The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 853 As long as you agree, you won't leave

Chapter 853 As long as you agree, you won't leave

"What's the difference between leaving and not leaving? You heard it just now, and he agreed directly, without any retention. If that's the case, why should I follow him?" Ling Wan said calmly.


"No but." Ling Wan directly interrupted Xie Yujie's words.

"..." Xie Yujie frowned, always felt that it was too soon, the relationship of so many years ended like this?

"You don't even persuade?" Xie Yujie looked at Su Tianling and frowned. She was very dissatisfied with Su Tianling's attitude.

Su Tianling said helplessly, "I won't worry about the relationship between the elders, just let them go, yes, I'm leaving too."

"You want to leave too?" Xie Yujie frowned and looked at Su Tianling, "Who are you leaving with?"

"Xiao Ke." Su Tianling.

"Xiao Ke is not on good terms with you, why did you leave?" Xie Yujie was puzzled.

"I don't feel anything anymore." Su Tianling said.

"I don't agree!" Xie Yujie said in a deep voice, she looked at Ling Wan, "What about you?"

"I don't want to take care of the younger generation's affairs." Ling Wan shook her head with a calm expression, as if she was already immune to emotional matters.

"..." Xie Yujie frowned, looked at Lingwan, then at Su Tianling, what's going on today?
Just leave?
Lingwan looked at Xie Yujie intentionally or unintentionally and said, "Yujie, you have to be prepared too, you also know that for people like us who have an infinite lifespan, after a long time, you may get tired of it, you are very fond of Liu Feng. Well, but he may not."

"It's impossible for him to do something wrong to me." Xie Yujie shook her head, her tone was very certain.

Ling Wan nodded lightly, without saying anything, those eyes seemed to have seen through life.

"By the way, where is your father-in-law?" Xie Yujie looked at Su Tianling, who had just gone to find Su Xiaoyao, but did not find Liu Feng. Liu Feng left with Su Xiaoyao more than half a year ago.

Su Tianling thought for a while and said, "He's playing cards with someone far away."

Xie Yujie nodded lightly and breathed a sigh of relief, "Take me to find him."

"I'll go and bring him back, it will take a while." Su Tianling said.

"Alright." Xie Yujie didn't think much about it.

Su Tianling's figure disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he came to a cliff, looked at Su Xiaoyao, and said, "Aunt Xie wants to find Uncle Liu, call Uncle Liu back."

Su Xiaoyao sighed and looked at Su Tianling, "Although we have prepared Yujie a little bit for this, I'm afraid it's still not enough."

Su Tianling said speechlessly, "I can't help it... I will be discovered sooner or later."

Su Xiaoyao thought about it, and thought it was the same. He came to the villa with a flash of his figure, and saw Liu Feng and You Qingqing playing games.

"Why are you here?" Liu Feng looked at Su Xiaoyao.

You Qingqing also looked at Su Xiaoyao, and called out, "Brother Su."

Su Xiaoyao nodded to her with a smile and said, "How about borrowing Liu Feng for a few days? I have something to do with him."

You Qingqing thought for a while, then nodded lightly.

Su Xiaoyao smiled, looked at Liu Feng and said, "Go back with me?"

Liu Feng looked at You Qingqing, thought for a while, and he made a clone to stay here.

Said to You Qingqing, "I will go out with Xiaoyao to do something."

"Okay." Youqing nodded lightly.

Su Xiaoyao and Liu Feng left here.

The avatar Liu Feng has the consciousness of Liu Feng, looking at him quietly, "Did you go back to the family?"

Liu Feng nodded lightly, "Yujie is looking for me."

Quiet and quiet.

"Continue playing games." Liu Feng said.


at this time.

Su Xiaoyao and Liu Feng returned to the clan and came to the courtyard.

Xie Yujie glanced at Su Xiaoyao, then she looked at Liu Feng and asked, "Why didn't I see you before?"

"Let's go play." Liu Feng smiled at Xie Yujie.

Xie Yujie snorted and said, "Xiaoyao and Xiaowan are going to divorce, and Tianling and Xiaoke are also going to divorce. I don't know what's wrong with each of them, so hurry up and persuade them."

Liu Feng was speechless, feeling stunned...

what's the situation?
He looked at Su Xiaoyao and whispered in secret, "What's going on?"

"Isn't it for you?" Su Xiaoyao said angrily, and said some things again.

"..." Liu Feng looked at Su Xiaoyao, "You, you actually told Ling Wan, didn't I say, don't tell anyone!"

"Only Xiaowan and Tianling know, Tianling must know, otherwise, if Yujie asks Tianling to find you, what will we do then?" Su Xiaoyao.

Liu Feng thought about it, and it seemed that it was the same.

He looked at Lingwan, coughed awkwardly, "Xiaowan, you and Xiaoyao have lived a long life, and you are getting divorced, isn't it too childish?"

"That's right." Xie Yujie followed up, "This is too much fun!"

"Heh." Ling Wan said coldly, "It didn't happen to you, you would naturally persuade me like this, if it happened to you, I don't believe you won't get divorced!"

"I won't!" Xie Yujie looked at Lingwan.

"I don't believe it!" Ling Wan said.

"I swear! I swear to God!" Xie Yujie raised her hand and said.

"I swear to Tianling, how dare he hack you?" Ling Wan asked.

"..." Xie Yujie looked at Ling Wan and said softly, "Xiao Wan...I really won't leave."

"Reason." Ling Wan.

Xie Yujie thought for a while and said, "Why should I leave? If I leave, wouldn't that fulfill that vixen? If it were me, not only would I not leave, but I would also beat everyone up."

Lingwan looked at Xie Yujie, "It's boring."

"Xiaoyao, why are you standing there stupidly?" Xie Yujie looked at Su Xiaoyao at this moment, and said angrily, "You and Xiaowan have been married for so many years, even if you have no relationship with Xiaowan, what about the responsibility? ?Your responsibility, your responsibilities have been fed to the dog? Do you know if you get divorced, how much impact will it have on the descendants of the Su family? Don't you all think that divorce is normal?"

"Divorce is indeed normal." Su Xiaoyao brought out a piece of data, "According to statistics, the divorce rate has been rising in a straight line for nearly ten thousand years."

"Damn!" Xie Yujie said, "Damn it, the sense of happiness is quite high now, how can there be so many divorce rates?"

Su Xiaoyao shrugged and said, "It's okay to stay, as long as Xiaowan agrees to let me be with that woman."

"You!" Xie Yujie looked at Su Xiaoyao, "Don't you think you are going too far?"

Su Xiaoyao said helplessly, "I can't help it, it's all because I haven't died after living for so many years."

"Xiaoyao, this is your fault." On the side, Liu Feng said, "If I had a woman, I would not divorce Yujie either."

Xie Yujie glared at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng sneered, "I'm just making an analogy."

Liu Feng continued, "In short, I will be like Tianling, I want both, I think you should think twice."

"Xiao Wan." Su Xiaoyao looked at Ling Wan and said, "As long as you agree, you won't leave."

(End of this chapter)

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