The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 882 Still Not Showing Up?

Chapter 882 Still Not Showing Up?

"Ruoruo, where are you going to play later?"

Su Qianluo asked.

Su Ruoruo thought for a while, glanced at Xiao Yan and the others, and then said, "Otherwise, let's raise the realm of these disciples to the peak Douzong? Then go to the Yunlanzong to bully Yun Yun, how about it?" Sample?"

Su Qianluo asked suspiciously, "Why bully Yun Yun when you bully her?"

"Stupid! Yun Yun is destined to be with you and me. As the head of the sect, she should not have been bullied before. Let her experience the feeling of being bullied." Su Ruoruo laughed.

"Okay." Su Qianluo nodded.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Medusa felt a wave of turmoil in her heart, raising the realm of Xiao Yan and the others to the pinnacle of Dou Zong?

Practicing here, I feel that breaking through is easier than eating.

Also, bullying Yun Yun...

After all, Yun Yun is also the master of a sect, so she just bullied her like this?

At this time, Su Ruoruo pointed at Xiao Yan and Yafei.

A mysterious super power caused the realm of Xiao Yan and the two to rise rapidly.

Dou Huang, One Star...Three Stars, Nine Stars...

Dou Zong... Nine Star Dou Zong, Peak Dou Zong...

The realm of Xiao Yan and Ya Fei stayed here, and the aura stabilized.

Although the two of them have long been accustomed to this feeling of soaring to the realm, this time the ascension to the realm still caused turbulent waves in their hearts.

" don't even need to drink fairy water, you just let us break through?" Xiao Yan and the others looked at Su Ruoruo in shock.

Yao Chen, who had the most knowledge, was also there in a daze.

Let people break through with just a finger?
Is this God? ? ?

There was a storm in Medusa's heart, this, this... this is simply the way of heaven, God!

Except for God, who can have such a heaven-defying ability?

"That is, everyone in the family of teachers has such ability." Su Ruoruo said quite proudly.

Looking at the heavens and the world, who can be the only one?
And only the Su family.

Medusa and the others were shocked when they heard that, all members of the Su family have such ability?
Medusa couldn't help asking, "What is the most you can improve?"

"Like this world, being a teacher can directly raise you to the peak." Su Ruoruo said.

Medusa and the others were shocked.

"In the same way, being a teacher can make anyone in this world, from the highest level, instantly become an ordinary person who has never practiced." Su Ruoruo.

"This...isn't this God?" Yao Chen was shocked.

"My God?" Su Ruoruo smiled dumbly, "My God, you have seen it before."

"Meet it? When?" Yao Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking carefully.

"Could it be this day?" Yao Chen looked up at the sky.

Su Ruoruo shook her head and smiled, without explaining, but said, "Okay, since your realm is already at the peak of Dou Zong, now you can follow me as teachers and go to... Yun, Lan, Zong!"


The figures of several people disappeared out of thin air.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared above the Misty Cloud Sect.

Su Ruoruo and Su Qianluo floated in the sky, sat on the chairs, and glanced at the protective formation of the Misty Cloud Sect.


One word is very simple, but it possesses incomparable power, and the grand formation of protecting the sect of Yunlanzong collapsed in an instant.

There was a burst of breath of collapse, an incomparable shock.

Everyone in the Yunlan Sect was terrified.

Yun Yun appeared in the sky immediately, with her hands behind her back, frowning, staring at Su Ruoruo and the others.

When seeing Medusa and Xiao Yan and the others.

His complexion is not very good-looking.

My heart is cold, but also very puzzled.

Why is Medusa here!

"Everyone, do you want to start a war with the Misty Cloud Sect?"

Yun Yun's voice was cold.

With a wave of Su Ruoruo's hand, a breath of death enveloped the entire Misty Yunzong. Everyone in the Misty Yunzong felt the breath of death.

It seems that they can be easily crushed with just one thought.

Yun Yun's pupils contracted, staring at Su Ruoruo, wondering in her heart, who is this!
Su Ruoruo smiled and said, "Yun Yun, how about I make a bet with you? If you lose to my apprentice, you will worship me as your teacher. If you win, I will not only not embarrass you, but also give you nine Dou Zong level treasure."

Su Ruoruo took out his hand, and nine sect-level profound treasures appeared in the air.

Both offensive and defensive, speed, phantom, healing, everything is complete, and the aura it exudes is indeed beyond the emperor level.

Everyone in the Misty Cloud Sect showed shock in their eyes, so many Zong-level treasures?
Yun Yun frowned slightly. If she lost, would she worship Su Ruoruo as her teacher?
Want to accept her as a disciple?

Yun Yun said bluntly, "I already have a master!"

"It's very simple, as long as your master cuts ties with you." Su Ruoruo said with a smile.

"My master has been missing for many years." Yun Yun.

"Hey, it's all trivial." Su Ruoruo said with a smile, "You can pick any one of my disciples, as long as you win, these nine treasures will be yours."

Yun Yun looked at Medusa and the others, thinking she wanted Medusa to challenge her.

I was also very puzzled in my heart, how could Medusa become this person's master.

And half a month ago, Medusa and Xiao Yan obviously didn't know each other!
Could it be that Queen Medusa was accepted as a disciple recently?

Yun Yun thought for a while, but now she can't refuse, she might as well agree.

She looked at Xiao Yan with cold eyes, "Challenge you!"

Half a month ago, her innocence was gone because of Xiao Yan!

During the past half month, she couldn't sleep at all, and she was always thinking about how to kill Xiao Yan in her mind.

Xiao Yan was helpless.

From Yun Yun's eyes, one could tell that Yun Yun really wanted to kill him.

"Teacher, let's strike from the thunder." Su Ruoruo said with a smile.

Xiao Yan nodded, looked at Yun Yun, and completely exposed his aura, which was obviously Dou Zong's cultivation level.

Just the coercion made Yun Yun extremely uncomfortable.


Yun Yun's pupils contracted, and she looked at Xiao Yan in shock. Half a month ago, Xiao Yan was clearly only a peak Dou Wang, so why is he now Dou Zong?
"You." Yun Yun.

Xiao Yan looked at her calmly, "You are not my opponent, so you lost."

As soon as the words fell, an extremely terrifying power descended on Yun Yun's body in an instant, even if Yun Yun broke out with all her strength, she couldn't resist it.

That day she drank the immortal water given by Xiao Yan, and her realm climbed rapidly, breaking through from the three-star Douhuang to the peak Douhuang!

It shocked her heart.

but now…


Yun Yun's figure fell from the sky.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan waved his sleeves, and a force held Yun Yun back, preventing her from falling from the sky.

"You lost." Xiao Yan said calmly.

There was a storm in Yun Yun's heart, she lost just like that?

I was caught off guard at all!

Could it be that she wants to apprentice?
Yun Yun's face was not very good-looking, she looked at Su Ruoruo, "I already have a master."

"It's okay, I'll let your master break the master-student relationship with you." Su Ruoruo looked into the depths of the Yunlan sect at this time, and said lightly, "You haven't shown up yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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