The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 97 9th Class Region, Martial Arts Competition

Chapter 97 Ninth Class Region, Martial Arts Competition

With Xiao Ruyue teaming up with him, even if Li Zong and Zhi Jian Zong teamed up, he wouldn't be afraid anymore.

At this moment, nothing is more serious than Lei Zhan, the patriarch of the Lei Clan.

The Li Sect and the Zhijian Sect joined forces, and the Great Zhou Dynasty joined forces with the Xiao Clan.

If the resources in the ninth-class regions are extremely scarce, then the Thunder Clan will be the first to be wiped out...

This raised his sense of crisis to the peak in an instant.

Emperor Zhou got up at this moment, and he looked at the Martial Arts Field below the steps. There are a hundred thousand people in the Martial Arts Field. These people come from various forces, big and small, and they all came to watch today.

He glanced at the void in the distance. It stands to reason that the messenger from the eighth-level region should have arrived. Could it be that he is hiding in the dark and is observing?

Emperor Zhou didn't think about it any more. He looked at the 10 people in the Martial Arts Field in front of him, and said slowly, "The five major powers in the ninth-class region were all established a thousand years ago. Now that a thousand years have passed, the younger generation has already reached the ninth generation." , now that the strongest generation of the five major powers in the ninth-class region has been established, this martial arts competition was initiated by the Great Zhou Dynasty, and as a reward, the final No.1, the emperor bestowed him with an imperial weapon!"

There were 10 people present, and everyone's complexion changed drastically, with shock in their eyes.

The imperial weapon, that is the weapon used by the Martial Emperor!

Such a precious weapon was actually used by Emperor Zhou to reward No.1.

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan raised their brows slightly, and glanced at Emperor Zhou. Emperor Zhou was able to reward a royal weapon at a great price. Does this mean that he is very confident in Zhou Jingze?

Zhou Huang is so confident, he thinks that Zhou Jingze has something special about him.

Xiao Aoxuan and Lei Hao's eyes suddenly turned round when they heard the words, the imperial artifact, this is a very precious thing, even they want to get it very, very much.

Zhou Jingze was on the side, noticing the expressions of Xiao Aoxuan and Lei Hao, he couldn't help showing a hint of playfulness secretly, this imperial weapon would eventually belong to him.

Zhou Huang looked at the people below, and said leisurely, "This martial arts arena is divided into six areas, and each area is a ring. Whoever wants to be the ring leader can go there by himself."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, to be the master?

That is to be challenged in turn...

Seeing that no one was on stage, Zhou Jingze said to Emperor Zhou, "Father, I will be the ringleader!"

"Okay." Zhou Huang smiled at him, he naturally hoped that Zhou Jingze could show off enough, so that he could be spotted by the messengers from the eighth-class regions.

"Hao'er, you go to be a champion." Lei Clan patriarch said to Lei Hao who was behind him.

"Yes, Grandpa." Lei Hao's burly body flew towards the Martial Dao Stage to challenge the master.

"Ao Xuan." Xiao Ruyue glanced at Xiao Ao Xuan.

"Yes, patriarch." Xiao Aoxuan nodded, and then his figure swept towards the Martial Dao Stage, becoming the leader of one side of the Martial Dao Stage.

"Xiaoxue, you go." Li Ran looked at Liu Xue and said.

"Okay, master." Liu Xue nodded lightly, then rushed to the Martial Dao Platform.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Tianling, then at Su Xiaoke, and said calmly, "There are two rings left, you both go."

"Okay, Master." Su Xiaoke nodded.

Su Tianling didn't say anything, but walked over.

In the six areas of the Martial Arts Arena, the six masters have been determined.

Five of them are the strongest people of the younger generation of the major forces.

Only Su Tianling, everyone doesn't know much about him, but if he dares to become the champion, his strength must be beyond doubt.

But if we say that compared with the strongest generation of the five major forces, it may be a little worse.

For a moment, more people's eyes were on Su Tianling.

"I challenge you!"

A young figure appeared in the martial arts stage area where Su Tianling was, and he looked at Su Tianling calmly.

Everyone looked at the young man who challenged Su Tianling, and couldn't help exclaiming, "It's Xiao Shu, the eighth most powerful young generation of the Xiao Clan!"

"Xiao Shu, eighth in the strength list, is also very strong."

Xiao Shu looked at Su Tianling, and said leisurely, "You killed Concubine Xiao. Concubine Xiao is the most beloved woman of the younger generation of the Xiao Clan. The rules of this Martial Dao Stage, although there is no death, but..."

Xiao Shu's eyes suddenly became cold, and he said thickly, "But I can abolish you, and I can also avenge Concubine Xiao!"

Su Tianling cast a glance at him, without any nonsense, and threw a sword light at him casually.

Xiao Shu was furious, this Su Tianling didn't even say a word to him, and directly used his combat skills!
Is this looking down on him!Don't even bother to say a word!

Xiao Shu burst out vines one after another, and the vines spread towards the attacking sword light.

The sword light easily crushed the vines, and the sword light directly penetrated into Xiao Shu's dantian!

"Not good!" Xiao Shu's expression changed drastically, and then with a bang, his dantian was directly crippled, and a terrifying force directly destroyed his martial soul and his cultivation base.

"Go away." Su Tianling flicked his sleeves, and a surging air wave slammed towards Xiao Shu, directly throwing Xiao Shu out of the Martial Dao Stage.

"Xiao Shu!"

The members of the Xiao clan caught Xiao Shu, and found that Xiao Shu's dantian was destroyed, and his cultivation base and martial spirit were all abolished, which made them extremely embarrassed.

In the ring in the distance, Xiao Aoxuan clenched his fists tightly, staring at Su Tianling with his eyes, he actually crippled Xiao Shu!
On the sidelines.

Xiao Ruyue's face was icy cold. Xiao Shu was the eighth in the strength list of the younger generation. When he grew up, he would be the top force of the Xiao Clan in the future. Now that he was directly abolished, the killing intent in her heart became stronger.

Emperor Zhou glanced at Xiao Ruyue, knowing that Xiao Ruyue was very embarrassed, he looked at an old man in the distance, and gestured with his eyes.

After a while.

A man appeared at the martial arts stage where Su Tianling was.

Everyone looked at the man, and exclaimed one by one, "It's the Ninth Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is said that he is already a peak general!"

"The Ninth Prince enjoys the countless resources of the dynasty, and is taught by the Emperor Zhou himself. He is extremely powerful. This Su Tianling may have some strength, but after all, he used to come from the barren land of the Western Desolation, so he should not be able to defeat the Ninth Prince."

Everyone nodded in agreement, Su Tianling's strength is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong, how can he be stronger than the Ninth Prince?
On the sidelines.

Emperor Zhou smiled faintly at Ye Qingxuan, "My Jiu'er is very strong, I'm afraid this Su Tianling will lose."

"Hehe...I hope you can still laugh later."

Ye Qingxuan smiled playfully. At the beginning, Su Tianling fought against the eighteen core disciples of Zhijianzong with his own strength, which already proved Su Tianling's strength.

In addition, she saw with her own eyes that Su Tianling could condense a variety of martial soul powers, each of which reached an extremely terrifying height. Not to mention defeating the nine princes, even the crown prince Zhou Jingze was equally defeated in the face of Su Tianling.

Sometimes, she felt that Su Tianling's strength was stronger than Su Xiaoke's. After all, Su Xiaoke only had two martial souls, and although Su Tianling only had one scrap martial soul, he could understand the power of ten martial souls. This was better than Su Xiaoke's. Can be too strong.

If it is said who the final winner is, as long as Su Tianling does not release the water, then the final winner must be Su Tianling.

(End of this chapter)

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