Chapter 887 Three Moves

Yafei guessed.

The master and the master called him the ancestor, there is a certain possibility that it is the ancestor of the Su family!
"Master said that it will take more than ten years to come back..."

Xiao Yan felt his state, "Now we are all peak fighters, what should we do next?"

Yafei shook her head, she didn't know either.

Before meeting Master, she just wanted to run the auction house business well.

But now, with such a high realm, life seems to have nothing to pursue.

Just when Xiao Yan was thinking about what to do.

Medusa looked at Xiao Yan coldly, and a cold breath erupted from her body.

Xiao Yan's expression froze, and he looked at Medusa, "Junior Sister, Master just said, no internal strife is allowed!!!"

Xiao Yan reminded that he knew that Medusa had always wanted to kill him!
"Junior Sister." Ya Fei frowned slightly, looking at Medusa, "What happened that day was not the fault of Senior Brother, besides, Master does not allow us to have internal strife."

Medusa ignored Ya Fei, her figure flew into the void, and then looked down, "You accept my three tricks, if you don't die, I won't pursue it anymore!"

Xiao Yan looked up at her, three moves.

"Okay." Xiao Yan's figure also appeared in the sky at this time.

"Junior Sister!" Ya Fei's complexion changed slightly, and her figure also flew into the void, she said to Medusa in a deep voice, "Three tricks may kill the senior brother!"

"Get out of the way!" Medusa said.

"Junior Sister, get out of the way, this is a matter between me and her." Xiao Yan said to Ya Fei.

Ya Fei looked at Medusa, and reminded in a deep voice, "I hope you don't do anything, or you will suffer when Master comes back!"

Medusa didn't say anything, but raised her hand, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole sky became dark. In the darkness, there was a mysterious big hand, which passed through the space directly, and landed directly on Xiao Yan's body at lightning speed. body.

Xiao Yan was sent flying backwards, and at the same time, a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

"Second move!" Medusa strikes again!

"The third trick!" Medusa!

With three moves in a row, Xiao Yan was severely injured and passed out directly.

"Senior brother." Yafei's complexion changed slightly, her figure flickered, and she caught Xiao Yan.

Medusa didn't say anything, she knew that what happened that day was not intentional by Xiao Yan, but she was still unhappy in her heart!

Today's account will be settled!
Medusa looked down at Yun Yun at this moment, "Aren't you going to beat him up?"

"Let's talk about it later." Yun Yun said calmly.

Medusa took a deep look at her, "Master is not here now, I'll go back to the snake-human clan first, you can do whatever you want."

With that said, Medusa left here.

Yun Yun is speechless, she has drawn a clear line with Yunshan, she will definitely not go to Yunlanzong.

If you don't go to Yunlanzong, where will you go?

At this time, Ya Fei brought Xiao Yan down.

She looked at Yun Yun, "What's your plan next?"

Yun Yun shook her head lightly.

Ya Fei said, "I don't plan, the three of us will go together. When senior brother wakes up, we will go to further places. After living for so many years, there are many places in this continent that we haven't been to yet."

Yun Yun nodded lightly. The sky is so big, and there are many places she hasn't been to.


Half a month passed.

Xiao Yan also woke up early, took care of some things, and then went to a distant place.

Go around and see and see!
Coincidentally, during the whole month, I met Yaochen.

At this time, Yao Chen was with a beautiful and charming woman, and they looked very close.

"Junior brother, this is..." Xiao Yan looked at the woman beside Yaochen and asked involuntarily.

"Uh, is this my wife?" Yao Chen smiled.

Hua Yu looked at Xiao Yan and the three of them, "My name is Hua Yu, and I am the head of the Hua Sect. I have heard Brother Chen mention your brothers and sisters a long time ago."

"So it's my junior brother's wife." Xiao Yan was a little surprised, he hadn't heard of Yao Chen having a wife before.

"By the way, Senior Brother, why did you come here? Where is Master?" Yao Chen asked.

"Master was taken away by their ancestors, and they said that they would not come back until more than ten years later." Xiao Yan said.

"More than ten years..." Yaochen's heart turned cold. Before, his master had promised him that he would resurrect the person he wanted to be resurrected in three years.

Now, we have to wait another ten years.

"That's right, Master is gone, we have nothing to do, so we came here to take a look at the scenery of this continent." Xiao Yan said with a smile.

Yao Chen nodded lightly, looked at Xiao Yan and the others, a little surprised, "Are you all peak fighters?"

"Well, it's thanks to Master. Master was afraid that there might be accidents if they weren't with us, so he let us improve our realm and barely protect ourselves in this world." Xiao Yan said.

Huayu who was at the side had a stormy sea in her heart.

Only the peak fighting saints can protect themselves?
Then she, Dou Zun, wouldn't be able to survive.

"Play with me for a few days first, and then go to other places after a while." Yao Chen said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiao Yan nodded lightly, originally wanted to find Xun'er, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Such a thing happened to him, and he still doesn't know how to face Xun'er.


Xiao Yan will stay at Huazong first.

Hua Yu accompanied Yao Chen, very curious in her heart, "Brother Chen, your brothers and sisters are so high-level, so your masters are all Dou Di?"

Dou Di, like a legend.

It hasn't been like this for many years.

But if he can teach several peak fighting saints, what is it if he is not a fighting emperor?
Yao Chen laughed, "Master is not Dou Di, but he is stronger than Dou Di."

Huayu was taken aback, she was stronger than Emperor Dou, which directly exceeded her cognition.

It’s incredible!
Yao Chen smiled and said, "If there is a chance, I will take you to meet my master."

Hua Yu nodded, thinking about meeting her very much.

"Brother Chen, what are you going to do next?" Hua Yu asked.

Yao Chen thought for a while and said, "I want to find her."

"Xuanyi?" Huayu asked.

"En." Yao Chen nodded lightly.

Huayu didn't say anything, she knew Xuanyi liked Yaochen, and Yaochen was not with Xuanyi because of some reasons.

Now, Brother Chen is probably thinking about it.

Seeing her silence, Yao Chen couldn't help hugging her in his arms, "Xiaoyu, I'm now a peak fighter, and I'm also very strong in alchemy, I just want to settle some debts."

"Brother Chen, I understand, I don't mind, it's enough to be with you in this life." Hua Yu said.

Yao Chen nodded lightly, looking into the distance.

"Go in a few days," Yao Chen said, "I'll accompany you in a few days."

"En," Hua Yu nodded lightly.


Inside the sect.

Xiao Yan, Ya Fei, and Yun Yun were wandering around the sect, chatting.

"Brother, do you have something on your mind?" Ya Fei asked.

"It's okay, what's the matter?" Xiao Yan looked at her.

"Just because you seem to have something on your mind, is it because of Xun'er?" Ya Fei asked.

Yun Yun raised her brows slightly when she heard Xun'er, Gu Xun'er is the younger sister of Xiao Yan's childhood sweetheart.

(End of this chapter)

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