Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 183 Chapter 178 Bibi Dong's Invitation

Chapter 183 Chapter 170 Chapter [-] Bibi Dong's Invitation

"Su Yu, are you willing to become a soul master in our Wuhun Hall?" Bibi Dong's voice was full of majesty, but the eyes she looked at Su Yu were indeed extremely gentle.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I don't think I need it anymore, I prefer to be free."

Su Yu couldn't help showing a faint smile when he heard Bibidong's invitation. He likes freedom and doesn't want to join Wuhundian. Although he is very talented and Wuhundian is also the most powerful in the mainland, there is Gu Yuena behind him. Who can have such thick thighs?

"If that's the case, then forget it, I wish you a successful title in the future."

Bibi Dong smiled, as if she knew Su Yu would refuse.

"We won, we finally won." Shui Wuxin was also completely excited at this moment. This was the first time Tianshui won the championship since its establishment.

"Well, Mr. Wuxin, we finally won." The corner of Su Yu's mouth curled up slightly. At this moment, seeing the happy smiles of his partners, he also felt happy.

"We should withdraw after winning Teacher Wuxin. I'm afraid we won't be able to go back to the academy with you this time. I need to deal with some things at home."

Su Yu also had a bright smile on his face.

"Aren't you going back with us, captain?" Shui Bing'er looked at Su Yu with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

I knew before that we would definitely separate, but I really didn't expect it to happen so soon, and I feel a little sad thinking about it.

Shui Binger looked at Su Yu blankly, her eyes filled with the sadness of parting.

"Oh, don't be sad, why don't you look like this! How about we make a three-year agreement?" Wang Qiuer couldn't help holding Shui Binger's little hand a little bit sadly seeing her sister so sad.

"Three-year contract" Shui Bing'er Xue Wu couldn't help showing a hint of joy in her eyes.

"Okay, what about Tianshui College in three years' time?" Shui Bing'er narrowed her big eyes and said with a smile on her face.

"Su Yu, we should leave"

Just as Wang Qiuer and Shui Binger made an appointment, a tall figure appeared behind Su Yu.

Di Tian was Di Tian, ​​originally Di Tiandou had gone back, but Gu Yuena ordered him to come back.

"Well, then leave." Su Yu nodded seriously at Shui Bing'er.

"Well, goodbye." Shui Bing'er also showed a faint smile.

There are no special words to retain, only the most ordinary leaving.

Ditian didn't wait and grabbed Su Yu's neck directly, and directly lifted Su Yu Wang Qiuer Xiaowu up, and the speed broke through the speed of sound in an instant and rushed out.

Thousands of miles away from Wuhun City, an old man was standing on a mountain facing the wind with a golden saber in his hand. The terrifying aura of the saber was like a giant sword that cut open the sky and the earth.

"What a scary guy, there is such a strong person behind that child Xiaoyu, so we can communicate with each other."

The golden saber energy broke through thousands of meters in an instant, and hit the approaching Ditian viciously.

"Bro" Ditian's face didn't change in the slightest, he was directly in the middle of his big hand slashing fiercely on the saber aura, the terrifying power instantly flowed into Su Yi's saber aura and completely shattered it.

Seeing that his saber energy was broken, Su Yi was not surprised at all and even acted quite calmly.
"Push the sky horizontally" Su Yi roared, and a saber aura that cut the sky apart surged out instantly.

Seeing Su Yi's move, Di Tian also showed a slight solemn feeling.

Even he is quite afraid of such a terrifying sword energy. A human being did not expect it to be so powerful. If he didn't have the Dragon God Claw, maybe he really couldn't do anything to him.

Ditian's hands shone slightly, and a suffocating and terrifying coercion surged from his body in an instant. The terrifying energy directly made Su Yi not far away frown.

"Old man" Su Yu spoke at the moment Ditian was about to make a move. At this moment, he looked at Su Yi with a deep sense of disbelief in his eyes.

He originally thought that Di Tian was invincible, but he didn't expect his old man to be so terrifying.

He originally thought that the old man was only around level 98, which was about the same as Mr. Xiong, but he didn't expect the old man to be so fierce.

Su Yu shook his head, looking at the old man with a hint of kindness in his eyes.

"Smelly boy" Su Yi's figure moved, and he slapped Su Yu directly on the head.

Su Yu almost flew out in one blow, and a big pimple appeared on his head.

"Old man, it hurts a lot." Su Yu glanced at Su Yi dissatisfiedly, touched his head and said with displeasure.

"It's okay if it hurts. Remember to be careful in the future. I also know those guys from the Haotian School. If you kill them, you will kill them. Some softies will die as soon as they die."

"But remember, boy, if you dare to become like that, I will kill you with my own hands, and you can leave when it's done."

Su Yi took a deep look at Ditian, then turned around and planned to leave.

"Old man, where are you going?" Su Yu looked at Su Yi who was about to leave and asked worriedly.

"I went to find an old friend. I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't know if she is still so beautiful."

After Su Yi finished speaking, he cut through the void and quickly flew towards the distance.

"Old friend?" Su Yu shook his head and thought helplessly.

It wasn't until Su Yi left that Xiao Wu and Wang Qiuer came to their senses.

"Grandpa Su Yi is so strong X2" The two women looked at Su Yu in disbelief. They used to think that Su Yi was just an ordinary person, but they never thought that Su Yi was so strong. Even Ditian didn't have time Take down Su Yi.

"I also know that the old man is so terrifying recently." Su Yu shook his head and said helplessly.

"Ditian hurry up, I feel that my bloodline is about to evolve again." Su Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Spirit world
The goddess of life looked at Su Yu on the screen and couldn't help showing a smile.

"How about Xiao Zi, my successor, isn't he very strong?"

The goddess of life looked at the majestic man beside her and couldn't help showing a proud look.

The man beside him is the God of Destruction, one of the most powerful beings in the God Realm.

The God of Destruction has endless destructive power and is the opposite god of the Goddess of Life, but the two are also husband and wife.

"Huh, it's not bad, and it seems to have a good relationship with the dragon god's avatar. Do you really think we can't find out, and throw all the mistakes to us. If it weren't for the dragon god, we wouldn't restrict the soul beast."

The God of Destruction shook his head, looking a little upset.

"You're awake, and she doesn't know. She just remembers that we attacked her." The Goddess of Life couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words of the God of Destruction. She didn't care. different.

"Xiao Zi, the mysterious blood power in this child's body has evolved again. Do you think it is possible for him to bear the power of creation?"

(End of this chapter)

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