Chapter 174 Tyranny Tang San (End)

Tang San sprayed out a mouthful of broken internal organs, and his body also fell limply to the ground.

"What a terrifying guy, this kind of strength is really shocking!" This was Tang San's inner thoughts at the last moment after he passed out of a coma.

"Little San" Tang Hao growled hoarsely while staying in a hidden place, his hands resting on the wall, and the sound of crackling came from the wall continuously.

The bricks and stones were directly crushed by Tang Hao.

"Xiaohao, calm down, you can't go out at this time, I'm afraid Su Yu has already been alerted by throwing the Haotian Hammer. If you still go out now, then our plan is still not moving. The Haotian School can't have such a terrible enemy. up,"

Seeing that Tang Hao really wanted to leave and was here to find trouble with Su Yu, Tang Xiao couldn't help being slightly startled, and then he squeezed Tang Hao's body.

"Well, I know big brother, I can't move, but poor little San, Su Yu must let me kill after the plan is successful, so as to relieve my hatred." Tang Hao's voice was hoarse, and a stone was caught again. I got the powder.

"Little San, are you okay? Su Yu, you are so cruel, you actually beat Xiao San like this." The master had already smiled when he saw Su Yu being beaten out, but he didn't expect the plot to be so different. With such a sharp turn, Su Yu returned to the competition stage, and then Tang San was directly beaten by a second.

"Am I vicious, I'm not as vicious as you, and it feels good to have a baby, doesn't it?" Su Yu's mouth curled into a faint smile.

"You, it's really you." There was a look of disbelief in the master's eyes.

"Of course it's me. You are afraid of what you will do if I publicize this matter." Su Yu looked into the master's eyes and said lightly, and he left directly after speaking.

"What a rubbish." A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

After the game, the staff also ran directly onto the stage and announced the end of the game.

At the end of the match, Emperor Xue Ye was undoubtedly another impassioned encouragement and encouragement.Next, the finals will start soon.That is the real battle to decide who is the strongest student in the mainland.

As an emperor, of course Emperor Xue Ye couldn't leave Heaven Dou City without authorization.After the speech, Emperor Xue Ye announced that Prince Xue Qinghe would represent him as the envoy of the Heaven Dou Empire to participate in the judging work of this competition.And the fifteen teams from the Heaven Dou Empire will be accompanied by him personally to a city at the junction of the two empires for the final finals.The finals will be hosted by Wuhundian.

The adjustment time for each team is only three days. Three days later, a total of fifteen teams, together with the escort of the teacher and [-] soldiers of the Royal Knights, a group of thousands of people set off for the venue of the finals.Wuhun City.

Originally, the location of the finals was not set in Wuhun City, but for some reason, Wuhun Temple suddenly changed.The final finals of this session were placed in the main city of the Spirit Hall.This city almost completely belongs to the Spirit Hall.It is located at the junction of two empires, and neither of them owns it.The most important thing is that, symbolizing one of the two most lofty halls in Wuhun Temple, the Pope's Hall is located in Wuhun City.

This newly built Pope's Palace is known as the most magnificent building in the entire Douluo Continent.And it is precisely because of this newly built Pope's Palace that Wuhun City has become a holy place for all spirit masters.It is also the existence of the capital that Wuhundian has set up for itself.

Starting from Tiandou City to Wuhun City, it takes almost 20 days.The game time of the finals is not very long, because it is completely a knockout match.A total of 33 teams will be able to decide the winner in less than ten days.

Wuhundian attaches great importance to this finals. During the promotion competition, Wuhuncheng has specially opened up a place as the venue for the finals of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.At the same time, Wuhun City announced the decree.

During the start of the competition, non-spirit masters are not allowed to enter to watch the competition.Not even nobles.In this way, the final finals added a bit of mystery.

Common people will not feel dissatisfied with such decrees as Wuhundian. After all, soul masters are superior to common people.The Wuhun Temple is a shrine and a holy place in their hearts, a decree promulgated by Pope Bibi Dong himself, who dares to say anything?

A group of thousands of people set off in a mighty way.Although each academy is doing its own thing, they all represent the Heaven Dou Empire after all. Compared with the previous qualifiers and promotion matches, the smell of gunpowder has been much lessened.In particular, several academies with relatively good relations are walking together.

In order to allow the participating team members to rest better, the Heaven Dou Empire specially made fifteen luxurious and gigantic carriages for the participating team members to ride and rest.

But there is indeed one missing team among them, that is Shrek Academy. After Tang San was defeated by Su Yu, Shrek Academy played directly.

"Xiao Hao is about to start. I know you're upset with that kid, but you have to hold on. Xiao San has already been sent to the Clear Sky School. He can definitely improve the treatment conditions of the Clear Sky School, and maybe even change his appearance. also completely recovered”

Tang Xiao patted Tang Hao beside him, seeing Tang Hao's relaxed body again, Tang Xiao couldn't help feeling relieved.

The journey was very peaceful, and the ten days passed quickly.Half of the journey to Wuhun City has passed.

A guard team of [-] members of the Royal Knights is enough to be comparable to the royal relatives. Wherever they go, any city will receive them in the best form.There was no trouble on the road.

Su Yu lay bored in a carriage, and Tang Hao was about to die of boredom before he started.

"Tang Hao, you'd better come quickly, if you don't come, I will really be bored to death." Su Yu secretly thought about how he should deal with Tang Hao when he came.

Just when Su Yu was in a daze, suddenly countless falling rocks rolled down from the hills on both sides like raindrops. These falling rocks not only appeared very abruptly, but also very neatly.Come quickly towards the bottom.

Su Yu's face immediately became happy when he saw this scene.

"What a guy, he's finally here." Just after Su Yu finished speaking, nine figures appeared in the carriage where he was staying alone.

"Ditian, then I'm counting on you." Su Yu nodded to Ditian, and then left directly.

As soon as Su Yu got off the carriage, he saw a huge stone smashed towards him.

"Kirin Destruction Strike" Su Yu let out a low growl, and the terrifying unicorn phantom reappeared, and directly smashed towards the stone fiercely. The huge stone was directly turned into powder under Su Yu's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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