The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 869 Willing or unwilling?

Chapter 869 Willing or unwilling?

Xiao Xun'er's eyes gradually brightened. She felt that it was necessary to get acquainted with Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo. It would be better if she could get to the bottom of the two of them.

"Brother Xiao Yan, do you know the origins of your two little masters?" Xiao Xun'er asked.

Xiao Yan shook his head lightly, "I only know it's from the Su family."

"Su family?" Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly. According to her understanding, there is no Su family in the ancient clan...

Even if it is a lower level of power, it seems that there is no Su family.

If it wasn't for the ancient forces like the ancient clan, and it wasn't an ordinary holy-level force, nor was it an honor-level force...

How could it be possible for her elder brother Xiao Yan to directly reach the realm of Douwang in a short time?
You must know that even her family has not been able to directly climb so many realms in just a few days, and there is no side effect!
Even make the foundation more stable!
"Brother Xiao Yan, I'm tired and want to rest for a while." Xiao Xun'er said.

"Tired?" Xiao Yan looked at her, a strange color flashed in his eyes, he had just finished drinking the fairy water and broke through several realms in a row, he should be in excellent condition, it should be just an excuse.

"Okay, then you have a good rest." Xiao Yan said,
"Yeah," Xiao Xun'er nodded slightly.

in the evening.

Xiao Yan, Yao Lao, Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo were having dinner.

There was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

Yao Lao frowned, and looked at Su Qianluo, "Should I avoid it?"

"No need." Su Qianluo said lightly, "You are my disciple now, so you don't need to hide. Even if it is the eight ancient clans in this continent and the power of the Soul Palace, you will not be afraid at all."

Yao Chen nodded lightly, but his heart was full of turmoil. The Eight Ancient Clans and the Soul Palace are all superpowers in this continent.

But in Su Qianluo's mouth, it seemed to be insignificant, which made him wonder if his master was a Doudi-level power.

"Brother Xiao Yan, can I come in?"

"come in."

Xiao Xun'er pushed open the door and saw the four people who were eating. When she saw Yaochen, surprise flashed in her eyes. She had never seen this person before.

"I've seen Master Master and Junior Master, old gentleman." Xiao Xun'er said softly.

"Come and sit." Su Qianluo beckoned.

Xiao Xun'er closed the courtyard door and sat down.

"Didn't bother you?" Xiao Xun'er asked.

"No." Su Qianluo glanced at Xiao Xun'er, gnawed on the chicken leg, and said lightly, "The strange fire in your body is very good."

Xiao Xun'er was originally very calm, but when she heard Su Qianluo's words, her pupils froze and looked at Su Qianluo.

Yao Chen looked at Xiao Xun'er in surprise, and when he looked closely, he was startled, he felt the breath of strange fire.

"This... Could this be the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, the fourth-ranked Heavenly Fire that is rumored to be able to burn the sky and destroy the earth?" Yao Chen asked.

Xiao Xun'er's nerves were tense, she looked at Yaochen, then at Su Qianluo, with vigilance deep in her eyes.

"Don't be nervous." Su Qianluo gnawed on the chicken leg, and said, "Although the strange fire in your body is good, but for me, it's just like that. Don't be afraid that I will snatch it away."

Xiao Xun'er's nerves were still tense.

"Don't be afraid." Xiao Yan held her hand at this moment,
Xiao Xun'er calmed down a little, looked at Su Qianluo, pondered for a while and said, "I don't know how master master knows the strange fire in my body."

"You can tell at a glance." Su Qianluo finished eating the chicken leg at this moment, looked at Xiao Xun'er with an inscrutable look, "Your surname is not Xiao, but Gu."

Xiao Xun'er couldn't calm down anymore, she stood up directly, staring at Su Qianluo.

When Yao Chen learned that it was Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan, he had various guesses in his heart, but now that Su Qianluo said that Xiao Xun'er's surname was not Xiao, but Gu, he had already confirmed it in his heart.


Why did people from the ancient clan appear here, and they changed their surname to Xiao!
"Calm down." Su Qianluo smiled slightly, looking at Xiao Xun'er, "It's useless if you don't stay calm, let alone you, even if the person who secretly protects you wants to do whatever he wants, even if it's you and your father The patriarch of the ancient clan came here in person, facing me, I can easily suppress it with a single look."

Xiao Xun'er was tense, staring at Su Qianluo with a heavy heart.

She came here because she wanted to find out the details of Su Qianluo and the two of them, but she didn't know the other party's details, and her own details were discovered first!

The other party actually said that even if her father came, nothing could be done!
This tone is really too big to change.

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Xun'er and said in surprise, "Xun'er, isn't your surname Xiao? Why is your surname Gu?"

Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan, "I'll explain to you later."

"Hehe, Xiao Xun'er naturally has other purposes in the Xiao family, because Tuo gave up the ancient emperor jade." Su Qianluo said lightly.

"Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade." Xiao Yan was puzzled.

Yao Chen was surprised.

Tuoshe ancient emperor jade.

That is a strange fire!

Di Yan ranked first!
The Xiao family...has the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade?

Is it...

Yao Chen suddenly thought of a possibility, and was startled, the Xiao family... surnamed Xiao...

Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Qianluo with serious eyes. This person seemed to know all the secrets.

"Who are you!" Xiao Xun'er asked.

"I, hehe." Su Qianluo folded her arms, looked at Xiao Xun'er and said lightly, "A person that no one can afford."

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly. Su Qianluo's appearance made her realize that behind these two people must be extremely terrifying!
Scary enough to seem omniscient!

"Don't be nervous." Su Qianluo said lightly, "If I want to harm you, I won't delay doing it. I'm just talking casually. I don't have the slightest interest in your strange fire or your family. , but I am interested in you."

"Interested in me?" Xiao Xun'er looked at her suspiciously.

"En." Su Qianluo nodded, "My eldest disciple Xiao Yan has divorced Nalan Yanran now, so he must have a new wife, so I want to find a wife for Xiao Yan. If you don't want to, I will give Xiao Yan a new wife." Yan is looking for another wife, so, are you willing or not?"

Xiao Xun'er met her gaze, Su Qianluo suddenly changed the subject and asked her if she would like to marry Xiao Yan, which made her confused for a moment, feeling out of place and unable to follow her train of thought.

"Master." Xiao Yan looked at Su Qianluo in embarrassment, but he didn't expect Master to say this suddenly.

Su Qianluo ignored Xiao Yan, but looked at Xiao Xun'er, and asked, "Will you or don't, you only have this chance, if you don't, I will find another wife for Xiao Yan gone."

"I...I..." Xiao Xun'er blushed, suddenly felt shy from being nervous.

Out of the corner of her eye, she took a sneak peek at Xiao Yan, and found that Xiao Yan was also embarrassed, but she didn't say anything.

"Three, two..." Su Qianluo.

"I am willing!" Xiao Xun'er suddenly said, her pretty face turned red when she said it.

(End of this chapter)

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