The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 855 Kneel down.

Chapter 855 Kneel down.

Liu Feng shook his head, lowered his head and said guiltily, "No, I didn't feel tired, I still like you very much, and I love you very much, but, life was too ordinary, and I happened to go out to play at that time, and met a little girl."

"How big!" Xie Yujie.

"At that time, she looked like she was eleven or twelve years old." Liu Feng said.

When Xie Yujie heard the words, she trembled with anger, and said angrily, "Eleven or twelve-year-old girl, you can do anything! Are you still human!"

"No, no." Liu Feng hurriedly explained, "I was eleven or twelve years old when I met her, and she was alone at that time, so I felt compassion for her and arranged her in a college. Later, whenever I was bored, I will go over to see her when she grows up, and she feels a little different when she grows up, so..."

Liu Feng didn't continue talking, he lowered his head.

Xie Yujie took a deep breath and looked at Liu Feng coldly. At this moment, she suddenly didn't know what to do!
No matter how much you do, you will appear to be too incompetent!

At this moment, Liu Xue stepped forward and leaned against Xie Yujie. She looked at Liu Feng and was also very angry. She said, "You admit your mistake now, what do you want? Do you want your mother to accept that woman?"

Liu Feng was silent.

He thought so, but now, it's not good to just say it directly.

Ling Wan looked at Liu Feng, raised her brows, and said angrily, "I didn't expect you to be as virtuous as Su Xiaoyao! Let me see! Let's leave!"

Liu Feng's head is full of black lines, you and Su Xiaoyao are obviously pretending, and you still say that now, didn't you deliberately let Yu Jie divorce him!

Su Xiaoyao looked at Liu Feng, sighed and said, "Xiaofeng, I advise you, you can't afford to kneel..."

Liu Feng bowed his head to Xie Yujie, and said guiltily, "I know I'm sorry for you, but a temporary mistake led to such a result."

Xie Yujie's face was cold, what could she do?
Accept it?How could it be accepted?


People of such an old age, with a large group of children and juniors, are ridiculed by others, and they are all shameless.

It's gone now!
Su Tianling said at this time, "Otherwise, how about I erase all the memories of the old man about that woman, and also erase the memory of that woman?"

"What about the child? The child has already been born." Liu Xue said.

"The child...just arrange it." Su Tianling looked at Xie Yujie and Liu Feng and said, "What do you think?"

"Not right!" Liu Feng looked up at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling ignored Liu Feng and said to Xie Yujie, "Aunt Xie, what do you think?"

Xie Yujie took a look at Su Tianling, "Don't sing bad faces there, pretend I can't see that you are all acting?"

Su Tianling shook his head lightly and said, "What I said is true. Although I hope you can all be well, if you can't handle it well in the end, I will erase part of your memories and make everything calm."

Xie Yujie looked at Su Tianling, she didn't think Su Tianling was joking.

It is possible to do that!
Xie Yujie thought for a moment and said, "No way!"

"Then..." Su Tianling.

Xie Yujie looked at Liu Feng with a cold face, "Take me to meet her!"

Liu Feng bowed his head, seeing You Qingqing?
After meeting, what will happen?
"I don't want to say it a second time!" Xie Yujie said coldly.

"Okay." Liu Feng nodded lightly.

"Lead the way!" Xie Yujie.

Liu Feng stood up at this time, he looked at Su Tianling and the others, "You guys don't want to go?"

"Go!" Xie Yujie.

Liu Feng was speechless, should we all go?

Over the suburbs of Jianghai.

Everyone hid in the air, looking down at a villa below.

in the villa.

There is a young woman, although her actual age is 28, she looks about 23 years old.

At this time, she was sitting by the computer game alone, playing the game, and she seemed to be playing very vigorously.

But only she knew that Liu Feng's family members had come, including Xie Yujie and his daughter, all of these were told by Liu Feng's avatar.

Although he was playing games, he was very nervous inside, but he was just pretending to be calm.

Over the sky.

Su Tianling looked at the quietness, but he didn't feel much.

And Liu Xue felt great, this You Qingqing was so young, if her mother really accepted it, wouldn't she want to call him a little mother?
Just thinking about it is hard to accept, and it is impossible to say it.

Liu Feng looked at that figure, sighed softly, he looked at Xie Yujie, and said in a low voice, "It's her."

Xie Yujie gave Liu Feng a cold look and said, "You all stay here."

After Xie Yujie finished speaking, her figure disappeared out of thin air, and appeared next to you in the villa.

You Qingqing immediately noticed that there was a person beside her, and she faintly saw a figure in white clothes out of the corner of her eyes.

Especially the fragrance that exudes from the whole body, and the fragrance from the hair, which is enough to prove that the person who came is a woman.

Xie Yujie, Liu Feng's wife.

It was a thought that flashed through her mind.

She stopped playing the game, and the character in the game was quickly killed. She rested her left hand on the keyboard and her right hand on the mouse.

His eyes were on the bottom of the computer screen, and he remained silent.

"You knew I was coming?"

At this time, Xie Yujie spoke.

"I know." You Qingqing said softly.

"I know why I came." Xie Yujie.

"I don't know." You Qingqing.

"I'll let you take the child, how about it." Xie Yujie.

"Yes." You Qingqing did not hesitate.

Xie Yujie looked at her deeply, "You agreed so happily?"

"Rather than being in dire straits all day, it's better to leave." You Qingqing.

Xie Yujie was silent, this You Qingqing didn't seem to be a strong person either.

"I want to search your memory, okay?" Xie Yujie.

Youqing nodded lightly.

Xie Yujie probed her head, and quickly searched all the memories of You Qingqing's life.


Xie Yujie fell silent, saying that her quiet life experience was pitiful.

If at this time she left alone with the child.

What to do from now on?
However, if you accept it like this, the anger in your heart will still be difficult to release!
Xie Yujie looked coldly at Liu Feng in the sky, "Come here!"

Liu Feng's figure appeared immediately.

"Kneel down!" Xie Yujie.

Liu Feng obeyed obediently, now...

Let Xie Yujie calm down first.

He knelt down.

"I didn't let you get up, and you are not allowed to get up in this life!"

Xie Yujie said coldly.

"Okay." Liu Feng.

What he was most worried about right now was what Xie Yujie would do. As for making him kneel down, it was just a trivial matter.

You Qingqing didn't look at Liu Feng, she didn't even have the courage to face Xie Yujie directly, the gap between the two was huge.

So big, she felt like an insignificant ant.

Not even ants.

Xie Yujie gave Liu Feng a cold look, then looked at You Qingqing, "Follow me back."

Youqing nodded lightly, didn't ask what to say, just obeyed obediently, she couldn't do anything else.

The figures of Xie Yujie and You Qingqing disappeared out of thin air, leaving only Liu Feng kneeling here.

Su Tianling and the others also left.

(End of this chapter)

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