Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 19 The Unbelievable Brigitte

Chapter 19 The Unbelievable Brigitte

The three-eyed Jin Yi was worried about Su Yu's side, looking at the golden wings that suddenly appeared behind Su Yu, his big eyes showed a touch of doubt in a humane way.

"Damn it, the absorption of the external spirit bone really hurts, damn it."

Feeling the burning pain on his back, Su Yu felt that his tears were about to fall out. After all, a bone was squeezed out of his own flesh. This kind of pain is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Su Yu roared, and big drops of saliva kept flowing from Su Yu's eyes.

"What's the matter with Rui Beast Su Yu, and what's going on with the soul bone behind him."

Looking at Su Yu's appearance, the three-eyed Jin Ni couldn't help becoming anxious. Suddenly, the three-eyed Jin Ni seemed to have thought of something, and immediately left Su Yu and ran towards the distance.

half an hour later

"What's the matter with Rui Beast Su Yu, and what's going on with the soul bone behind him."

Bi Ji stood beside Su Yu and looked at the pair of dragon wings, and couldn't help but looked at the three-eyed Jin Yan curiously and said.

When the three-eyed Jin Ni heard Bi Ji's question, she immediately began to share her hands and feet, and began to express herself.

"Oh, it grew out suddenly. It's really weird. This child has a secret, but forget it, he doesn't want to tell us and we don't ask."

Looking at the external spirit bone on Su Yu's body, Bi Ji couldn't help thinking secretly, but Bi Ji's face didn't change much, instead she squatted down gently and touched the three-eyed Jin Ni's little head.

"Ruishou, Su Yu is fine, don't worry, this is his chance, let's not bother him, shall we?"

The three-eyed Jin Yan was also slightly taken aback when she heard Bi Ji's words, but she soon calmed down.

The three-eyed Jinyi has a very high IQ. With only 5000 years of cultivation, she definitely has an IQ of eleven or twelve years old. If it weren't for Su Yu's expression that looked painful just now, she wouldn't panic and wouldn't go Find Brigitte.

Feeling the pain in his body that has been slightly reduced, Su Yu couldn't help feeling secretly happy.

after a while

Su Yu opened his eyes leisurely, and a special aura erupted from Su Yu instantly. With the explosion of this aura, the cultivation base of the surrounding vegetation and spirit beasts within a radius of [-] meters began to increase dramatically.

This aura came and went quickly, and it disappeared from Su Yu's body in just a few seconds.

However, even though it was only a few seconds, every soul beast around had increased their cultivation base by one to two thousand years, even Brigitte and the three-eyed golden beast were no exception.

"Here, this little guy Su Yu is too perverted. Only level [-] can actually increase the cultivation of this beast like me."

Brigitte felt the 2000 years of cultivation in her body, and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

But soon Bi Ji seemed to have thought of something, turned around in an instant, and directly grabbed the three-eyed Jinyi, and the terrifying soul power rushed directly to the three-eyed Jinyi to feel the cultivation of the three-eyed Jinyi.

"It's actually true. This kid Su Yu can actually assist the auspicious beast to practice. The original 5000-year-old auspicious beast has directly broken through to 7000 years. It's impossible to find Ditian or even the master."

Brigitte couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth. After all, Ruishou had become so much stronger all of a sudden, she couldn't be unhappy.

"Su Yu, how do you feel?" Bi Ji couldn't help asking with a smile after seeing Su Yu wake up.

"Well, it feels pretty good, but apart from being hard, this soul bone actually only has a flying function." Su Yu glanced at the wings behind him, and couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

"It's alright, kid. In addition to flying soul masters, human beings, even Titled Douluo, need a lot of soul power to fly, so your soul bone is pretty good." Brigitte smiled and stretched out her hand Su Yu nodded on his forehead.

"Let's go, little guy, go and meet Di Tian with me, your ability is too powerful, there are some things we need to talk to you about."

After finishing speaking, Bi Ji grabbed Su Yu and headed towards the lake of life.

Ruishou looked at Bi Ji and Su Yu who were gradually going away, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback, showing a touch of human astonishment.

Is she falling out of favor? Obviously I came first, obviously I found you.

"Bi Ji, what you said is true, this little guy can really increase the cultivation of auspicious beasts, this kind of thing can't be joked."

lake of life
Ditian looked at Bi Ji and said with a serious face. In his opinion, although Su Yu was an auspicious beast, at most it was just to increase the luck of the Star Forest.

But it seems different now. Su Yu can actually help Ruishou to cultivate. If Su Yu helps Ruishou to cultivate for 10 years, and then Ruishou transforms into form, Su Yu and Ruishou will have ten or eight children. Didn't the forest rise up?

Thinking of this, Ditian couldn't calm down anymore, and even now he wanted to rush to Su Yu and throw Su Yu into the small dark room for Su Yu to practice immediately.

"Ditian, should I be joking about this kind of thing? It's true that the auspicious beast has directly increased its cultivation base by 2000 years. I want to tell the Lord about this, and then ask the Lord for his opinion. After all, this It's a big deal."

Bi Ji looked at Ditian and asked seriously, this matter is too important, after all, even auspicious beasts can assist in cultivation, so how terrifying is Su Yu's bloodline, maybe Su Yu can also assist the master in cultivation .

"Well, I will inform the Lord about this matter. From now on, Bi Ji will fully supervise Su Yu's practice. You will be responsible for this kid's practice in the future. I must see him at level [-] by the end of this year."

After Ditian finished speaking, he waved Bi Ji back and knelt down on one knee by the lake of life.

"Di Tian, ​​needless to say, that kid Su Yu does have a strong bloodline, and it's normal to be able to assist the three-eyed Jinyi in his cultivation. Even that kid's bloodline can help me practice, but his cultivation base is too weak now , maybe when he is titled Douluo, he can help me practice."

Hearing what Gu Yuena said, Di Tian's eyes widened instantly.

"My lord, since that kid can help you cultivate, should I bring him here?"

Before Ditian finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Yuena.

"You don't need to let him practice hard. His blood is very strong. Let him find a way to develop his own blood. That child may catch up with me. If it's all right, you can step back."

After Gu Yuena finished speaking, she ignored Ditian, and went back to the lake in hiding again, and started to practice.

"Yes, Lord"

Di Tian bowed silently to the lake, then stood up directly and walked towards the direction that Bi Ji had just left.

"Su Yu, for the Star Dou Great Forest, you can only sacrifice a little bit, it won't be too painful, rest assured that your Uncle Ditian will definitely help you practice well."

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(End of this chapter)

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