After nearly ten years of retreat, although Qin Fengming did not practice for a while, he never idled for a moment.

During this period, Qin Fengming devoted all his energy to refining the Beast Roar Talisman, Tortoise Shell Talisman and Mountain Breaking Talisman.Although the Beast Roar Talisman is only an intermediate-level talisman, after adding the mysterious liquid, its power is so powerful that Qin Fengming has already turned his attention to it.

He has been able to successfully refine the tortoise shell talisman, all he needs is proficiency.However, it took Qin Fengming two full years to successfully refine the Mountain Breaking Talisman.

When trying to refine the mountain-breaking talisman, Qin Fengming consumed more than 20 animal skins and nearly [-] pieces of blank talisman materials from five or six-level monsters before he could successfully refine it.

This is because Qin Fengming was extremely proficient in drawing spells on the hides of monster beasts of the second and third grades. If he practiced directly on the hides of the fifth and sixth grades, even with a hundred hides, it would be difficult to successfully refine them.

With the first successful refining experience, the success rate of subsequent refining has increased rapidly.

After exhausting nearly a hundred skins of fifth- and sixth-level monsters bestowed by Master Daoyu, Qin Fengming already had more than 100 tortoise shell charms and mountain-breaking charms on him.

Among them, the number of tortoise shell talismans is only more than 20, and the defensive talismans, with such things, Qin Fengming already feels that it is roughly enough.At this time, he still has thousands of five-element defensive symbols on him.

Under the protection of several five-element defensive walls, coupled with his Xuantian Weibu, even if a monk in the late stage of Yicheng Dan attacked with all his strength, Qin Fengming was sure to avoid it safely.

Qin Fengming also refined a lot of beast roar talismans for intermediate and elementary levels.After adding the beast's roar talisman with mysterious liquid, Qin Fengming was sure that even the middle-stage alchemy cultivators would definitely fall for the trick even if they were unguarded.

Qin Fengming was able to successfully refine the three kinds of talismans so smoothly, because Manghuang Mountain has a special exchange place for monster skins.Within tens of thousands of miles around Manghuang Mountain, there are several squares and cities established by Manghuang Mountain. Their function is to collect all kinds of materials needed by the monks of Manghuang Mountain.

Of course, if there are monks who need the help of Manghuang Mountain to refine treasures and elixir, they can also contact those fangshi.In Nafang City, there are dedicated monks who are responsible for these affairs.

Send back various materials to meet the daily cultivation needs of the monks in Manghuang Mountain.Of course, in order to exchange for training materials, the monks of Manghuang Mountain still need to pay for Lingshi.This point is not difficult for Qin Fengming.

At this time, the number of spirit stones on Qin Fengming's body, even his five masters, must be far inferior to him.

But the only thing that disappointed Qin Fengming was that the materials of Manghuang Mountain, including animal skins above level five, were extremely rare, and even if they arrived from time to time, they would be scraped off by the monks immediately.

Qin Fengming thought about it secretly, and understood the reason.There are many alchemy cultivators in Manghuang Mountain. For five or six monsters of the same level, even the alchemy cultivators dare not enter the dangerous place alone to capture them. The source of materials is only from Manghuang Mountain.

Fortunately, Qin Fengming had a large amount of animal skins that Master Daoyi had originally bestowed in his hand.Otherwise, even if Qin Fengming wanted to refine these two high-level elementary talismans, it would be difficult for him to squander so many materials.

Although there was an extreme shortage of animal hides for fifth- and sixth-level monsters, there was a relative abundance of animal skins for third- and fourth-level monsters. This provided a lot of materials for Qin Fengming to become proficient in spells when practicing high-level talismans.

However, purchasing these refining materials still cost Qin Fengming millions of spirit stones. When Qin Fengming went to exchange the materials, several alchemy cultivators at the exchange office were also very surprised to see Qin Fengming take out millions of spirit stones at a time. Fan.

Everyone thought that these spirit stones were specially rewarded by the five elders of Manghuang Mountain to Qin Fengming, the young master of Manghuang Mountain.

80.00% of the talismans that Qin Fengming refined this time were added with mysterious liquid.Its power is several times greater than the original talisman.

At the beginning, the Sun-shooting Talisman with the mysterious liquid was able to pierce through the natal magic weapon of the monks at the early stage of alchemy who had been advanced for decades, but now Qin Fengming was confident about the mountain-breaking Talisman with the mysterious liquid added. The natal magic weapon of a monk in the late stage of alchemy can also make his spirituality lose with one blow.

These dozens of Mountain Breaking Talismans are Qin Fengming's greatest reliance on this trip to the Tianyan Mountains.

In the past ten years, there was another thing that surprised Qin Fengming a little, and that was his three spirit beasts and tens of thousands of white spirit insects.

Mysterious liquid diluted after ten years of careful feeding.Those two fourth-level top-grade spirit beasts had some changes in their body surfaces. Although they were small, Qin Fengming could still sense their changes because of his connection with Qin Fengming.

The surface of the black spider and its pitch-black body have increased slightly at this time, and there are many blue silk threads looming on the black surface.The purple-black centipede has also grown in size, but there are faint red lines on the outside of the body surface.

Seeing the changes in these two spirit beasts, Qin Fengming was delighted in his heart. These two spirit beasts were already at the peak of the fourth level. With such a change at this time, it seems that the breakthrough is not far away.

If there were two level five monsters guarding him, Qin Fengming would be much more secure in the world of cultivating immortals in the future.

What made Qin Fengming even more happy was that after decades of careful feeding of the little red beast called the Red Fox Mouse by Ling Xi's sister, the Red Fox Mouse at this time had already reached the second-level peak state, which was to break through immediately. , Qin Fengming will not be surprised at all.

What surprised Qin Fengming the most was that the tens of thousands of white beetles, the spirit insects called silver sheath insects, after decades of continuous feeding of the mysterious liquid by Qin Fengming, silver dots appeared on the body surface. These silver dots Hidden in the white body, it adds a bit of strangeness to the white beetle.

The changes in these kinds of spirit beasts and spirit insects made Qin Fengming very pleased. You must know that the difficulty of advancing monsters is much worse than that of monks with four spiritual roots.

Within a mere few decades, these several kinds of spirit beasts and spirit insects can show signs of breakthrough, which is enough to show that the liquid in the mysterious gourd is indeed extremely mysterious.

But this liquid is for Qin Fengming, except that it can instantly replenish the spiritual power he consumed, but it does not help his cultivation at all.This also made Qin Fengming very puzzled.

As for the group of poisonous bees and five-element beast eggs, Qin Fengming has not recognized the owner for more than ten years.Regarding the Five Elements Beast, he has always been unable to determine whether the ordinary method of identifying the master will be successful. The Five Elements Beast cherishes it. Since he knew it, his heart is full of expectations.

If this kind of spirit beast, which is extremely high on the list of spirit beasts and spirit insects, can hatch, it will definitely be a powerful helper for Qin Fengming.

After packing up all the items in the cave, Qin Fengming got up and left. After leaving this time, whether he can return to this place has become an unknown number.

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