Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 148 Tang 3 who failed to evolve

Chapter 148 Tang San who failed to evolve

While Zi Ji kept taking care of things, the message that the Blue Silver King wanted to send came to Ah Yin as fast as a high-speed train.

The horror of the speed is that the speed of sound may not be too fast. When Ah Yin received the news, her whole body began to shake continuously, and the coercion unique to the Blue Silver Emperor erupted from her body in an instant.

Now that Ah Yin has absorbed Su Yu's blood, he has already lost his memory, not to mention letting himself give up his position as the Blue Silver Emperor. Go away from the position of the Blue Silver King.

"If you want to get your hands on my emperor's position, get lost." After receiving the news from Ah Yin, the Blue Silver King burst out with terrifying resistance.

Under the terrifying resistance ability, Tang San was instantly ejected from comprehension, and a mouthful of blood instantly spurted out from Tang San's mouth.

"Little San" Tang Hao, who had been standing next to Tang San, couldn't help but panic when he saw this scene, and immediately came to the side of his son who was spurting out a lot of blood.

"Father, I was rejected... There was a force of resistance that directly ejected me." Every time Tang San said a word, a small mouthful of blood flowed from his mouth.

"Rejected, resisted" Tang Hao's eyes showed a trace of doubt and solemnity.

His original purpose was to make Tang San's Blue Silver Grass awaken the Blue Silver Emperor to become a top spirit not weaker than the Clear Sky Hammer, but now it seems that there is really no way.

"Little San, recover first, and then tell me carefully, what did you feel?" Looking at his son, Tang Hao couldn't help showing a look of worry in his eyes.

Tang San suffered a lot of injuries due to the impact of his mental power. If he didn't repair it quickly, he would really be useless. Tang Hao thought about it, but still gritted his teeth, and took out the soul tool from his soul tool. A white spirit bone.

"Little San, this is the spirit bone I obtained from the psychedelic deer. Although it only has a cultivation base of more than 1 years, it has the effect of restoring spiritual power. You should absorb it." Tang Hao put the spirit bone in front of Tang San. Originally, Tang Hao planned to give the soul bone to his elder brother Tang Xiao, but now he should let his son absorb it.

Tang San couldn't help being stunned seeing the spirit bone in his father's hand, and his colleagues were also filled with joy.

Tang San took the spirit bone and stuck it directly on his head, and began to absorb it.

The spirit bones of more than 1 years are not very powerful, although they are also very precious, but Tang San absorbs them quite quickly, and reabsorbs them in less than an hour.

"Recovery is complete" Tang San could not help muttering to himself feeling the rather clear feeling in his mind.

"Little San, you're awake, what's going on, why were you suddenly ejected." Tang Hao looked at his son in disbelief.

Listening to Tang Hao's words, Tang San couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"Father, I don't know either, I just heard that someone is trying to take the throne of my emperor, let me go." Seeing his father's appearance, Tang San couldn't help but shook his head and said strangely.

"My Emperor" Tang Hao couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, isn't the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass Tang San's mother, Ah Yin, it shouldn't be, Ah Yin should have been killed by the bear children of Holy Soul Village, There should be no Blue Silver Emperor in this world anymore.

Tang Hao was puzzled, and it took several minutes for Tang Hao to raise his head gradually.

"Now Xiaosan has no way to awaken the blood, he really has no other way, it seems that the only way is to let Xiaosan practice the Clear Sky Hammer first." Tang Hao thought helplessly.

"However, Ah Yin is not dead. It seems that I have checked it carefully. I can't go back to Holy Soul Village. That old man is too strong, and he seems to be a little familiar with grandpa. I'm afraid he was the opponent of grandpa back then." Tang Hao thought. Looking at his own situation, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless. It was all because of that idiot, Master. If it wasn't for Master, he wouldn't be in this state. It seems that the elder brother needs to take action.

Tang Hao sighed, and looked at Tang San helplessly.

"Little San, if it doesn't work, let's change to the Clear Sky Hammer first." Tang Hao sighed, although he only had one martial soul, he felt that the method of cultivating twin martial souls was probably physical fitness.The power of twin spirits is that it is a pity to absorb eighteen spirit rings at the same time, and the requirements for absorbing spirit rings are physical strength and mental strength.

"But father, teacher, he hasn't yet." Tang San looked at his father with some hesitation.

Tang San looked at his father with some hesitation. Although he had some opinions on the master now, he still believed in the master's theory.

Tang Hao's face darkened instantly when he saw Tang San's appearance.

"Little San, believe me, I am your father, I will not harm you." Tang Hao roared, his already dark face became even darker.

"Okay, Xiaosan needless to say, come with me, I will take you to hunt for soul rings, the Clear Sky Hammer is no more familiar than me." Tang Hao's voice was quite serious, as a Clear Sky Douluo, he On the Clear Sky Hammer, it can be said that he is the strongest in the mainland, even his elder brother Tang Xiao doesn't have this ability.

"Okay father." Seeing his father's appearance, Tang San couldn't help but nodded, Tang Hao was his father, and he believed in any decision Tang Hao made.

After Tang Hao saw that Tang San was meaningless, a gratified smile appeared on his face.

"Well, that's right"

Seeing the smile on Tang Hao's face, Tang San also smiled. Although his father was often not around, he was still very happy seeing his father like this.

"Huh" Su Yu wiped the golden dragon gun in his hand and looked at the millions of soul beasts not far away, Su Yu couldn't help sighing.

The fourth test is the heart of the brave. Su Yu needs to face hundreds of thousands of year-level soul beasts and kill them.

Although these soul beasts are just phantoms of divine power left by the Ice God, their strength is no different from the ten thousand year soul beasts and even stronger than the ten thousand year soul beasts outside.

"Oh, it's really troublesome." Su Yu thought helplessly to kill the soul beast that was rushing towards him with a single shot.

Although Su Yu's strength is not that terrifying, these soul beasts in their early [-] years really pose no threat to him at all.

"Three Thousand Thunders" Su Yu let out a low growl, and the terrifying Su Yu unfolded again. Su Yu's figure quickly passed through the group of soul beasts like a butterfly, and the golden golden dragon gun was also quickly pierced out of Su Yu's hand.

Every time the Golden Dragon Spear is stabbed by Su Yu, it will turn a soul beast into a little bit of starlight. Su Yu took dozens of soul beasts away at one time. Su Yu's speed is so fast that these soul beasts can't keep up with him at all. Can let him ravage at will.

"Kirin Destruction Strike" A phantom of a unicorn appeared behind Su Yu instantly, and the terrifying heat erupted directly, and dozens of phantoms of soul beasts who wanted to approach Su Yu were burned into foam.

(End of this chapter)

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