Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 31 Su Yu's Lesson

Chapter 31 Su Yu's Lesson

"Su Yu, your strength has improved again. It is really not easy to have such strength at the age of seven. Although I have never left the Star Forest, I have seen many human beings. At your age I really haven't seen anyone better than you."

Tianqing Niuban looked at Su Yu who kept washing his hands by the lake, and said with a smile while lowering his head.

"Oh, what kind of strength am I? There are many people stronger than me." Su Yu said with a smile while touching his head.

Su Yu is indeed not lying, the world is full of wonders.

Not to mention those perverts in the world of the heavens, some perverts can blow up a world with one punch even at birth.

Although the world Su Yu traveled through was only the fantasy floor of Douluo World, he couldn't be careless. After all, who knows what will happen in the future, maybe a powerful person suddenly appeared and slapped himself to death.

Moreover, Su Yu's current strength is really not something to be proud of. When he hammers Tang Hao to the ground once, he will be happy and not in a hurry.

Su Yu held grudges very much. Tang Hao wanted to attack him at that time, but he still remembered it. If it wasn't because Bi Ji needed to take care of him and Qiu'er at that time, he would have killed Tang Hao long ago.

Speaking of Tang Hao, Su Yu couldn't help but think of his wife, Ah Yin who was transformed into the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Da Ming, do you know the Blue Silver Emperor?" Su Yu thought for a while, then looked up at the Sky Blue Bull Python and asked suspiciously.

"Blue Silver Emperor, more than ten years ago, I remember that there was indeed a Blue Silver Emperor who went out, but in the end it was reported that the Blue Silver Emperor died and seemed to be sacrificed to a human being." The Azure Niuban thought for a while and then He spoke seriously.

"Well, do you know where the clan of the Blue Silver Emperor is, and where there are some soul beasts?" Su Yu remembered that Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor was also awakened under the guidance of a ten thousand year Blue Silver King.

You must know that Su Yu still has a special version of paraquat. This kind of thing is a special poison to plant soul beasts and even plant martial souls, and the damage it causes is still devastating.

If Su Yu used paraquat on Tang San at that time, then Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor Wuhun would definitely be useless, and Tang San might not even be able to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor blood in his body at all.

At that time, even if he used paraquat, he didn't know what Tang San's expression was when he slowly looked at his blue silver grass that was gradually turning yellow.

"Sorry, Su Yu Blue Silver Emperor is not with us or even in the Star Dou Forest, but in a Blue Silver Forest not far from the Sunset Forest." The Sky Blue Bull Python shook his head, then stood up straight The tail pointed Su Yu in a direction.

"Well, got it, thank you, I'll go first, I still have practice today, I'll come to play with you next time." Su Yu nodded and then directly spread out his golden wings and headed towards the depths of the lake of life.

"Little Su Yu, it's incredible that you have improved so much after not seeing you for half a year." Zi Ji grabbed Su Yu in the sky and asked in disbelief.

"Zi Ji, let me go, I have wings, and I can fly by myself." Su Yu kept struggling to break free from Zi Ji's hands.

"Hehe, little guy, how much soul power do you have? Let's go. I'll take you to meet Ditian. It's been half a year. This time, it's time for you to practice hand-to-hand combat with me. You have to work hard!" Zi Ji squinted He squinted his eyes at Su Yu and smiled.

"Oh..." Su Yu smacked his mouth helplessly.

Su Yu is like this in the Star Dou Great Forest. He practiced soul skills with Ditian, practiced survival with Bi Ji, practiced hunting with Xiong Jun, practiced detection with the Red King, learned plant knowledge with the Wan Yao King, and learned concealment with the demon spirit. Follow Ziji to practice hand-to-hand combat.

Each of them will take turns teaching Su Yu for a month, and then take turns again. This is what Su Yu learns.

However, Su Yu always feels like he has seen such a plot before, as if Su Yu had seen such a plot when he was reading novels in his previous life.

Follow the seven masters to learn, and then go down the mountain to fight in the city after learning.

Back to the topic and after half a year Su Yu only Zi Ji's fight has not yet been carried out.

Wrestling is called fighting if it sounds nice, but if it’s not nice, it’s just being beaten. Can Su Yu beat Ziji, a beast above level 95? You must know that Ziji’s body is a dragon, The physical fitness of the Dragon Clan is definitely the strongest group.

If Su Yu fights this guy hand-to-hand, the only possibility is to be beaten, but after Su Yu is titled in the future, with the unicorn blood, Su Yu dare to say that he has a [-]% chance of winning, but not now.

"Don't make a bitter face, sister, I will be gentler when the time comes, and I will never break your little face, look at how tender your face is," Zi Ji stretched out her hand and kept rubbing Su Yu's face Pinch it.

"It's really slippery. Xiao Suyu, I really like you. If it weren't for you being an auspicious beast, I would definitely take you back as a little pet and pinch your little face every day."

Su Yu's face turned dark when he heard Ziji's words, and he was still a pet.

"It's okay to ignore my sister, anyway, my sister likes you, and my sister can forgive you generously." I covered my mouth and smiled, and the two soon came to the depths of the lake of life.

"Okay, Ziji, don't tease little Suyu, little Suyu belongs to our Qiu'er." Biji smiled and walked out, looking at Ziji who was dripping with Su Yu, and said.

"Oh, that's fine, but I will have to take care of the little auspicious animal in the future, and I don't know if Qiu'er will transform into a form. If Qiu'er doesn't change form, I can't replace Qiu'er." After Ziji finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and pinched Su Yu's face.

Su Yu looked at the female hooligan in front of him and couldn't help being a little speechless. This female hooligan and female Tyrannosaurus really wanted her body.Thinking of this, Su Yu looked at Ziji more cautiously.

"Okay, Ziji, let's start quickly. Su Yu is not too strong in hand-to-hand combat now, so you should work hard to let him learn more." After Bi Ji finished speaking, she ignored Zi Ji and Su Yu, and walked straight away After sitting down in one place, he planned to watch how the two of them were going to class.

"Okay, Xiao Suyu, then let's start, and carry out our fighting practice. Come and take off your clothes first, and let me see how your body is developing."

Zi Ji said without changing her expression, and after she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and pinched Su Yu's face.

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched when he heard Zi Ji's words, even Bi Ji couldn't help being a little confused.

"Undress..." Su Yu gave Zi Ji a strange look.

"Okay, Zi Ji, don't make a fuss and start now." Bi Ji said helplessly while holding her forehead slightly.

"Oh, okay, okay, I'm just joking, what's so good about the body of a seven-year-old brat, um, cut."

(End of this chapter)

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