Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 113 Planning the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover

Chapter 113 Planning the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover (910)

Wang Qiu'er and Xiao Wu are not lazy either, they are also cultivating quickly, cultivating their own soul power, the competition is only eight months away, and eight months is not a long time, but as long as they practice hard and advance to two levels It's easy, Xiao Wu is not long away from level 39, and now Xiao Wu is already level [-].

Now Xiao Wu's goal is to break through level [-]. If she doesn't break through level [-], she will have no status above the competition and it's just a formality.

However, there are not many people who can break through level [-] in the competition, and there are only academies, but if you want to compete with Wuhundian, Xiao Wu must break through level [-] at least, otherwise you will be a little weak after all.

Wang Qiuer is different from Xiao Wu. She is really about to break through. Wang Qiuer has already reached level 45 for a long time. After such a long period of precipitation, Wang Qiuer should also break through.

"The power of thunder method is really terrifying!" Su Yu couldn't help showing a look of excitement in his eyes when he felt the power of thunder and lightning in his body suddenly become stronger.

Speaking of Su Yu's legs, a terrifying thunder and lightning appeared, "Three Thousand Thunders"

Su Yu said in a low voice, the terrifying thunder and lightning surged Su Yu soon exploded at a terrifying speed, and Su Yu appeared thousands of meters away in an instant.

"It's really terrifying. The speed of the three thousand thunders has also increased a lot after the thunder and lightning have increased." Su Yu couldn't help but click his tongue when he thought about the terrifying speed that he had just erupted. He really couldn't believe that it was him just now The speed at which it can explode.

Thinking about his speed, Su Yu couldn't help showing a faint smile. Now that his strength is passable, Su Yu wants to plan something now.

However, Su Yu's current strength is very strong, and what he wants to plan is naturally not an ordinary thing. Su Yu's goal is the most precious item in the Tiandou Empire.

"Vast Sea Cosmos Cover" This is the true treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire, and it is also an inheritance item of the Sea God.

Su Yu naturally despises a small first-level god, but Wang Qiuer is different. In the past, Wang Qiuer might not be able to inherit the Seagod's position, but Wang Qiuer has completely concealed himself after taking Su Yu's breath-holding pill. Breath, even Seagod couldn't observe Wang Qiuer's breath, so now Wang Qiuer can completely inherit Seagod's position.

Although Douluo's combat power is a bit stretched, but this vitality is really strong, as long as he becomes a god, he can have endless life, which is also a good place for Douluo.

Thinking about the world of the Chendong old thief, the life of the emperor is only tens of thousands of years, but the god of Douluo has an endless life. If the earth knows about it, I don't know if it will vomit blood in anger.

I am a dignified emperor, the existence that suppresses an era and easily crushes everything has only tens of thousands of years of life, but you, a small god, have endless lives, you are a fucking dog.

Su Yu definitely needs to be covered by the vast sea and the universe. He has to get it for Wang Qiuer, and Su Yu must go to the God Realm. He doesn't like Sea God, but Su Yu can still barely like the five positions.

As for how to obtain the vast sea and universe cover, Su Yu has long thought about it.

Su Yu doesn't want to get too stiff with the Heaven Dou Empire now. The first way is to barter. He uses fairy grass and even soul bones to exchange with the Heaven Dou Empire. If the Heaven Dou Empire disagrees, then Su Yu has no choice You know, Xuedi is by his side now.

The Snow Emperor can completely help Su Yu get the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover easily. It depends on whether the Tiandou Empire is sensible or not. If they are sensible, they can get some compensation.

Don't say that Su Yu is domineering, this is the behavior of a robber, who is not like this in the fantasy world, as long as your fist has a big backstage in the fantasy world, you will be a father.

The fantasy world is like this, even the weakest Douluo is actually like this in essence.

At that time, when Tang Hao wanted to teach himself a lesson, he also said the same thing. This world is essentially where the strong are respected. Once you enter this circle, you will never be able to escape for the rest of your life, unless your strength can crush everything.

Of course, your strength can crush everything, and you may not be able to escape the shackles of the circle. This circle is like a huge cage, and everyone is just a bird in the cage.

Su Yu glanced at the people who were cultivating and didn't say a word. Three thousand thunders erupted and he left the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, left the Sunset Forest and headed towards Tiandou City.

Su Yu needs someone if he wants to obtain the Vast Sea Cosmic Mask, right? A person who has a good relationship with the royal family, and the person Su Yu chooses is the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, who is also hidden in the Wuhun Hall who has the Wuhun fusion skill with Su Yu The God of Angels who is watching Qian Renxue's future.

Su Yu feels that Qian Renxue should not reject him. After all, she has the martial arts fusion skill with him, and Su Yu will not let Qian Renxue suffer. If Qian Renxue agrees to him, he may not be able to give Qian Renxue a Grass jelly.

There is no psychological burden to give it to Qian Renxue and Su Yu. After all, that girl is suitable for him who has martial soul fusion skills, and that girl really has a high degree of martial soul fusion with Su Yu, even not much worse than Qiu'er.

With this kind of martial soul fusion, it is impossible for Qian Renxue to become enemies with Su Yu.


Su Yu looked at the Prince's Mansion in front of him and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue, I'm here, where are you?" Su Yu looked at the huge Prince's Mansion with a smile on his lips, and a large amount of golden and warm soul power burst out from Su Yu's body in an instant.

Su Yu knew that Qian Renxue had been paying attention to him all the time, it wasn't that Su Yu was narcissistic and thought that he and Qian Renxue fell in love with him after meeting Qian Renxue once.

It is absolutely impossible for Qian Renxue not to pay attention to herself. As the only person with Qian Renxue and Seraphim who can fuse martial souls, it is impossible for Qian Renxue not to pay attention to herself, so as long as Qian Renxue feels her own With soul power, it is impossible for him not to send someone.

Su Yu is right. Qian Renxue is indeed paying attention to Su Yu. At this time, in an attic deep in the Prince's Mansion, Xue Qinghe played by Qian Renxue is sitting with a middle-aged man who he thinks looks elegant. Behind him was this old man with a calm face exuding a terrifying sword intent.

The old man is Sword Douluo, one of the guardian elders of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, who is well-known on the mainland, and the elegant man sitting not far from Xueqing River is the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, known as the world's most Strong support Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi is also Ning Rongrong's father, and he is also Xue Qinghe's teacher, so he came here today to discuss some matters with Xue Qinghe.

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(End of this chapter)

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