When Venerable Fengji talked about the vicious birds, he only described it with fear and jealousy in his heart. He didn't show such an expression of intense fear and panic when he just recalled the words.

Qin Fengming couldn't imagine how terrifying the phantom Master Fengji saw would be.

He has encountered many situations that made him frightened. Even when he thinks about it now, there are also situations that make his back feel cold. .

The fearful expression displayed by the current Master Fengji at this moment is definitely not just an appearance, but that he is still extremely afraid of that phantom in his heart.

Thinking about it, even if he re-advanced to the Mahayana, he would still have this mentality when he saw the phantom again.

"What kind of illusory figure can make the senior feel such a terrifying emotion, the junior really can't imagine what kind of existence it is. I also ask the senior to talk about it in detail."

Fairy Yingyi looked solemn, and said in her mouth.

Everyone is curious about unknown situations, and Qin Fengming is no exception.

"The illusory figure is the face of a young monk. The young man is very young and handsome, but his body is tall, several feet tall, and his whole body is condensed by the energy of the soul, as if a spirit exists. But in that soul condensed On my body, I suddenly sensed a heavy aura from ancient times. The aura was indescribably heavy and extremely terrifying. Just by sensing it, I immediately felt an icy cold rush up my back.

What frightened me even more, and what roared in my mind was that I suddenly saw a vast wave of mastiffs, vines, and monsters through the tall body of soul energy.It seems that the tall body is just a portal to the Xumi space.

Inside your tall body, I saw innumerable mastiff beasts and vine demons. It was an indescribable scene, as if there was a group of beasts' lair in the space where the boundary is hard to know.The dense mastiff beasts and vine monsters spread throughout the entire space like tiny ants.

From that space, there is an unspeakable strange aura emanating, as if I am being stared at by countless mastiff beasts and vine monsters that are comparable to Mahayana, or even beyond the realm of Mahayana, it seems that as long as I move, there will be countless The powerful beasts swooped in.

You can't imagine what kind of situation it is, and I can't fully describe it. I can only explain that the tall body is full of weirdness and danger.Just looking at it has already made me lose the strength to resist. Although my eyes are wide open, I have no thoughts. "

Venerable Fengji is not a person who is good at describing scenes, but when he said these words, the expressions on the faces of Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi suddenly became tense.

The two of them had never heard of the existence of the tall soul phantom that Master Fengji mentioned, but neither of them would think that Master Fengji was lying.

Qin Fengming doesn't know what kind of situation it is that a tall phantom of the soul can be seen from the body of the illusory scene, and can sense the aura of countless Mahayana beasts emanating from it.

And what Master Fengji said in his mouth was that among the beasts he sensed, there were existences beyond the Mahayana realm, which was even more incomprehensible.

The mastiff vine interface belongs to the Three Realms, and in the Three Realms, it is impossible for any existence beyond the Mahayana realm.

But Master Fengji is sure that there is, and it is not a mastiff beast vine demon beyond the Mahayana cultivation level, which itself is full of inexplicable mysteries.

Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi were silent and did not speak for a long time.Master Fengji's expression was also changing, his eyes flickered, recalling the situation at that time still made it difficult for him to calm down.

"Qin once saw a strange energy called the power of enshrining faith from an ancient book. It is a kind of illusory, indescribable strange power that can make people obtain unspeakable supreme power. Divine power. That kind of power is difficult to understand, let alone its specific manifestation. Could it be that from that illusory figure, what fellow Taoists sensed is the power of faith incense?"

Qin Fengming's face was serious, he thought for a long time, he raised his head slowly, looked at Master Fengji, and said slowly.

"The power of the incense, fellow Taoist, is that the terrifying power contained in the illusory figure is the same as the power of faith absorbed by the Taoist monarchs and star ancestors in the Mira world? How is this possible, the power of the incense? Power is not something everyone can enjoy, and the existence that can gather and control the power of incense is all Daojun and Xingzu. How can there be the power of belief in incense in the Three Realms?"

When she first heard Qin Fengming's words, Fairy Yingyi's expression suddenly changed, and she immediately spoke.

Hearing the female cultivator's decisive words, Qin Fengming's heart fluctuated suddenly.

What he knew about the "Incense of Faith" was also obtained from Junyankou. Among the classics in the world of cultivating immortals, there is no classic record of incense in detail at all.

Belief in incense is not the chanting of disciples respected by Buddhism. As long as you recruit disciples, you can gather the power of incense.There is a special comprehension of skills in this, not everyone can gather the power of incense.

Even in the Mira Realm, all the powers that can see through the incense and fire are all existences that have reached the realm of heaven and earth.

Of course, not any Tongtian Daoist can see through the incense.

It is exactly this kind of situation, there is no detailed record in the Three Realms, but at this moment, Fairy Yingyi just heard Qin Fengming say the "power of incense and fire", and immediately came out in shock. The words were absolutely accurate, which made Qin Fengming feel Suddenly surprised.

He didn't believe that the monks in the mastiff vine interface would know the name 'Incense of Faith' very well.

Following Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi's words, Master Fengji's expression was shocked, and then he showed a look of astonishment.

From the expression that Master Fengji showed instantly, Qin Fengming was even more convinced that Master Fengji knew no more about the matter of 'belief in incense' than Fairy Yingyi.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, you mean that the tall figure that Feng saw at the beginning may be the power of incense condensed by a supreme power in the Mira world?" With a startled expression, Master Feng Ji frowned and asked again. .

Qin Fengming didn't answer for Fairy Yingyi and Venerable Fengji's question.

The waves in his heart are surging at this moment, and it is difficult to calm down for a while.

Because at this moment, he suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that, to him, should be the real situation of the mastiff vine interface.

Since he came to the mastiff vine interface, he has been full of curiosity about the mastiff vine interface.

When he knew that the mastiff and vine interface might be a place for powerful beasts to raise spirit beasts, he had a doubt in his heart, that is, no matter how powerful the monsters are, it is impossible to accumulate their own cultivation realm just by devouring the mastiff and vine monsters. of.

As long as the strength reaches a certain level, any monsters and birds do not need to swallow food to practice.

If this mastiff vine interface is just saying that it is a breeding place for supreme and powerful spirit beasts, it is still a bit unconvincing.Although Qin Fengming had this idea, it was not clear.

But now, after he had spoken, he was suddenly convinced of what he said.

That is the mastiff vine interface, which may really be the place where a powerful existence accumulates the incense of faith.And the incense of faith he collected was not the monks of the Seven Lands, but the power of faith of countless mastiff beasts and vine demons.

Countless mastiff beasts and vine monsters gather in the Mastiff vine mountain range every 2000 years, willingly worshiping a supreme being. What kind of situation is this, Qin Fengming thought in his heart, his mind was already roaring loudly.

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