Chapter 176 Tang Xiao Died

"It's so terrifying ice." Lie Yang Douluo's complexion changed instantly and he dropped the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

"Old Seven, be careful, this female doll is not easy to deal with." The Second Elder also looked at Xuedi solemnly.

Their level is not considered high, just like level 92. Although with the Clear Sky Hammer, their combat effectiveness is very strong, but compared to Snow Empress, they are really rubbish.

"Old Seven, let's deal with him together." After the second elder finished speaking, he rushed out with all the elders around him, wanting to attack Xuedi together.

"Hey, hey, it's not good to shoot a girl like this. Although you are nothing but chickens and dogs in front of this woman, you can't pretend that we are not here, can you?"

Just when the elders rushed in front of Xue Di, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, several figures directly cut through the void and landed in front of everyone.

There are men and women, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they all have a strong aura.

"Hehe, Su Yu boy, but we grew up to be similar to our children. Since you are venting your anger for your son, then we can't ignore things."

Di Tian's voice was calm, and his golden pupils stared straight at Tang Hao as if they could see through everything.

The moment Tang Hao was stared at by Ditian, it was like being stared at by an ancient ferocious bird, and half of his body went cold.

"It's these things like chickens and dogs who want to attack our little Su Yu. I really don't want to live."

Xiong Jun's violent temper will not have the slightest ninja.

"Native chicken and tile dog" all the people present couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they heard Mr. Xiong's description.

Nima, Titled Douluo is a native chicken and tile dog, is it true that Title Douluo is not even a native chicken and tile dog?

The aloof titled Douluo is a chicken and a dog, the contrast is too great and some people can't react well.

"Okay, don't give them nonsense, just solve them." Chi Wang shook his head and said helplessly.

Suddenly Chi Wang's expression changed, as if he saw something.

"Not bad, long time no see Tang Hao, by the way, your hand is healed, it's not easy, let's fight again."

Chi Wang looked at Tang Hao with a smile and the excitement in his eyes.

"Okay, let's do it."

Xue Di said something in a cold voice, and after saying that, Xue Di rushed towards the Seventh Elder Lie Yang Douluo in an instant.

The Snow Empress moved lightly with her lotus steps, and came directly in front of Lieyang Douluo in an instant.

"Snow Emperor's Three Wonders Great Cold and No Snow" Snow Emperor's palms are as white and slender as white jade.

Gently slapped Lieyang Douluo's body with a palm.

This palm seems to be very slow, like a light and fluffy goose feather, but it is the palm issued by Xue Di sealing off all the surrounding space.

With a palm hitting Lieyang Douluo's body, countless ice directly penetrated Lieyang Douluo's body in an instant, and Lieyang Douluo instantly became an ice sculpture.

"Old Seven" the second elder roared and was about to step forward.

But at this moment, Lieyang Douluo's body that turned into an ice sculpture also began to crack slowly.

"Crack, click..." Pieces of fragments kept falling from Lieyang Douluo's body.

"Old Seven is actually dead, that's too much..." The elders were wiped out instantly when they saw it.

"Brother, we can't wait any longer, let's go." Tang Hao rushed up after finishing speaking.

"Hey, I'll deal with this guy." Xiong Jun showed a cruel smile on his face, and stretched out his golden claws to grab Tang Hao.

"Okay, let's do it, everyone." After Di Tian finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao looked at Di Tian who was rushing towards him, and he couldn't help showing a hint of caution in his eyes. At the same time, his figure directly rushed into the sky, as if he was going to fight Di Tian in the sky.

"Overestimating one's abilities" Di Tian's tone was indifferent, but he still flew directly into the sky.

This human being is sure to be killed, Ditian's strength is quite terrifying, and now he is just playing casually.

Although Tang Xiao has a strength of level 97, he is like a piece of trash in front of the demigod Di Tian.

Seeing that Di Tiandou was approaching, Chi Wang and the others no longer hid themselves and rushed directly towards Haotianzong.

Everyone is full of powerful aura, and the aura of everyone on Su Yu's side will not lose to Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, and even faintly surpass it.

"Is Su Yu's background so terrifying?" Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but stare at the strong men around Su Yu in disbelief.

Xue Qinghe sat in the carriage, thinking about the letter his grandfather sent him two days ago, he couldn't help shaking his head.

I didn't expect that Su Yu was the grandson of his grandfather's old friend, and he was really related to him.

However, there are so many titles around Su Yu, I am afraid it is impossible for them to have so many strong people in the Wuhun Hall for a while.

"Haotian real body, the nine rings explode together" Tang Hao roared while holding the Haotian Hammer, and the nine soul rings behind him exploded instantly.

A mouthful of blood spewed out directly, but his vision was firm, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand directly pierced through the void with a powerful momentum and ruthlessly smashed towards Mr. Xiong.

"Trash" Xiong Jun looked at Tang Hao's powerful move, couldn't help curling his lips, and slapped it directly with his dark golden claws.

The dark gold claws directly drew a paw print in the air.

The dark golden paw prints directly cut through the void and ruthlessly collided with the Haotian Hammer.

What state is Xiong Jun, he can even hurt Ditian, Tang Hao is just a slap in front of Ditian, and a paw in front of Xiong Jun.

"Die to me" Tang Hao roared, and the Clear Sky Hammer actually doubled in size again.

The skin on Tang Hao's body also continued to crack, and a large amount of blood flowed out as if desperately.

Under Tang Hao's desperate attitude, the Clear Sky Hammer gradually broke through Jun Xiong's casual attack, and hit Jun Xiong fiercely again.

"Dark Gold Horror Claw" Xiong Jun showed disdain in his eyes, and a three-meter-long paw print burst out directly from his hand.

The space directly and continuously split under the claws, and the Dark Gold Terrorclaw instantly appeared beside the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Boom" a violent explosion occurred instantly, and at the same time a figure fell directly from the sky.

"Boom" The sound of the body colliding with the ground appeared directly in everyone's ears.

The smoke dissipated, Tang Hao was still standing in the void even though he was seriously injured.

"If it's not Tang Hao, then who is it?" Shui Wu couldn't believe it. She thought it was Tang Hao's, and she thought that Tang Hao would definitely die with Xiong Jun's blow.

But it seemed that he still underestimated Tang Hao, and at a glance, a person whose whole body was scorched black and had completely turned into stage three was lying quietly on the ground.

"This is Tang Xiao, the patriarch of the Haotian School"

"Brother!" Tang Hao's eyes were full of disbelief and heartache.

(End of this chapter)

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