The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 91 I drank it all

Chapter 91 I drank it all
after a little while.

Liu Xue brought some food, and as soon as she sat down, she said to Su Xiaoke, "Don't mention those things again, or... I'll beat you up."

"All right, all right, don't mention it."

Su Xiaoke looked at the five glasses of wine in front of her and said to Liu Xue, "Sister Xue, we haven't seen each other for more than a year. There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. I poured you five glasses of wine. You drink four first." Cups, these four cups bear witness to the four seasons of our journey from Westland to here.”

"What about you? You don't want to drink?" Liu Xue glanced at the five glasses of wine in front of her, and then at Su Xiaoke, there was not even a glass of wine.

"I'll drink a whole jar." Su Xiaoke picked up the jar of wine in front of him, put the lid off the jar, and directly poured it into his mouth with his head raised.

Liu Xue said speechlessly, "Girls should pay attention to their image and drink in small sips. It's not good to be seen by men."

Su Xiaoke had already drank several sips, and after listening to Liu Xue's words, she couldn't help saying, "Just be the most authentic self, if it's a fake image, it will be exposed sooner or later, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and drink."

"You can talk about me now." Liu Xue blinked her eyes, the former Su Xiaoke was very obedient and obedient, but now she has become the young master of Zhijianzong, it seems to have changed.

Liu Xue didn't say anything else, and quickly drank the four glasses of wine in front of her. She looked at the last glass of wine and asked, "What does this last glass of wine mean?"

Seeing that Liu Xue had finished drinking the wine that had been infused with the Charming Pill, Su Xiao couldn't help showing a hint of a smile and said, "The last glass of wine is to celebrate your transformation from a girl to a woman."

"What do you mean?" Liu Xue raised her eyebrows and said, changing from a woman to a woman has two meanings.

One is that after marriage, a woman becomes a woman.

The second is to break the body, from a shy woman to a mature woman.

Are you saying that she married Su Tianling?Then celebrate?
"It's nothing, drink quickly." Su Xiaoke urged.

Liu Xue didn't think much, and drank the last glass of wine.

Su Xiaoke also drank all the wine in the wine jar, she grabbed Liu Xue's wrist, the wrist is the gate of life, if she is caught off guard, she can temporarily seal the opponent's cultivation base from this position.

"What are you doing?" Liu Xue asked suspiciously.

"Relax." Su Xiaoke said, Liu Xue didn't think much, she was just curious, but in the next moment, Liu Xue's eyes froze, and a strong force penetrated into her body from the meridian of her wrist, Seal all her meridians and make her temporarily lose the power of her cultivation.

"Xiao Ke, what are you doing?" Liu Xue stared at Su Xiaoke, Su Xiaoke sealed her cultivation, she did not believe that Su Xiaoke would harm her.

"Don't be nervous, you rest here for a while, I'll go find my brother."

Su Xiaoke laughed, then turned and walked out of the yard.

"Huh? Where's brother?" Su Xiaoke raised her eyebrows in doubt.

She was about to go down the mountain to find Su Tianling, when Su Tianling came over.

"Brother, come with me quickly, sister Xue has an accident."

Su Xiaoke saw Su Tianling running over in a hurry, grabbed his arm and pulled him into the yard.

"What's the matter?" Su Tianling raised his eyebrows, and immediately looked through the yard, seeing Liu Xue's face turned red, and she was trembling all over, making him frown.

Su Tianling immediately walked into the yard.

Then, Su Xiaoke used all her strength to seal the yard, and said to Su Tianling, "Brother, you always said that Sister Xue wouldn't let you touch it, but she was actually reserved, and now you can touch it."

Hearing this, Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue's state at the moment, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Liu Xue was feeling extremely uncomfortable at the moment, her whole body was itchy, and her heart was full of longing. When she saw Su Tianling, her eyes became extremely hot, as if she wanted to eat people.

Naturally, she heard Su Xiaoke's words, and she was angry and ashamed. What was angry was that Su Xiaoke drugged her, and what was ashamed was that her appearance at the moment was really ruining her image.

She resisted the force of the medicine with absolute will, so as not to make a fool of herself, but the force of the medicine seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and she was about to be unable to resist.

If there was another man in front of her, she would definitely be able to resist the medicine.

But the man in front of her is the one she likes and also her husband. Thinking of this, she no longer resists in her heart. The defense of the atrium slowly disintegrates, and soon spider web-like cracks appear in the defense of the atrium.


Until the spider web-like cracks collapsed.

The power of the medicine directly made Liu Xue dizzy and lost her mind.

"Tianling...I...give me..."

Liu Xue shivered, moved her steps, and looked at Su Tianling with burning eyes.

With a wave of his hand, Su Tianling led Liu Xue into the room.

Seeing her current appearance, Su Tianling couldn't help but want to tease her, seeing Liu Xue's ugliness was quite enjoyable.

"No." Su Tianling looked at her, and casually formed a barrier to prevent Liu Xue from approaching him.

"Give it to me... please..." Liu Xue felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to cry. This kind of torture was too painful.

"Call my husband, I can think about it."

Su Tianling lay back on the chair, crossing his legs.

"You..." Liu Xue was so ashamed and angry, did she deliberately bully her?

She endures!

The medicine is getting stronger and stronger.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Liu Xue started to cry, she was too bullying, she was already like this, and she still hadn't been fulfilled.

Seeing her crying, Su Tianling couldn't help shaking his head lightly. It wasn't all that bad, so he started crying.

With a wave of his sleeve, the medicinal power in Liu Xue's body was instantly expelled, and Liu Xue also regained her sobriety.

After Liu Xue regained consciousness, she felt so ashamed and angry that she just begged Su Tianling to have her!
This is not the most important thing, the important thing is, why did Su Tianling not want her?

She stared blankly at Su Tianling, full of doubts in her heart, logically speaking, she was in this situation, shouldn't Su Tianling rush over excitedly?

"Why...don't touch me..."

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and asked the question in her heart.

"Not in the mood." Su Tianling.

"Not in the mood?" Liu Xue was even more puzzled. She sized up Su Tianling. Although she had teased her a few times before, and even kissed her forcefully, she didn't take that last step.

Why?Is there a problem with the body?
It shouldn't be, he is already King Wu, so how could his body have such problems?

Isn't she attractive enough?

Sometimes after taking a shower, I look at my beautiful body in the mirror, and sometimes I am fascinated by myself, how can I not be attractive?

Su Tianling didn't follow the trend to ask her. He knew that Xie Yujie had been hiding in the dark. Although he could directly block Xie Yujie's holy thoughts, Xie Yujie would become suspicious if he did so.

He didn't plan to expose it yet, at least he had to wait until his sister's martial spirit awakened.

"I have something important to tell you about Xiao Ke." Su Tianling frowned, looked solemn, looked at Liu Xue, and said, "Xiao Ke, like you, has the sleeping Crown Martial Soul in his body, your Martial Soul The soul has awakened, but Xiao Ke's martial soul has not yet awakened. To revive her martial soul, she needs to stimulate her spirit strongly, just like I stimulated you back then."

Liu Xue's eyes froze when she heard the words, Su Xiaoke actually had the Crown Martial Spirit in her body, which meant that a certain ancestor of the Su family also had the Crown Martial Spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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