The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 851 Super Family Su Family

Chapter 851 Super Family Su Family
In the comments:
"Isn't this Liu Feng, Dao Zun's father-in-law?"

"Hahaha, Dao Zun's father-in-law also plays games."

"Mr. Dao Zun seems to be in a villa in Jianghai Suburb, 5km away from me. That's right, it is Jianghai Suburb."

"It's a new account that took the video, who is it? Is it the son of Dao Zun?"

When You Qingqing saw these comments, doubts appeared in her eyes.

Daoist father-in-law Liu Feng?
Liu Feng is indeed called Liu Feng, but what about the father-in-law?
She turned to look at Liu Feng and asked, "Who is Daoist?"

Liu Feng was playing a game, when he heard You Qingqing's question, his heart skipped a beat, he quickly looked at You Qingqing's phone, seeing those comments, his heart beat faster.

"This..." Liu Feng looked at You Qingqing, seeing You Qingqing staring at him, he suddenly became nervous.

If he had known that such a thing would happen if he gave You Qing the phone, he would not have given You Qing the phone anyway.

But now, Youqingqing already knows.

Seeing Liu Feng's reaction, You Qingqing felt a pain in her heart, and she understood something, she received all the knowledge on the phone, opened the search, and searched for Dao Zun's father-in-law!
As a result, many videos appeared, including Liu Feng's and some extremely beautiful women.

You Qingqing's hands holding the phone trembled slightly, and her eye sockets became moist.

Seeing this, Liu Feng was silent for a while and said, "I'm sorry."

After You Qing heard it, the tears in her eyes couldn't help but flow down.

Seeing this, Liu Feng couldn't help but put his arms around her, and said sadly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept it from you."

Youqingqing struggled to break free, she lowered her head and closed her eyes, tears streaming down, "You have a wife and a daughter, why, why are you still with me."

"Because I like you, I can't help it." Liu Feng said softly.

Youqing was silent for a long time, and asked, "She, do you know?"

The so-called her, Liu Feng naturally knew that he was referring to his wife Xie Yujie, he was silent for a while, "I don't know yet."

Youqing took a deep breath, that is to say, in the words here, she is Liu Feng's secret lover?
Seeing her look like this, Liu Feng felt uncomfortable, and said, "Give me some time, and I will give you a title."

Quiet and speechless, she is pregnant now, and the child needs a father.

However, what will happen to Liu Feng's wife and daughter when they find out?
Will you accept her?
You Qingqing picked up the phone and asked, "What are the names of your wife and your daughter?"

"Xie Yujie is my wife, and Liu Xue is my daughter." Liu Feng said softly, the matter has come to this point, and there is nothing to hide.

You Qingqing first searched for the word Xie Yujie, and immediately found a user. Seeing that there are many, many videos in this user, she is very beautiful and has an outstanding temperament, which made her feel amazed.

Looking at Xie Yujie in the video, she found that some videos were more than 1 million years ago, which surprised her.

"Your wife is over 1 million years old?" You Qing looked at Liu Feng.

"En..." Liu Feng.

"Then you are over 1 million years old?" You Qingqing.

"En..." Liu Feng.

"Didn't you say you're 35 this year?" You Qing looked at Liu Feng.

"..." Liu Feng said with some embarrassment, "I'm too old, I'm afraid you will treat me as a senior."

Youqingqing was silent, she was actually deceived.

She searched for Liu Xue again, and there were many videos of Liu Xue in her account, the earliest ones were all from more than 1 million years ago.

"Your daughter is also over 1 million years old?" You Qingqing frowned.

"En..." Liu Feng.

You Qingqing frowned a little deeper, Liu Feng's daughter could be her ancestor!
"Age is not distance." Seeing You Qingqing's reaction, Liu Feng couldn't help but said, "My mentality is 28."

Quiet and speechless, she was in a bad mood, not because Liu Feng was older than her, but because of Xie Yujie's age, in Xie Yujie's eyes, she was probably just like a child.

And Liu Xue...

How can there be a daughter who is more than 1 million years older than Erniang?It's too nonsense.

What's more...Xie Yujie and Liu Xue would never accept her.

Youqing took a deep breath, bowed her head and said softly, "You go, just pretend that nothing happened to you, then nothing will happen to your wife and your daughter."

"No." Liu Feng said in a deep voice, "I said, I will give you a title. I will do my homework with Yujie and Xiaoxue."

"Okay! Then you take me to see them now!" You Qing looked at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng was suddenly speechless, going to see Xie Yujie now was undoubtedly courting death.

Seeing Liu Feng's reaction, You Qingqing smiled shyly, "You dare not, you are afraid that your wife and daughter will know."

Liu Feng was silent, clenched his fists slightly, he was afraid, if he wasn't afraid, he wouldn't hide it.

He was silent for a long time and said, "When the child is born, I will talk about it, okay?"

Quiet and quiet.

Liu Feng said, "Delete the video on the phone."

"Not deleted." You Qingqing refused.

Liu Feng smiled wryly, "Qingqing, can you stop embarrassing me? I know I'm sorry for anyone, but now I really can't let Yujie know that if she wants to die, it will be her life."

Hearing the words quietly and quietly, biting the red lips lightly, looking for death?This means that Xie Yujie loves Liu Feng very much.

You Qing was silent for a while, pointing her finger at the screen to delete the previous video.

Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at You Qingqing and said, "Give me a year, after the child is born, I will definitely handle it properly."

Quiet and silent, please handle it properly.

"Brother Su, does he know?" You Qingqing said.

"I know." Liu Feng.

You Qingqing asked, "Who else did you tell?"

"I just told you, Big Brother Su, and never mentioned it to anyone else." Liu Feng said.

You Qingqing didn't say anything, but used Douyin to search for things about Liufeng's family.

After searching, she found that anyone with the surname Su seems to be very popular.

Among them, one named Su Tianling has more than one trillion fans.

Looking at the comments, it seems that Su Tianling has a very high status and is praised by others as Daoist.

She used her browser to search for Dao Zun.

This search shocked her.

Dao Zun, Lord of Heaven and Earth, the strongest in Heaven and Earth, and the actual controller of Heaven and Earth.

And this Su Tianling's network is also on it.

Among them, Su Xiaoyao, Big Brother Su turned out to be Su Tianling's father!

"This..." You Qingqing was shocked, "Is your son-in-law the strongest person in the world?"

"En..." Liu Feng.

"..." You Qingqing felt pressured, what is she?
The realm is not high in the lower world, let alone in the upper world?

After searching the realm system of heaven and earth, after some searching, she felt powerless.

She is dozens of realms away from the Transcendent Realm!
Seeing You Qingqing's reaction, Liu Feng couldn't help saying, "It's okay, although he is the ruler of heaven and earth, he is also my son-in-law, so don't be afraid."

Quiet and speechless, just looking at this realm system, she clearly felt that the Su family was a giant super family.

(End of this chapter)

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