Hundred Refinements Ascension Record

Chapter 74 Road Encounters

On the third day, Qin Fengming got up after the sky was bright and flew towards the Sunset Cloud Sect.

Entering the late stage of Qi Gathering, he has learned the Imperial Artifact Jue and can control the magic weapon to fly.Its speed is nearly twice as fast as that of Yukongshu.

It used to take thirteen or four hours to fly from Fangshi to Luoxiazong, but now it only takes seven or eight hours to fly with the magic weapon, the time has been greatly shortened, so there is no need to hurry.

Out of caution, after leaving Fangshi, Qin Fengming flew southwest for half an hour before flying all the way to the west. Most of the places here are steep mountains, only a few mountain villages are hidden among the mountains and forests, because of the invisibility talisman affixed to his body , I'm not worried that someone will find out.

After flying westward for two hours, the situation suddenly happened.

Just as Qin Fengming lowered his body in a hidden place and was about to rest for a while, his spiritual consciousness routinely let out a glance to look around. Suddenly, about twenty miles away from him to the southeast, there were three energy fluctuations moving rapidly.

After careful investigation with his spiritual sense, three figures came into his mind.Looking at the state of the three, the three seem to be chasing each other.Shocked, Qin Fengming quickly pasted a Qi Containing Talisman and an Invisibility Talisman.

Facing the three monks, Qin Fengming's first reaction was not to interfere.

Judging by the fluctuation of spiritual power, the cultivation base of these three people should not be much different from his current state. Qin Fengming naturally doesn't know why the three of them are chasing after him.But his heart moved, and he had the intention to step forward and have a look.

Since the last time he shot and killed the brothers of the Du family and the senior brother surnamed Liang, he hadn't fought anyone again.My heart is also itchy.

As soon as his body moved, Qin Fengming stabbed obliquely towards the three energy fluctuations and approached them.

When he was three or four miles away from the three of them, he finally distinguished them clearly.

The first person was a woman; sixty or seventy feet behind her, a man was chasing her; thirty or forty feet behind that man, another man was also chasing her.

The man in the middle was obviously faster than the woman.Judging by Qin Fengming, it won't be long before the woman in front will be intercepted by the magic weapon activated by the person behind her.

Taking a closer look at the woman, one can see that she is well-proportioned and wearing a goose yellow dress. Because of the distance, it is impossible to see her appearance and age clearly.It just feels like it shouldn't be too old.

The divine sense swept over her, and found that the woman turned out to be a person in the sixth-level realm during a Qi gathering period.As for the two men chasing after him, one is on the seventh floor of the Qi Gathering Stage, and the other is on the sixth floor of the Qi Gathering Stage.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming immediately felt relieved. He naturally wouldn't have the slightest fear or worry in the face of such three cultivators.

Although it is not clear why the three of them chased after him, but he was young at heart, so he planned to follow him to check.

After only flying for a few miles, the man in the back raised his hand amidst a wild laugh, and an ax-shaped magical weapon shot out, and rushed straight to the woman in front of him.

Facing the slashing of the cultivator's magical weapon behind him, the female cultivator in front who had been scanning with her spiritual sense had to stop quickly. With her hand shaking, a long red satin-shaped magic weapon flew out of her hand, flashing Under that, the ax-shaped magic weapon was intercepted.

Qin Fengming saw that these two magical artifacts were both high-grade magical artifacts, and knew that it would be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

With the female cultivator standing in front, the two male cultivators behind him also stationed thirty or forty feet away.The two looked at the girl in front of them, and didn't offer any magic weapon.It's just that the playful and lewd smiles on the faces of the two of them were revealed.

Qin Fengming came to the fighting scene cautiously, carefully inspected the three people in front of him, and found that the woman was only fifteen or sixteen years old, charming and graceful, with an unusually beautiful appearance, a pair of big eyes showing anxiety, and a panicked expression.

Seeing the young girl suddenly, Qin Fengming couldn't help but his heart trembled, and his eyes couldn't help but freeze.

"Little girl, you ran so fast that we have been chasing him for so long." Finally, as soon as the chasing male Xiu Shi stopped, he said angrily.

"Haha, little fairy, let's see how you can escape this time. I accidentally trapped you with the quicksand talisman just now. Now that you obediently capture him, you will be able to save yourself from the pain of flesh and blood." The other person also said coldly.

"I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no vengeance in the near future, why do you intercept me?" Seeing that she could not escape, the woman said with a frightened expression on her face and a weak voice.

"We don't have any enmity with you, but the enmity with Baiqiaomen is irreconcilable. At the beginning, the two of us captured a first-level spirit beast in the Baixi Mountains where Baiqiaomen was located. A deacon of the foundation establishment period of Baiqiaomen snatched it by force and humiliated us, if we hadn't begged hard, we would have died at his hands." The later people said bitterly.

At the time, the man had a vicious look on his face, and said with a ferocious expression on his face: "We swore at that time that as long as we met a single disciple of the Baiqiao Sect whose cultivation level was lower than ours, the man would pull out his soul, and the woman would rape and then kill him." To vent the hatred in my heart."

"Today you met us, you are unlucky, if you are captured without a fight, the two of us who serve you will be happy, maybe they will let you go, otherwise you will never survive." Later, the man also laughed lewdly.

Hearing the words of the two people in front of her, the girl's face was full of shame and anger, knowing that the two people in front of her would not accept her pleading, so she said: "I came here with Uncle Min, if he can't find me, he will definitely look around, maybe, You will find him here in a while, he is a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, as long as he appears, you two will definitely not be his opponents, if you two leave at this time, you can still survive, otherwise it will be hard to be kind."

Hearing this, the two men couldn't help being shocked. If a monk from the Foundation Establishment Stage came, with their strength, they could only die.Looking at each other, the two were relieved again, sneered a few times and said:

"He came at the right time, and I wanted him to see how you, a charming little fairy, managed to make love under the two of us, hahaha."

With the sound of his maniacal laughter, the two of them no longer hesitated, and raised their hands one after another, and the two magic weapons flew up almost at the same time, and with a flash of brilliance, they quickly slashed towards the opposite girl.

At this time, they have already made up their minds to make a quick decision and leave this place as soon as possible.

Seeing that what she said not only did not scare the two of them away, but made the other party want to fight quickly, the beautiful girl was horrified.

Frightened, he hurriedly waved his hand, and once again sacrificed a top-level magic weapon.After intercepting a magic weapon from the opponent, the girl waved her hand, and a talisman flew out, and a layer of khaki shield appeared around her body, which was exactly an earthen wall talisman.

Under the attack of a top-level flying sword, the girl's yellow shield only lasted for a moment, and then began to shake continuously, and it might break at any time.

Seeing this, the two of them burst out laughing.A state of complete control.

Seeing Qin Fengming here, he knew that if he didn't take action, the girl's life would be in danger in an instant.So when he raised his hand, two more talismans appeared in his hand, and he waved it towards the two people, the talismans flashed in the air, and then disappeared.

With the disappearance of the talisman, Qin Fengming unhurriedly revealed his figure thirty feet behind the two of them.

"The two fellow daoists really have a sense of elegance. They bully a weak woman together. Aren't they afraid of being ridiculed by their fellow daoists?"

Suddenly hearing a voice behind them, the two male cultivators were startled at the same time, turned sharply, and looked behind them.

After seeing a man wearing a bamboo hat and a black veil standing thirty feet away, the two of them were suddenly afraid.

Without hesitation, the two hurriedly made a move, and their magic weapons flew back in front of them, staring at Qin Fengming with great vigilance.

"Who are you, why do you meddle in our business? If there is nothing else, leave quickly." The man who was at the front swept Qin Fengming's body, but he couldn't find any mana, and knew that the other party had used the Qi Containing Talisman.But he is also a person with a clear mind, and he quickly judged that the other party must not be the foundation-building stage monk that the girl said just now.Otherwise, there will be nonsense with the two of them.

The girl also took back the magic weapon at this time, but found that the person who came was not Master Min, and her face was also full of shock.

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