, and shouted coldly, "Why are you using such heavy hands during the sparring!"

"Sorry, I thought the shot was light enough, but he is really too weak." Qin Hao shook his head.

When the disciples heard this, their expressions were all cold.

"I'm going!" A disciple stepped onto the stage.

"Accept the trick!" Qin Hao took a step, his fist condensed into flames, his figure was like a gust of wind, and he appeared in front of the disciple in an instant, and then violently smashed out the flaming fist.

The disciple condensed the radiant sword intent and wanted to tear the flame fist apart, but the flame fist was too overbearing, and the condensed sword intent continued to disintegrate until it collapsed completely. The flame fist directly hit his chest.


The disciple flew upside down, with a stream of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth!

Qin Hao stood on the Martial Dao Stage, looked at the disciples and said contemptuously, "The disciples of Zhijianzong have this strength? Too weak."

All the disciples dared to be angry and said nothing, the core disciples of the sect were all killed, and those who appeared were ordinary generals, how could they beat Qin Hao?

far away.

Prince Zhou Jingze witnessed this scene, and he couldn't help but asked Lin Ruhai beside him, "The level of Zhijianzong disciples is so poor?"

Lin Ruhai remained silent with a sullen face.

Zhou Jingze shook his head lightly, he stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Qin Hao at the Martial Dao Stage in the distance, and said, "You fight two with one."

"Okay." Qin Hao nodded to him, then looked at the many disciples of Zhijianzong, and said, "You can come up with two people at will, and I will only you!"

"I come!"

"I come!"

The two disciples said angrily.

Immediately, multiple sword lights were condensed directly, and the sword lights contained sword pictures and possessed more powerful power.

Qin Hao smiled contemptuously, and the flames condensed all over his body, forming a flame giant. The flame giant clenched its fists and slammed the two disciples hard.

One punch!
After crushing multiple sword lights, they landed on the two disciples with a bang.

With a bang, the two disciples spat out a mouthful of blood, and then flew out backwards.

When everyone saw this, their faces were cold, and they felt aggrieved and annoyed in their hearts!

Qin Hao shook his head and said sarcastically, "Zhijianzong's generation of disciples is too bad. If it continues, it may not be more than a hundred years before they will decline."

(End of this chapter)

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