Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 142 Tang Hao's Plan

Chapter 142 Tang Hao's Plan

After Shui Wuxin finished speaking, he turned his head and left. Seeing this scene, Su Yu couldn't help spreading his hands at his teammates behind him.

"Okay, let's go, teachers and friends, let's see you in the competition." Su Yu smiled and led everyone to follow Shui Wuxin's footsteps?Does little fairy understand?" Shui Wuxin's expression carried a hint of warning and threat.

Seeing Shui Wuxin in this state, Su Yu couldn't help shaking slightly, and then his expression became more and more weird as if he remembered something.

"Understood?" Seeing that Su Yu was silent, Shui Wuxin couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and his tone was a little gloomy.

Su Yu swallowed his saliva and nodded with some difficulty.

"Mr. Wuxin, don't worry, I will never say you are an old woman again." Su Yu patted his chest and looked at Shui Wuxin reassuringly.

But as Su Yu said this, Shui Wuxin's fist gradually clenched. When Su Yu said the old woman, Shui Wuxin's fist hit Su Yu directly in the stomach.

"Er Ou" Su Yu was directly punched KO, and seeing Su Yu who was a little unconscious, Shui Wuxin couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Okay, it's comfortable. Qiu'er takes Su Yu with him. This kid really can't speak. Qiu'er, you have to teach him more, you know?" Shui Wuxin handed Su Yu to Wang Qiuer with a smile.

"Eh..." Wang Qiuer took Su Yu from Shui Wuxin in a daze, looked at Su Yu and then at Shui Wuxin and nodded.

Ramba Academy
Looking at his son in front of him, Tang Hao couldn't help showing a serious and heartbroken look on his face.

"Little San, your face has really suffered for you these years. It's useless because of your father. If your father is stronger, he will definitely be able to protect you." Tang Hao said with tears on his face.

"Father" Tang San also looked at the man in front of him excitedly, the life of these years is really hard.

Thinking of Su Yu and Tang San's face that he met a few months ago, his expression changed instantly.

"Father, you hurry up. Su Yu is the kid who was rescued when we didn't kill him when we were young. He is in Tiandou City. Hurry up and don't let him find you. He has strong backing behind him."

Tang San's tone was so excited that he was about to pull Tang Hao's hand and head out of Lanba Academy.

"Little San, you said that kid Su Yu is here." Tang Hao's face showed a trace of solemnity and hatred, feeling the dull pain in his chest, Tang Hao's body couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Yes, Dad, you'd better leave quickly, the strong man behind him is too strong." Tang San's face showed a touch of doubt and solemnity.

Tang San asked Tang Hao to leave, but he knew that if Su Yu didn't let him leave, he couldn't leave Tiandou City.

Tang San didn't dare to bet, Su Yu's power was really terrifying. At least Tang San had never seen someone so young who was guarded by a Titled Douluo. Su Yu was the first one he had ever seen.

And since fighting Su Yu, Tang San has always had a vague feeling that Su Yu must be hiding in the dark and watching him.

The master also said that he had that feeling. He said that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him.

Tang San thought about it, and there was only Su Yu, and there must be Su Yu in the academy.

"Su Yu, are you here too? I hope that old guy is not here, otherwise it will be really troublesome." Tang Hao was not worried about Tang San's thoughts. Not many people.

"Little San, don't worry, there are not many people around, you don't have to worry, it's all right, you can clean up quickly, the blue silver grass can't be cultivated, the master's theory is good, but Su Yu's backside is too strong, so I said Let your cultivation base improve quickly."

Tang Hao's face was serious. This guy Su Yu not only has power but also powerful combat power. In order to prevent Haotianzong from being wiped out, he must let Tang San quickly gain combat power.

And there is only one way to gain combat power quickly, and that is awakening. Tang San's martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, but his mother is Ah Yin, who has disappeared now. If Tang Hao's guess is correct, he should be dead by now. Tang San awakens Blue Silver Grass at this time. Silver Emperor, and the Blue Silver Emperor Haotian Hammer dual cultivation, the combat power can be quickly converted?

Tang Hao thought beautifully, but the reality is really ideal.

In an unknown hotel in Tiandou City
Looking at the golden-patterned blue silver grass in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help smiling, and stretched out his hand to touch the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Be good, I won't put you in next time, don't be angry, okay?" Su Yu said and forced a drop of blood to melt into the Blue Silver Emperor.

With the passage of time, Su Yu found that as long as the Blue Silver Emperor absorbed his blood, her memory would become more and more blurred. Now Su Yu can't help but feel a little excited when he thinks of the future battle between Ah Yin and Tang Hao.

"Obey, darling" Su Yu comforted Ah Yin for a while, and then took Ah Yin back to his system space again, and just let Ah Yin come out to bask in the sun every day.

"Zi Ji don't hide, I know you are here." Su Yu shook his head, and the third eye on his forehead opened instantly and looked directly at the corner of the wall.

The Eye of Destiny opened, and the terrifying mental power surged in an instant and directly covered the direction Su Yu was looking at.

"Che, I was discovered by you." Feeling Su Yu's spiritual power, Zi Ji couldn't help shaking her head, and jumped out of her hidden position.

"Why did you and Xuedi go, and haven't seen you for so long?" Su Yu looked at Ziji in the purple dress and asked a little puzzled.

Su Yu's question directly froze Ziji's face.

"Why did you go out to fight?" Su Yu shook his head and asked helplessly.

"Huh, my old lady just went out to fight, no way." Seeing that Su Yu had discovered Ziji, she stopped hiding and directly sued loudly.

"Let me tell you, this woman Xuedi is really disgusting. She dared to say that my old lady eats young grass. If I can't beat her, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

Zi Ji gritted her little canine teeth after thinking about it, it seemed that she was quite unconvinced.

"Okay, okay, you and Sister Xuedi's cultivation is indeed better than yours, and I think what Sister Xuedi said is right, aren't you just an old cow eating young grass?"

Su Yu glanced at Zi Ji and couldn't help but said with a faint smile on his face.

"I'm afraid you are looking for death, die for me." Zi Ji was directly stimulated by Su Yu's words, and threw herself into Su Yu's arms.

Ziji's strength was much stronger than Su Yu's, and she directly pressed Su Yu on the bed and couldn't move.

"Talk and keep talking," Zi Ji said, narrowing her eyes and looking at Su Yu lightly.

Seeing Ziji like this, Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head, and was a little afraid to speak for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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