The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 99 Killing all Martial Emperors in Level 8 Regions

Chapter 99 Killing all Martial Emperors in the Eighth Class Region

There are many concealing powers of Martial King entangled in Lin Ziyi's body, Su Tianling guessed that it should be the Martial King of Lin Ruhai's lineage who stored the concealing power in Lin Ziyi's body.

As for why Lin Ziyi hid, if you think about it with your toes, you can tell that it was because she wanted to kill him by surprise!

Of course, it is impossible to kill him.


You can take advantage of this opportunity.

Su Tianling kept blasting at Lin Ziyi, occasionally pretending to retreat, which made some people sneer.

On the sidelines.

Zhou Huang said leisurely, "It seems that Su Tianling is abolished."

Ye Qingxuan ignored him, only she knew that Su Tianling would definitely not lose, even Lin Ziyi was definitely not Su Tianling's opponent, but there was one thing that made her very puzzled, why did Su Tianling pretend to be defeated?

Martial Arts Platform.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Aoxuan and Zhou Jingze couldn't help shaking their heads, it turned out that Su Tianling's strength was weaker than them, after this battle, Su Tianling was undoubtedly deposed.

Liu Xue looked forward suspiciously, Su Tianling is the King of Wu, why is there such a tendency to retreat?


Suddenly, Liu Xue received Su Tianling's voice transmission in a secret language, and she suddenly looked surprised. It turned out that Su Tianling was going to stimulate the sleeping martial soul in Su Xiaoke's body.

Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling's retreat, with doubts in his eyes. Although Lin Ziyi was strong, she wouldn't be able to defeat her brother, right?
Could it be... that King Wu, who took Tiancaidibao breakthrough, is so weak?

In front.

Lin Ziyi has roughly figured out Su Tianling's strength, but it may be very difficult to defeat Su Tianling.

Unless, use your real cultivation!
Since Su Xiaoke defeated her, she has been in seclusion. After she left the seclusion, she was already a half-step martial king.

"Death!" Lin Ziyi's eyes widened sharply, and the breath in her body suddenly surged, all the power of a half-martial king was grasped on a sword, and she stabbed at Su Tianling fiercely.

"Not good!" Liu Xue's expression changed drastically. Lin Ziyi turned out to be a half-step martial king. With Lin Ziyi's strength in the same realm, a half-step martial king is enough to kill a martial king who has eaten the treasures of heaven and earth.

This is so...

Liu Xue didn't care, and rushed over!
Originally, she wanted to cooperate with Su Tianling, but who knew that Lin Ziyi would use this trick to hide her true cultivation!

"Brother!" Su Xiaoke's pupils contracted, and the beautiful figure suddenly rushed over holding the Qingliu sword.

Watch seats.

Ye Qingxuan remained calm and composed, even though Lin Ziyi was a half-step martial king, she was still no match for Su Tianling.

Li Ran's face changed, although Su Tianling had seen her body a little bit, and had teased her with words.

But in general, Su Tianling didn't mean to look at her body. The grievances between her and Su Tianling haven't reached the point of death.

No matter what, Su Tianling is her disciple's man.

Li Ran raised her hand, and the terrifying power turned into a beam of brilliance, shooting across it!


Lin Ziyi has calculated everything, she knows that once she kills Su Tianling, it is equivalent to violating the rules, and Su Xiaoke and others will definitely kill her.

She was very close to Su Tianling. How could even the Martial Emperor be able to stop the most violent blow from such a distance?
A sword pierced through Su Tianling's heart!
And at the same time.

Lin Ziyi's figure was overwhelmed by multiple attacks, and instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Liu Xue saw that Su Tianling's heart had been pierced, her pupils constricted, her heart trembled, what about acting?
"elder brother……"

Su Xiaoke only felt that her head was buzzing, her soul was torn apart, and her heart was in unstoppable pain.

The sleeping gray crown in the body is gradually flickering, and the flickering speed is getting faster and faster!

Until, the red light that the crown should have is fully bloomed.


Su Xiaoke's breath suddenly surged.

Later generals.

Peak generals.

Half-step Martial King.

Early Martial King!

Until the realm of the Martial King, the aura finally stopped rising.

And at this time.

Su Tianling also stood up immediately. He looked at Su Xiaoke. This was the first time he made Su Xiaoke feel sad, and it was also the last time...

Liu Xue and Su Xiao saw that Su Tianling got up suddenly, and his heart had become intact, which made them all confused, what's going on...

Just then.

Suddenly, multiple figures appeared in the void, each of them exuding a terrifying aura.

"Why is your cultivation rising steadily!"

A middle-aged man stared at Su Xiaoke.

"Your heart was clearly pierced just now, why didn't you die! Suddenly it became intact again!"

Another middle-aged man stared at Su Tianling.

Everyone looked at the mid-air, there were a total of nine people in the mid-air, and the aura of each of them was impressively in the realm of the Martial Emperor.

On the sidelines.

Everyone's eyes froze.

Emperor Zhou got up, looked into the mid-air, and asked tentatively, "You should come from the eighth-class region, right?"

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly after hearing Zhou Huang's words.

It turned out to be from the eighth-class region, all Martial Emperors!

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan immediately appeared in front of Su Tianling and the others.

Just now, Su Xiaoke's aura climbed up to King Wu, which really made them feel puzzled.

Su Tianling's heart was indeed pierced just now, and now it is intact, which is indeed very strange.

As the person involved, Su Xiaoke was also very confused. She only knew that there was a martial soul in her body, which looked like a crown, and her star rating was nine stars, a top martial soul!

"The emperor is asking you something!"

The middle-aged man in mid-air shouted in a deep voice.

Watch seats.

Zhou Huang immediately flew into the air, looked down at the Su Tianling brothers and sisters, and shouted in a deep voice, "I'm asking you, are you deaf!"

Xiao Ruyue's figure also appeared in midair immediately!
Seeing that the situation was overwhelming Li Zong and Zhi Jian Zong, the Patriarch of the Lei Clan immediately chose to stand in line and appeared in front of Emperor Zhou.

If he doesn't stand in line at this time, his Thunder Clan may also be destroyed in the future!

Su Tianling glanced at those people, expressionless, and said lightly, "If you don't say anything, so what!"

"Then you will hit me!"

The eyes of the middle-aged man sharpened, and a terrible coercion surged all over his body!

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan are ready to attack at any time.

Su Tianling smiled. He looked at the man, raised his hand and punched him!

The middle-aged man instantly turned into a blood mist!

Everyone retreated fiercely, staring at Su Tianling one by one, and easily killed a Martial Emperor with just one punch!
Those who were familiar with Su Tianling were dumbfounded.

Liu Xue was dumbfounded, Su Xiaoke was dumbfounded, Li Ran was dumbfounded, and Ye Qingxuan was also dumbfounded.

Where did Su Tianling get the strength to easily kill a Martial Emperor?

Su Tianling looked at all the Martial Emperors in the eighth-class regions, and said leisurely, "Ask me, are you worthy?"

One of the Martial Emperor's body exploded strangely!

All the Martial Sovereigns in the eighth-class region retreated decisively. Facing such a strange force, they had to retreat!

Su Tianling was expressionless. In order to wake up Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke's martial souls, he deliberately concealed his cultivation.

Now that Liu Xue and his younger sister's Crown Martial Souls have awakened, there's no need for him to deliberately hide them.

Bang bang bang!

All the Martial Emperors of the eighth-class regions who wanted to escape exploded to death one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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