Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 115 "Ten Thousand Years Soul Bone"

Chapter 115 "Ten Thousand Years Soul Bone"

"Su Yu" Su Yu smiled, and didn't hide it, and there was no need to hide it.

"Su Yu, that's a good name. Uncle Su Yu Jian said it well. If you are not a young talent, then there is really no one." Ning Fengzhi chuckled and continued to praise Su Yu.

Listening to Ning Fengzhi's words, Su Yu couldn't help but feel bored. He was right. Seeing these guys wanted power, and Ning Fengzhi obviously wanted to win him over.

"Oh, by the way, Su Yu, I think you are not too old now. I have a daughter who is not much different from your age. Next time I will bring you over to let you have a chat. You can definitely become good friends."

Ning Fengzhi and Su Yu thought almost the same way, and drew out his daughter without saying a few words, apparently intending to introduce his daughter to Su Yu.

"Okay, I will definitely meet Ning Zongzhu's daughter in the future. Ning Zongzhu is a hero among men, and your daughter must also be a super genius. When I have time in the future, the boy will come to visit at that time. I also hope that Ning Zongzhu Sovereign, don't expel the kid."

Su Yu looked at Ning Fengzhi and said with a smile. Ning Fengzhi couldn't help admiring the young man with a gentle face and no pride in front of him.

As the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi has a very high vision, but even he has to admit that Su Yu is really outstanding.

Even saying that Su Yu can be said to be one of the best young people she has ever seen, Ning Fengzhi really doubts that his silly daughter can really grasp Su Yu, an excellent young man.

She still knows what her daughter looks like, she is a proper little witch, just a little girl with no intentions at all.

"Okay, I won't bother you young people anymore, it's getting late today, I should go back, Qinghe, don't send me off either." Ning Fengzhi and Su Yu chatted for a while, watching the gradually falling Sun couldn't help shaking his head, glanced at Su Yu and Xue Qinghe with some regrets, and said.

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Xue Qinghe couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and glanced at the sky outside, without showing any expression on his face, he was very good at nourishing his energy.

"Teacher, you are joking, you can definitely live with Senior Jian at this student's place." Seeing Ning Fengzhi standing up, Xue Qinghe couldn't help standing up, and said with a gentle smile.

"Forget it, forget it, I still have some things to do, the little witch is back today, I have to go back, you young people talk about it." Ning Fengzhi shook his head, and didn't intend to stay any longer.

Xue Qinghe persuaded him to stay for a while, seeing Ning Fengzhi's resolute attitude, he didn't insist anymore.

Seven Treasures

"Grandpa Bones, will Dad and Grandpa Jian not come back today?" Ning Rongrong sat on Ning Fengzhi's suzerain seat, swaying her calf, looking at the emaciated woman sitting not far away with some disinterest. Said the old man who was more than two meters tall.

"My little Rongrong, Fengzhi and the old slut really went too far this time. When they come back, grandpa will help you teach them a lesson. It's too much. Grandpa Bones really can't stand it anymore." The skinny old man listened to the girl He complained a lot, and there was an expression of hatred for iron and steel on that skinny face.

But it's a pity that this expression was not for Ning Rongrong, but for Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo who had just left the Prince's Mansion at this time.

Prince's Mansion

"Brother Qinghe, this time my brother will not hide anything. My brother came here this time because he wanted my brother to help me." Su Yu looked at Ning Fengzhi who was leaving, pondered his words, and looked at it with a serious face. To Xueqinghe.

"Brother Su, tell me, if brother can help, he will definitely help, but if he can't, don't blame brother, after all, brother is just a prince now."

Xue Qinghe couldn't help showing a gentle smile on his face when he heard that Su Yu came to ask him for help.

She was very happy that Su Yu came to her for help. After all, she needed to get in touch with Su Yu more and integrate her martial soul. There was no way for two unfamiliar people to succeed.

"Brother Su Yu, tell me, brother will help if he can." Xue Qinghe looked at Su Yu quite seriously.

Seeing Xue Qinghe's face and listening to Xue Qinghe's answer, Su Yu's heart was filled with joy, but Su Yu still put on a rather ugly expression on his face.

"Sigh, if it wasn't because there was really nothing I could do. I wouldn't have come to look for you, brother. Since my brother said so, my brother wouldn't hide it. Brother Qinghe, as a prince, you should know the cover of the vast sea and the universe, right?"

Su Yu looked at Xue Qinghe with a rather sad expression on his face, and his tone was awkward, as if he was very embarrassed.

"The Vast Sea Cosmic Cover" Xue Qinghe's eyes could not help but condense slightly, she has been undercover for the Heaven Dou Empire for so many years, she naturally knows that the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover is the national treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire.

It was even said that Xue Qinghe had seen the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover at close range before, but this thing can be said to have no effect at all. The only good thing is the protective function of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and other Qian Renxues can't even see it.

"The Vast Sea Cosmic Cover, my brother wants this. This is the national treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire. Although it is not very precious, it is not so easy to get it."

Xue Qinghe pondered for a while and still looked at Su Yu who was looking at him expectantly with a solemn face.

Su Yu was not surprised to hear Xue Qinghe's answer. No matter how useless it is in the eyes of outsiders, it is a national treasure. Such things are indeed not so easy to obtain, but Xue Qinghe's answer made him quite satisfied.

What Xue Qinghe meant Su Yu knew that it was not impossible to get it if it was a little difficult, and it was not impossible for Su Yu to get it as long as he paid a little price.

Su Yu couldn't help but secretly rejoiced thinking about this, and his gaze towards Xue Qinghe became more and more gentle.

"Brother Qinghe, you misunderstood me, of course I didn't want to take it for nothing, I also took a good treasure to exchange with the Heaven Dou Empire, you see."

Su Yu smiled, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, turned his palm over, and a golden soul bone appeared in Su Yu's hand instantly.

Su Yu actually has a lot of such things as soul bones. After all, there are actually many such things in the Lake of Life, and Su Yu has already started planning the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield. It is normal to have a few ten thousand year soul bones on his body.

"Soul Bone" Xue Qinghe's pupils shrank slightly for an instant, but soon Xue Qinghe restrained himself. As the young master of the Wuhun Palace, she has seen many soul bones, even many, a piece of soul that has been around for ten thousand years. It can be said that she has seen a lot of bones.

Qian Renxue thought about the group of terrifying powerhouses behind Su Yu, and it was normal for the ten thousand year soul bone, but what she didn't expect was that Su Yu would exchange the soul bone for the vast sea and universe cover.

(End of this chapter)

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