Chapter 21 Qian Renxue
"Miss, I really can't go inside, or I'm afraid it will be really dangerous. After all, there are gathering places for 5-year-old soul beasts."

A middle-aged man holding a snake spear looked at the blond girl who kept walking in front of him and said.

"Uncle She Long, I don't want to leave either, but I always feel that there is something in the forest that attracts me, and my martial spirit is constantly rioting, and I even feel like I am directly possessed."

The blond girl glanced into the depths of the forest unwillingly.

"The martial spirit that can attract you, Miss, this..."

She Long touched his head with some doubts.

He is also a little at a loss now, he wants a martial soul of his own lady, but he is a god-level seraph of the innate twentieth level, and now even the young lady's martial soul is attracted, which makes She Long really a little confused.

"Uncle She Long, please, I'm really curious, I feel this is my chance, please."

The girl looked at She Long with a serious expression and said firmly.

"Hey, okay, okay, then I'll go with you, miss, but you have to stay behind me honestly, or if there are special circumstances, I'm afraid I really won't be able to protect you, miss."

When the girl heard Yu Long's words, she couldn't help showing a beautiful smile.

Afterwards, the two of them walked directly to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Sweet, I'm eating one." Su Yu picked up a grilled fish again and began to eat it.

"Miss, this forest is a bit strange, it's so quiet." Looking at the quiet forest around, She Long couldn't help showing a hint of doubt.

You must know that I have been here once when I broke through the Title Douluo before, but at that time it was not as quiet as this time. At that time, I was caught in danger many times.

"Uncle She Long, isn't it a good thing to be quiet?" The girl smiled and said to Yu Long.

"Hehe, that's right, the subordinate is stupid." Hearing what the girl said, She Long also patted his head and said helplessly.

"Uncle She Long, let's slow down, I feel that he is very close to me, and do you smell a fragrance?"

The girl waved her hand directly to make She Long slow down, then looked at Yu Long with a puzzled expression and said.

"Well, miss, I also asked, it seems to smell like grilled fish." She Long pinched his chin and said with some doubts.

"Well, I smell it too." As she spoke, the girl took a few steps forward, and directly pushed aside the grass in front of her.

"Miss is a child." Looking at the child in front of her, She Long couldn't help but look at the girl with some doubts and said.

"Yes, Uncle She, why does a child appear here, and it is this child who is attracting me, Uncle She Long, help me look around, I will go and have a look."

Speaking of which, the girl stood up and walked directly in Su Yu's direction.

"Well..." The moment the girl stood up, Su Yu turned his head.

The eyes of the two met in an instant.

"Who are you?" Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the girl suspiciously.

"Hehe, kid, who are you and why are you here? Do you want my sister to help you out?" The girl quickly walked up to Su Yu and grabbed Su Yu's wrist.

"Who are you? I asked you first." Su Yu shook off the girl's hand and looked at the girl with some vigilance.

A girl who suddenly appeared here, and then involuntarily wanted to take her away. In this case, as long as she was satisfied and healthy, she probably wouldn't go with the girl. Na, is Princess Silver Dragon pretty?

"Hehe, kid, you are really cautious. Sister, my name is Qian Renxue, and I am from the Wuhun Palace. Sister, I came to intercept the soul ring. I saw you by accident, so I said that my sister planned to take you out of the forest. Look at it, don't worry, my sister has no bad intentions."

"Besides, my sister is also a soul sect, and she will break through to the soul king soon."

Seeing Su Yu's cautious look, Qian Renxue couldn't help smiling, only to see her body tremble, and two yellow and two purple appeared directly behind her.

"Qian Renxue, this girl is Qian Renxue, the future god of angels Qian Renxue, that silly and sweet Qian Renxue." Su Yu's heart was like ten thousand muddy horses rushing past, looking at the blonde girl in front of him, he couldn't help He secretly swallowed his saliva.

These are thighs. Although these legs are relatively thin now, there is someone behind her. Although they are not as good as hers now, they are also very thick.

After all, the people behind Qian Renxue are the future Rakshasa God Bibi Dong and the grandfather of her Level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

"Little guy, talk, could it be that you were shocked by my sister's level, but that's normal, after all, I'm a genius, so come with me, my sister will protect you." Qian Renxue planned to go Rasuyu's hand.

Su Yu stayed for a while, and now seeing that Qian Renxue was going to hold his hand and take him away from the Star Dou Forest, Su Yu became anxious instantly.

Su Yu dodged Qian Renxue's hand directly, and instantly possessed the martial soul and headed directly towards the Lake of Life in the Star Dou Forest.

"Don't run away, little guy, my sister really has no bad intentions."

Seeing Su Yu's martial soul, Qian Renxue's eyes lit up instantly.

Because she could feel that her martial soul was rioting, and she was about to rush out directly.

There was a smile on the corner of Qian Renxue's mouth, she was really excited now, and there was only one possibility that could cause her martial soul riot, and that was that this boy had the martial soul fusion ability with her.

This is the first time in mainland China that he has a martial soul fusion skill with his angel martial soul. You must know that your angel martial soul is a real god-given martial soul.

It is impossible for a person with the martial soul fusion skill to become an enemy for the rest of his life. Now Qian Renxue has only one goal and that is to bring Su Yu back.

It would be a pity if this boy and himself possessed the spirit fusion skill and died in the forest. His future belonged to the spirit hall.

"Fuck, this woman is sick, I don't want to go with her." Su Yu kept shuttling through the forest, watching Qian Renxue who kept chasing him behind him, and couldn't help but curse inwardly.

"Don't run away, little guy, you can't run away, my sister really has no bad intentions."

Speaking of which, the wings behind Qian Renxue began to flap violently, and chased after Su Yu.

"Fuck, Bi Ji Zi Ji Di Tian Xiong Jun, help, someone is going to catch your little one."

Su Yu opened his throat and started yelling. Su Yu's voice directly plunged the entire depths of the Star Dou Forest into a riot.

A large number of soul beasts rushed out when they heard Su Yu's call for help.

Although Su Yu often bullies them, they absolutely do not allow others to bully Su Yu.

 Everyone Yanzu, Yu Yan, Guanxi, Takuya, if you think it’s okay, save it and vote for it (pout buttocks.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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