Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 136 Sword Douluo's Black Face

Chapter 136 Sword Douluo's Black Face
"The reason is that you and Uncle Jian didn't marry and have children. You see, because you and Uncle Jian didn't marry and have children, the elders and deacons of the sect also followed suit. If it weren't for you and Uncle Jian, our sect could have more children." What a genius."

Ning Fengzhi stared at Bone Douluo with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Uncle Gu, how about I arrange it for you?" Ning Fengzhi had a look of expectation on his face.

Bone Douluo was dumbfounded, he was really dumbfounded, and his complexion became more and more weird after hearing Ning Fengzhi's words.

"Fengzhi, get the hell out of me" Bone Douluo looked at Ning Fengzhi quietly for a while and finally cursed out of his mouth. Now Bone Douluo can't control whether Ning Fengzhi is the suzerain or not. The genius of the sect has something to do with not marrying a wife.

"Uncle Gu, don't you really think about it, there are still many single female elders in our sect, you are absolutely fine." Ning Fengzhi still looked at Bone Douluo unwillingly.

Bone Douluo glanced at Ning Fengzhi angrily, a space black hole was directly opened by Bone Douluo, and his figure instantly disappeared in front of Ning Fengzhi.

"Oh, Uncle Bone doesn't seem to work here, let's talk to Uncle Jian tomorrow, it would be a pity if the Seven Killing Sword and Bone Dragon Martial Soul are lost." Ning Fengzhi thought to himself while walking.

Jian Douluo who was not far away suddenly trembled as if he was being targeted.

Seven Treasures

Su Yi stood at the highest point of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, seeing the prosperous influence in front of him, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Sigh, if it wasn't for me, I'm afraid she wouldn't have died. It's a pity," Su Yi's face was a little dark, and his right hand directly reached for the wine gourd on his waist.

Picking up the wine gourd, Su Yi opened his mouth and took a big gulp.

"That's right. I didn't expect the old man's child to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. If that guy hadn't listened to me and insisted on challenging Qian Daoliu, he wouldn't have fallen." Su Yi shook his head, his tone was a bit bleak, and he seemed to be I feel sorry for the passing of an old friend.

"Forget it, since he is the son of an old friend, let's meet." Su Yi's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the back mountain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but at this time Su Yi was not hiding himself breath.

Sword Douluo Chenxin opened his eyes in an instant, and traces of sword energy continuously gushed out from his body.

"What a strong breath" Jian Douluo said in a low voice, and then rushed out of the Jiange directly towards the place where Su Yi's breath was emitting.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was not only felt by Sword Douluo, but also by Bone Douluo, and Bone Douluo also instantly started to go black hole towards the back mountain.

The other elders of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they felt that Sword Bone Douluo had all gone towards the back mountain.

The aura just now was indeed very strong, but since the two Title Douluo have gone, then there is no need to worry, and the elders are also relieved.

"Okay, okay, let's work harder tonight, let's protect the disciples." The elders talked and came to the place where the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect lived.

Back mountain
Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at each other, looking at the people in the distance who were holding up a wine gourd and drinking continuously, their eyes couldn't help revealing a bit of doubt and solemnity.

"What a scary person, I can't see through him at all." Bone Douluo looked at Su Yi solemnly, watching Su Yi drink the wine one after another.

"Indeed, I can only feel the terrifying strength in him." Sword Douluo's expression was also quite serious.

"You guys are finally here, you really made me wait, Sword Douluo Bone Douluo, right? Come on and attack me." Su Yi turned around and put the wine gourd in front of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo He waved his hand to signal them to make a move.

"Senior, who are you, why did you come to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?" Sword Douluo couldn't stand where he was at this time, he just stepped out, and the Seven Killing Sword appeared in his hand instantly, looking at Su Yi with a serious tone.

"Hehe, I'll tell you if I hit you." After finishing speaking, Su Yi slashed towards Su Yi fiercely with his hand instead of a knife.

A golden saber aura surged out of Su Yi's hand in an instant, and the terrifying saber aura directly swept a large amount of earth and rocks towards Sword Bone Douluo.

"Bone Dragon Body Protection" Bone Douluo appeared in front of Sword Douluo in an instant, and the Bone Dragon's martial soul instantly possessed him. A layer of dark light instantly condensed on Bone Douluo's body, and directly slammed towards the sword energy forcefully.

"Boom" The violent explosion instantly exploded on Bone Douluo's body.

Although the saber qi was hacked by Su Yi casually, with the blessing of strength at level 98, Su Yi's random hack still made Bone Douluo fly backwards.

It directly sent Bone Douluo hundreds of meters away.

"Okay, the person in the way is gone, come on little guy, I'm still friends with your father, now that he's gone, let me see how strong you are." Su Yi waved his hand at Sword Douluo, Indicating that Sword Douluo can attack.

"Father's friend" Chen Xin couldn't help but change her face when she heard Su Yi's words.

Chen Xin is now over 90 years old, and his father's friends are at least over 120 years old.

"The strong men of the older generation, are they really terrifying?" Chen Xin murmured in his heart, and soon his eyes erupted with a terrifying murderous look.

The Seven Kills Sword moved with the wind in Sword Douluo's hands, the thin blade seemed to cut the space in front of him directly, and a strong sword energy that was tens of meters long shot out from the Seven Kills Sword in an instant.

"Not bad." Su Yi couldn't help showing a touch of satisfaction when he saw the sword energy coming towards him.

"Although your strength is not as good as your father's, but the sword intent is not much different from your father's, but your talent is still a bit worse than your father's. If I remember correctly, you are over 90 years old this year. 90 years old I'm only level 96 at such a young age, my talent is really bad, it can't be compared with that brat in my family."

Su Yi resisted Chen Xin's sword energy while commenting.

When Chen Xin heard Su Yi's words, her face darkened in an instant. Is his talent really that bad?

Over 90 years old, level 96 is already very strong.

"Don't try it, use all your strength." Su Yi smiled and opened the sword energy shot by Sword Douluo again, took a sip of wine, and said with a casual smile.

"Then senior, be careful, the ninth soul skill, God and Demon Double Slash." Two huge swords appeared behind Sword Douluo instantly, and two terrifying sword qi burst out from the giant swords instantly, and the terrifying aura even spread across the entire Seven Treasures Glaze. Everyone can feel it.

"It's such a terrifying breath. Uncle Jian actually used the ninth soul ability. It seems that the enemy he encountered this time is really not that simple." Ning Fengzhi's eyes were a little dignified. Attack Peerless.

(End of this chapter)

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