Chapter 14 The Three-Eyed Golden Lion
"Howl..." the moment the bright unicorn opened its eyes, it saw Bi Ji and Zi Ji behind her. Feeling the aura of the two, the bright unicorn fainted from fear again.

"Cut, what a disgrace." Zi Ji couldn't help curling her lips when she saw such an underwhelming bright unicorn, and Bi Ji couldn't help shaking her head watching this scene.

"Okay, okay, after all, he is only a child of a few hundred years old." Brigitte smiled, and then injected a breath of life into the body of the bright unicorn.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Just as Bi Ji finished speaking, a golden light rushed directly into Su Yu's arms,
Su Yu looked at the three-eyed Jin Ni in his arms that was exactly the same as his own martial soul, and infinite love instantly appeared in his heart.

The same is true for the three-eyed Jinyi, Xiao Jintuan buried his head directly in Su Yu's arms, greedily feeling Su Yu's breath and the power of the blood in Su Yu's body.

"Hehe, your name is Su Yu, right? Although it's a bit unbelievable, you do have the auspicious bloodline of our soul beast family." Bi Ji walked to Su Yu's side gently, and put her jade hand on Su Yu's long golden hair Said with a smile.

"Then senior came this time because of my blood?" Su Yu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Bi Ji's appearance. He was really afraid that the two would take him back if they disagreed. From the blood, but now it seems that my worries will not come true.

And judging by the attitude of the little thing in his arms towards him, nothing will happen to him, maybe he will have a few backers in the future.

"Since you have asked this question, then I will not hide it. Xiao Suyu, you have the blood of auspicious beasts. You are the king of soul beasts. You are born to belong to the Star Dou Forest, so we want to take you back. How do you feel?" how."

Although Brigitte's words were gentle, they had an irresistible majesty.

"Senior, I'm sorry that I can't promise you. I have a grandpa who is not young at home. I'm sorry that I really can't promise you." Su Yu said, looking at Bi Ji neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hehe, don't worry about this. We can give your grandfather enough money, and even send a strong man to protect your grandfather. Of course, don't get me wrong. We don't want to imprison you, we just want to protect you. When you become stronger in the future, you can leave the forest, what do you think."

Brigitte looked at Su Yu sincerely, she did not lie, she would not hurt Su Yu, and it was Ditian's attention to bring Su Yu back to the Star Dou Forest, and there may even be instructions from the Lord behind it.

"Oh, okay, but you have to take good care of my grandpa, that is my only family member. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago." Su Yu looked at Bi Ji and Zi Ji firmly.

Hearing this, Brigitte couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

"Okay, just promise me. As for your grandfather, we will definitely take good care of it. How about this? We have been to Notting College, and the girl named Xiao Wu next to you is one of us. We sent her How about going to your grandfather's side."

After hearing Su Yu's agreement, Zi Ji also showed a smile, walked up to Su Yu with long legs and said with a smile.

The three-eyed Jin Yan in Su Yu's arms was even more excited when he saw that Su Yu agreed to go back to the Star Forest with him, and those big eyes looked at Su Yu drippingly.

Seeing such a cute movement of the three-eyed Jin Yan, Su Yu felt his heart was about to melt.

"It's so cute." Su Yu hugged the three-eyed Jin Ni in the air and said with a smile, and then Su Yu buried his face directly in the belly of the three-eyed Jin Ni.

Su Yu's movements instantly made the three-eyed Jin Yan frowned, and the three-eyed Jin Yan kept struggling, trying to make Su Yu let go of himself.

"It's so cute!" A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yu's mouth, and then he buried his head in it again.

"Su Yu, do you have any other requests, please tell them together, we will all agree to you." Bi Ji smiled and said directly.

"I don't have any other requirements, but I want to go home and tell Grandpa, what do you think."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Brigitte nodded and agreed to Su Yu's request without even thinking about it.

"Okay, let's go then." Saying that, Bi Ji flew into the air, grabbed Su Yu's clothes, and flew into the distance.

Su Yu, who was held in Brigitte's arms, was not idle either, holding the three-eyed Jin Ni in his hands and teasing him constantly.

Hunting Forest Hundred Miles Away

Tang Hao fell directly to the ground from the air, looking at Tang San who was still unconscious and Grandmaster who had already been stunned.

Tang Hao's complexion turned dark, and his big slap immediately moved.

"Pa" the big slap directly on the Grandmaster's face, directly slapping the Grandmaster a few times.

"Your Majesty Haotian, are you alright?" The master came back to his senses, looked at Tang Hao's injuries, and asked worriedly.

"What do you think?" Tang Hao looked at the dozens of large and small blood holes on his body, his face darkened, and he said speechlessly.

"Master, you have encountered a hard problem this time. You can't stay at Notting College. I can't reveal my identity now, so you should take Xiaosan and leave quickly. Go to a place where the kid can't find it. I'm afraid even if I have strength, I have to deal with it carefully."

Tang Hao said with a serious face, and Yu Xiaogang's complexion couldn't help changing slightly after listening to Tang Hao's words.

"Your Majesty Haotian, can't even you deal with the forces behind that kid?"

Tang Hao sighed, and didn't say anything. He really regretted it now. Why did he have to show his head to the master at the time, and now he provoked a big enemy for himself.

"Hmph, it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, would I be able to come out?"

Thinking of this, the depression in Tang Hao's heart became more and more intense, and his big slap instantly lifted and slapped the master's face, and the terrifying force instantly sent the master flying.

The master's face immediately became red and swollen under this force.

"Okay, I'm going to heal my wounds, you don't have to stay at Notting College, just run away."

After explaining a few more words, Tang Hao left directly. Following Tang Hao's departure, the originally calm face of the master gradually began to twist.

"Bastard, it's obviously you who pretended to be aggressive, and now you still blame me. Okay, I can't afford to offend you, but I see if you can hide from Wuhundian."

The master cursed a few words in his heart, he had already thought about it, and when he returned to Notting College, he must write a book.Inform Wuhundian of Tang Hao's whereabouts.

Even if Wuhundian can't catch Tang Hao, it can still cause Tang Hao a lot of trouble.

If you dare to hit me, Yu Xiaogang, you will die. If you don't cheat you, you can say whatever you want, don't say you are Tang San's father, even if you are my father, it is useless.

 Ask for investment, ask for collection, ask for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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