Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 198 Killing Duel Arena

Chapter 198 Killing Duel Arena
In front of the flames, these knights were burned directly and completely like garbage.

Glancing at the incinerated garbage, Su Yu walked directly and quickly into the distance.

Walking over, Su Yu picked up a sign casually, with a skull engraved on it and a number underneath it.Nine six two three.

"This is the proof that I am in the capital of killing. If I enter the city, there should be someone to greet me at the gate."

The pitch-black city gate gives people an extremely depressing feeling. On the huge city gate, there are four large characters of "Slaughter Capital" hanging high on it.

In front of the door, two rows of black-armored warriors stood there quietly. Before Su Yu could show his ID card, a woman with a black veil had already walked out.

"Welcome to the Capital of Slaughter." The woman's voice was nice, she stepped away from Su Yu, and made a gesture of invitation.

Walking into the city, what Su Yu saw was a blue-purple world.The lights hanging on both sides of the street emit only these two kinds of light.

To his surprise, there were not many people here, and no one paid attention to him as an outsider.At first glance, it doesn't seem that different from a normal city, except everything looks so dark?
Su Yu looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help showing his curiosity. Is this the place where God Shura inherited.Really nice place.

Spirit world
God Shura opened his eyes suddenly, and terrifying divine power shot out directly from his body.

His gaze was fixed on Su Yu as if he had traveled through time and space.

"Is this the descendant of the Goddess of Life? He's really a nice little guy, but it's a pity that he has received the inheritance of the Goddess of Life. If he doesn't then he can accept my inheritance."

God Shura shook his head and said helplessly.

"However, you can also observe and observe. This kid ran to my inheritance site by himself. Even if I hand over the inheritance to him, the goddess of life can't say anything."

God Shura looked at Su Yu, and couldn't help showing a wretched smile on his face.

"I am your guide. You can ask me anything you don't understand. Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. After twelve hours, this is where you live. You also Will officially become a member of Killing Capital"

"Okay, needless to say, just take me to the killing field of hell." Su Yu looked at the woman in front of him and said in a cold tone.

The girl in black gauze froze for a moment, and looked at Su Yu full of astonishment.

"Are you sure? Entering there, less than one tenth of the people can come out alive."

"It is also the place where the population of our killing city is the easiest to reduce. Everyone is required to enter the hell killing field once a year. As long as they can pass one battle, they can live in the killing city for another year."

The girl looked at Su Yu with disbelief in her eyes.

"Well, just take me there. I don't need protection. I'll ask you a question. Have you ever used that kind of small weapon to kill people and use poison?"

Su Yu looked at the woman in black and couldn't help saying with a serious face.

"Small weapons can also use poison. You are talking about the Thousand-Handed Shura Handle. He came here a year ago and has obtained a powerful presence in Chapter 48 in the Hell Killing Fields."

When the woman in black said this name, she couldn't help showing a look of panic in her eyes.

"Okay, I see, you can take me there now"

"In that case, come with me." After finishing speaking, the girl in black gauze walked into the city. She kept a very even pace and always followed Su Yu, only half a step faster than Su Yu.

Soon the woman brought Su Yu to the inner city of the killing capital.

If the outer city is a dead, indifferent world.The inner city, then, is the luxurious, crazy world.Lights of various colors can be seen everywhere.

There are many more people in the inner city than in the outer city, which is completely different from the quietness of the outer city.

In the inner city, it is extremely chaotic.There were excited laughter, cries of pain, and many creepy sounds everywhere.

Under the leadership of the black yarn girl, Su Yu saw a special building.The building appears as a circle, more precisely a non-standard cone.The area is the largest at the bottom and narrows as it goes up.

At a height of about 30 meters from the ground, it maintains the same diameter and extends upwards until it reaches 50 meters.

The area of ​​this hell killing field is indeed not small. It is similar to Suoto's big soul fighting field that Su Yu had been to, and it is smaller than the big soul fighting field in Tiandou City. The soul fighting field in Shuicheng is about the same size.

The black building gives people a very depressing feeling. The girl in black yarn introduced to Su Yu that the location of this hell killing place is the center of the entire killing city, which shows how important its position in the killing city is.

Su Yu squinted his eyes and quickly left the woman in black, and walked in directly.

He doesn't need to use this woman anymore, he knows all the rules of the Killing City.

As soon as Su Yu walked to the gate, he saw a big man holding a cup of blood.

Su Yu narrowed his eyes and walked over directly.

"Give me the blood, I won't kill you."

Su Yu's voice was not loud, but full of seriousness.

The big man couldn't help being taken aback seeing the young man in front of him behaving like this, and then he stretched out his big hand to grab Su Yu's collar.

"If you don't give it, then you can die"

Su Yu's arm stretched out instantly, and the terrifying force directly slammed towards the big man fiercely.

With Su Yu's physique, the big man was sent flying with just one punch.

The blood in the big man's hand fell directly and steadily into Su Yu's hand.

"Don't give it to me, what a troublesome guy."

Su Yu shook his head directly, and then walked towards the inside.

The bloody Mary that Su Yu was holding was poured directly into a huge container.

"Sign me up, and then you can leave."

It doesn't matter where you live, as long as you grab one.

Su Yu looked at the girl in front of him and walked in directly after finishing speaking.

The interior of the killing field in hell is even simpler than it looks from the outside.There is no isolation, and the periphery is a circle of stands extending upwards.

Below is a huge empty field with a diameter of hundreds of square meters.At this time, there were not many people watching the battle.Only less than [-]% of Nuoda's venue was occupied.

In the venue, screams were constantly ringing out. There were ten people in total, and there were already eight corpses, and only two people were left fighting there.

One of the big men took advantage of the other woman's weakness and killed her with one blow.

"Is this the killing duel field? It's really a killing place, but it's because of the existence of this kind of place that there are not as many evil soul masters on the mainland as Douer."

(End of this chapter)

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