Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 36 Breakthrough Level 3

Chapter 36 Breakthrough Thirty Levels

But wouldn't the effect of the transformation pill change in this way, but Su Yu didn't care, the physique that could strengthen himself was much better than the transformation, and Qiu'er would have transformed himself.

"Well, that's fine, stop talking nonsense, and break through quickly." Gu Yuena knocked on her throne, looked at Su Yu and said indifferently.

Su Yu looked at Gu Yuena's appearance, and couldn't help smacking his mouth. When Su Yu walked towards the lava lord, a bone knife appeared in Gu Yuena's hand and threw it directly at Su Yu.

Su Yu's eyes lit up when he looked at the bone knife in his hand.

"Don't look, I'll see you off," Gu Yuena said lightly. After hearing this, Su Yu quickly ran to the lava lord, and the bone knife directly pierced into the lava lord's body.

Seeing the purple soul ring that appeared, Su Yu sat down cross-legged without hesitation.

The soul power surged, directly pulling the soul ring into Su Yu's body.

Not long after Su Yu absorbed the soul ring, a special breath erupted from Su Yu's body instantly, and Gu Yuena felt ecstasy in his eyes when he felt this breath.

She could clearly feel that the injuries in her body were obviously recovering, although the recovery was not strong, but Gu Yuena could clearly feel it.

She has never recovered so quickly in tens of thousands of years of recovery, although it is rare, Gu Yuena is ecstatic.

"This kid's bloodline is definitely not simple, and it is definitely not something that ordinary auspicious beasts can do to restore me." Gu Yuena showed a strange smile at the corner of her mouth.

outside the mysterious space

Sitting by the lake, Ditian and other fierce beasts felt the breath of Su Yu's dyed hair.

And behind Ditian, there was a titan giant ape and an azure bull python. The two beasts were specially called in by Bi Ji because they were Su Yu's friends.

Although they cannot be allowed to live here, they can be allowed to improve their cultivation together.

"Boss, my cultivation level has been improved." Er Ming could not help whispering to the Sky Blue Bull Mang next to him, feeling the thousand-year cultivation level he had broken through in just one minute.

However, with the size of the Titan Giant Ape, he was whispering, and Ditian and other beasts could also hear it.

Di Tian cast a glance at the titan giant ape behind him and couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

"How could Su Yu make friends with these guys? The Azure Bull Python is okay, but this Titan Giant Ape is too stupid. It seems that I will talk to Su Yu in the future. Our auspicious beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest can't It's a fool."

Ditian sighed and thought to himself, he felt that he was really kind to Su Yu, and he wouldn't forgive him if Su Yu didn't give him a little estrus pill.

Gu Yuena walked towards Su Yu and sat down next to Su Yu. Feeling her injury, Gu Yuena couldn't help showing a touch of ecstasy.

Feeling the increasing soul power in his body, Su Yu couldn't help smiling.

half an hour later

Seeing the subdued breath on Su Yu's body, Gu Yuena couldn't help shaking her head helplessly.

"Oh, it's such a pity. If it takes half a month, I can definitely recover completely, but it's not bad to recover [-]%." Gu Yuena still smiled slightly after thinking about it.

I don't know why after absorbing Su Yu's breath, Gu Yuena felt better about Su Yu, even Gu Yuena actually had a feeling of taking Su Yu as her own.

But this feeling was quickly suppressed by Gu Yuena.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through level [-] and gaining five fishing opportunities. 】

Following the sound of the system, Su Yu also slowly opened his eyes.

"How about the soul skill?" Gu Yuena looked at Su Yu curiously.

Su Yu didn't answer Gu Yuena's question immediately, instead he slowly stood up and patted the non-existent dust on his body.

"Well, the soul skill is not bad, I have now mastered the natal skill magma of the lava lord." As he spoke, a large amount of magma appeared on Su Yu's palm.

"Magma, yes, this kind of soul skill is very good, the temperature is very high, and it can restrain many things." Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes also revealed a look of satisfaction.

"Well, that's fine, you can take Qiu'er's eggs away, I have drained all the energy.

"There's one more for you" as Gu Yuena said, a silver scale appeared in Gu Yuena's hand.

"This is?" Su Yu looked at the scales in his hand, and looked at Gu Yuena curiously.

"My Ni Lin, when you are in danger, it's like inputting soul power into it. I can feel it when the time comes, and then I can save you."

Before Gu Yuena finished speaking, Su Yu stuffed it into his arms for fear that Gu Yuena would take it back.

"Okay, okay, go out, it's really useless, remember to input soul power into it when you break through next time."

After speaking, Su Yu picked up Qiu'er's egg, and then disappeared into this space with Gu Yuena's wave.

"Bi Ji, how much has your cultivation base increased?" Zi Ji asked incredulously looking at Bi Ji with her own cultivation base.

"More than 2 yuan, what about you?" Brigitte felt it and said indifferently.

"I'm pretty much the same." He nodded with a smile, and couldn't help but the two of them, even the serious-looking guy like Di Tian, ​​who was quite excited right now.

Er Ming had already jumped up excitedly, Mr. Xiong glanced at Er Ming and then at his own paws, after all, he didn't hit him.

While all the beasts were discussing, a golden streamer rushed out of the lake of life in an instant, and then landed directly on the ground.

"Is little Su Yu okay?" Zi Ji walked to Su Yu's side, rubbed Su Yu's head and said with a smile.

"Well, there is no problem and you have successfully broken through, so you have broken through too." Su Yu looked at Zi Ji and said lightly.

"Uh huh, does little Su Yu know her sister well? Of course she is such a genius, tell Su Yu if she is Bi Ji." Zi Ji said and raised her eyebrows at Bi Ji behind her.

"Hehe" Bi Ji glanced at Zi Ji speechlessly and turned her head away without saying a word, not intending to talk to Zi Ji at all.

"Hey, Bi Ji, wait a minute, what do you mean? If you don't explain to me today, you can see how I will deal with you at night." Zi Ji Su Yu couldn't help sighing as he watched him rush out.

What kind of fierce beast is the ninth, just knowing female hooligans?

"Well, that's right. Classes will continue tomorrow. You can take Qiu'er home first. You'll be telling us about your soul skills tomorrow. I'm afraid you're tired today. Take a good rest." Di Tian walked up to Su Yu and stretched out his hand Pressed on Su Yu's head.

Su Yu looked at the big hand on his head and couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth.

He has discovered that no matter who is, he likes to pat his own head. He doesn't know that men's heads are not allowed to be patted.

Ditian and his group of ferocious beasts didn't regard themselves as a man at all, so angry!
Su Yu became even angrier after thinking about it, and stretched out his foot and stepped on Ditian's foot fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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