Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 110 Shui Binger's Embarrassment

Chapter 110 Shui Binger's Embarrassment (610)

As he said that, a piece of ice crystal essence full of cold air appeared in Xuedi's hand.

"This is the Mysterious Ice Essence of Wannian. Although it is not big, it still has some effect on that little girl. Anyway, I will give it to you as it is useless." Xuedi glanced at the excited Shui Bing'er not far away.

Xuedi still has some affection for this girl. Although this girl is weak, she is very polite and has the talent of extreme ice.

This kind of talent combined with a polite personality made Xue Di like it very much.

It is easy to give a piece of Xuanbing Essence now, anyway, she is a rich woman.

You must know that Xuedi can be said to be the second richest woman. The first is naturally our Gu Yuena, and the second may be Xuedi.

Of course, Bibi Dong can also compete, but compared to the Snow Emperor who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and controlled the entire northern land, Bibi Dong may not be enough.

Although Wuhundian is also very strong, it cannot compare to Jibei after all. The wealth of Jibei for tens of thousands of years is definitely not comparable to a small Wuhundian.

In the previous life, an old Taoist priest told Su Yu that Su Yu's stomach was not very good and he might only eat soft food in the future.

Su Yu didn't believe it in his previous life, but now Su Yu just wants to thank him well, thank him for saying that he can only eat soft ones.

"Thank you then, Sister Xue." Su Yu smiled and did not refuse, but accepted it directly.

Xuedi didn't give it to himself, it was easier for Shui Bing'er to achieve the ultimate ice with the help of Xuanbingsui.

"Okay, come here, everyone, I will choose the elixir for everyone." Su Yu clapped his hands, looking at the people who were discussing fiercely not far away.

As soon as Su Yu's voice appeared, Shui Binger and their discussion disappeared. Everyone looked at Su Yu excitedly, but of course Wang Qiuer and Xiao Wu did not.

They have eaten it all, so naturally they are not so excited.

"Here we come..." Everyone rushed towards Su Yu when they heard Su Yu's shout.

"Well, everyone wait here, Binger, come and help me." Su Yu glanced at Shui Binger, and said in a rather serious tone.

Seeing everyone suppressing his excited eyes, Su Yu smiled, and without saying anything, he waved directly at Shui Binger, motioning Shui Binger to help him.

Shui Bing'er glanced at Su Yu suspiciously, she was a little puzzled, Su Yu could have asked Wang Qiuer and Xiao Wu to help, but Su Yu didn't but let himself, who didn't know anything, come here, what's the point?

"Why did Su Yu let me come? Others can do it too. I really don't understand anything." Shui Bing'er followed Su Yu for a while, and finally looked at Su Yu with curiosity in her heart.

"You think I really want you to come and help me, take it!" Su Yu gave Shui Bing'er a white look, and sighed helplessly.

Why is this kid really Xiaobai? Of course it's a good thing for you to follow me at a time like this.

"This is..." Shui Bing'er looked at Xuan Bingsui in her hand and couldn't help looking at Su Yu with some doubts.

She could feel that this mysterious ice marrow had a great effect on her, and her martial soul had the desire to riot and absorb it when it came out.

Now holding it in the hand, feeling the coolness in the hand, Shui Binger's desire to absorb it has been strengthened countless times.

"This is the Xuanbing Essence given by Sister Xue, but there is only such a piece. Neither Xiao Wuqiu'er nor I can use it, so I plan to give it to you. You will eat it with the fairy grass later, so that your evolution will be faster." I'm more sure." Su Yu glanced at Shui Bing'er and said in a rather serious tone.

When Shui Bing'er heard that it was Xuedi who gave her body, she couldn't help but stiffen slightly, and she didn't know why she had a special suppressive force when she saw Xuedi.

"Take it, Xuedi asked me to give it to you, she still likes you very much." Su Yu seemed to see what Shui Binger was thinking, and said directly.

Seeing Su Yu's appearance, Shui Bing'er also sighed silently, and then silently accepted Xuan Bingsui.

"Thank you, Su Yu." Shui Bing'er bowed her head in silence for a while, then raised her head and said in a low voice after dozens of seconds.

Shui Bing'er lowered her head, quietly waiting for Su Yu's comfort.

1 minutes passed

2 minutes passed
After 3 minutes passed, Shui Bing'er finally couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, raised her little head and looked suspiciously at the position where Su Yu was standing just now.

Just one glance at Shui Bing'er was stunned, because there was no one where Su Yu was standing just now, and Su Yu had disappeared without a trace long ago.

"Su Yu, where did you go just now, wait for me, don't you need my help?" Shui Bing'er wandered around for a while and finally found Su Yu, looking at the white orchid in Su Yu's hand, Shui Bing'er couldn't help but He curled his lips and said with some displeasure.

Seeing Shui Bing'er who suddenly rushed over and said something to him, Su Yu couldn't help touching his hair in doubt, and said helplessly.

"Uh, didn't I see that you were a little embarrassed, so I'll leave first." Su Yu didn't hide it, just now Shui Binger was really embarrassed, didn't he leave to let Shui Binger relieve it.

"You're really good!" Shui Bing'er gritted her teeth and gave Su Yu a hard look.

Thinking of her actions just now, Shui Binger was so embarrassed that she could use her toes to deduct a set of three bedrooms and two living rooms.

"Okay, let's go quickly, go and choose medicine for you, take it" Su Yu threw the eight-petal fairy orchid in his hand into the box and threw it into Shui Binger's hand.

"Is this the fairy grass?" Shui Bing'er glanced at the box in her hand and couldn't help asking with some doubts.

Su Yu didn't speak either, and took Shui Binger directly to start sweeping, and soon Shui Binger had more boxes in his hand.

"Okay, you can go back." Su Yu looked at the box in Shui Binger's hand and nodded, and said quite satisfied.

"That's enough." Shui Bing'er looked at the pile of boxes in her arms and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Oh" Shui Bing'er nodded, and then followed Su Yu directly thinking about where everyone was just now.

"Okay, okay, everyone, come here, I will start to divide things." Su Yu looked at the person who was looking at him eagerly and said a little speechlessly.

"Okay..." Shui Yue'er, Zhu Zhuqing and others had been waiting for Su Yu to speak, and now they all ran towards Su Yu excitedly when they saw Su Yu speak.

Wang Qiuer and Xiao Wu also ran over curiously, intending to see what Su Yu would share with everyone.

However, Su Yu didn't speak after everyone surrounded him. Instead, he looked at Shui Wuxin who was still sitting not far away.

"Teacher Wuxin is here, do you want some fairy grass?" Su Yu looked at Shui Wuxin and said with a smile.
Shui Wuxin couldn't help being a little taken aback when she heard Su Yu call her. Originally, she didn't have any artificiality for herself.

But now that Su Yu actually called himself, to be honest, Shui Wuxin was a little moved.

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(End of this chapter)

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