Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 52 Arriving at the Eye of Ice and Fire 2

Chapter 52 Arriving at the Eye of Ice and Fire

But it's really unnecessary now, after all, Su Yu, a dilapidated college, is really not interested.

If Su Yu didn't have a wife, then maybe Su Yu would have gone, but now Su Yu doesn't plan to go, although Ning Rongrong is very beautiful, Zhu Zhuqing is also very attractive, but my Qiu'er and Xiao Wu, I still can't figure it out. Isn't it just looking for trouble if I still go to provoke them?

Tiandou Academy is good, but although the environment there is good, there are a lot of stubborn disciples. Su Yu doesn't like the environment there, but it's not impossible to stay there.

The Five Elements Academy is pretty good, even if Su Yu's talent does not meet the attributes, I am afraid they will make an exception for admission.

Half a month later
sunset forest
Su Yu looked at the poison barrier in front of him and couldn't help smiling, then turned to look at Qiu'er and Xiao Wu.

"Qiu'er Xiaowu is behind me, don't be too far away from me." Su Yu looked solemnly at the two women behind him.

Dugu Bo's poison barrier is still very terrifying. He has the spirit fire of ten thousand beasts, so he is not afraid of this kind of thing, but Xiao Wu and Qiu'er are only at level [-] now. Well, after all, he has the ultimate fire in his attributes to protect himself, but Xiao Wu doesn't have it. I'm afraid Xiao Wu will turn into pus in a short while in the poison barrier.

Su Yu didn't want his sister long-legged rabbit to become that kind of thing.

"Brother, don't worry, we will follow you well." After Qiu'er finished speaking, she hugged Su Yu's arm directly, and Xiao Wu hugged Su Yu's other arm not to be outdone.

Su Yu couldn't help sighing when he saw the appearance of the two women. The Myriad Beast Spirit Fire appeared directly, and the poisonous barrier in the air began to disappear instantly under the burning of the Myriad Beast Spirit Fire. Su Yujing waited for a while, and then directly took the two The woman went in.

Not far away, the Chi King couldn't help smiling when he saw this scene, he immediately hid his figure, and quietly followed Su Yu in.

This poison barrier is not that big, Su Yu took Qiu'er and Xiao Wu for ten minutes and walked in.

"Well, someone actually dared to break into my medicine garden, and he didn't know whether to live or die." Dugu Bo, who was hidden in the eyes of the ice and fire, opened his eyes instantly, and said indifferently.

"Is this the Binghuo Liangyiyan? It's really spectacular!" Su Yu looked at the Binghuo Liangyiyan in front of him with some emotion and couldn't help but said with emotion.

Looking at Bingquan and Huoquan, Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little familiar. Su Yu felt that the more he looked at Binghuo Liangyi, the more he looked like the mandarin duck pot he ate in his previous life.

The Ice and Fire Liangyiyan refers to the uniquely blessed spring in front of you. One eye has twins, and the two can restrain each other. It may not be possible to form a treasure land in the same place for thousands of years!
At a glance, Su Yu saw countless precious medicines and fairy grasses, each of which exudes a special aura, which makes people have an urge to eat them at a glance.

"Brother, where is this place? I can feel that there are treasures everywhere here." Wang Qiuer stared at Su Yu in disbelief with her big Kazilan eyes and said.

"Yeah, what exactly is Su Yu here?" Xiao Wu also looked at Su Yu with some doubts.

The Scarlet King who had been hidden not far away stared dumbfoundedly at the Binghuo Liangyiyan. The precious medicines all over the place almost prevented him from jumping out.

These precious medicines can at least add a lot of strong people to the forest, and even improve his cultivation level a lot.

"Someone is coming." Scarlet King's face turned aside, and he quickly concealed his aura.

At the same time Chi Yang noticed, Su Yu also opened his eyes instantly, and the Eye of Life on his forehead burst out with a terrifying divine light.

[Drip, congratulations to the host for punching in Dugubo and successfully getting 2 fishing opportunities]

"Good boy, you can appear in the old man's medicine garden without making a sound. If you hadn't burned down the old man's poison barrier, I probably wouldn't have found you." Dugu Bo quietly appeared behind the three of them with an indifferent tone. Said.

"Poison Douluo" Su Yu couldn't help smiling when he saw Dugu Bo appearing behind him, and said without any fear.

The two women also stood quietly behind Su Yu, watching the scene in front of them silently.

"That's right, it's the old man. Since you know the old man, you should know that this is the old man's land card. Tell me why you came, otherwise the old man will make you pay the price." Dugu Bo looked at him with a fierce look in his eyes. Su Yu said indifferently.

"Hehe, the boy naturally knows that this is Dugu Bo's place, and there is naturally something to do here this time, but I don't think the senior can make the boy pay any price." Su Yu looked at Dugu Bo with a smile.

"Hehe, boy, you are very confident, even the old man can't deal with you." Dugu Bo looked at Su Yu with a sneer in his eyes.

If he is a dignified Title Douluo who can't even teach a child, he really doesn't deserve to be a Title Douluo.

"Okay, let's get down to business, Senior Dugu, you have been poisoned." Su Yu smiled, and said indifferently, looking at Dugu Bo.

Su Yu's conversation hit Dugu Bo's heart like a thunderbolt.

A terrifying murderous aura gushed out of Dugu Bo instantly, and the terrifying murderous aura directly pressed on Su Yu's body.

Seeing this scene, Chi Wang almost jumped out, but Chi Wang still didn't move after all, but he had secretly made up his mind, no matter whether Dugu Bo made a move for a while, he couldn't make Dugu Bo feel better tonight.

He even dared to move the auspicious beasts in his own house, he was looking for death.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Dugu Bo stared at Su Yu closely with his green eyes, and said word by word.

"Hehe, senior Dugu naturally knows whether what I said is true or not. I am here to make a deal with senior. I can help senior remove the toxins from your body, but senior wants to give me the medicine garden."

The surging mental power was directly released by Su Yu, directly resisting Dugu Bo's murderous aura.

"Boy, you are not afraid that the old man will catch you and force you to tell a solution." Dugu Bo said with a heavy tone after being silent for a while.

"Hehe, senior Dugu, can you give it a try?" Su Yu looked at Dugu Bo with a half-smile.

Just as Dugu Bo was about to make a move, an extremely terrifying aura locked onto him in an instant. Feeling this aura, Dugu Bo's body instantly became stiff.

"This kid is really not simple. He really isn't lying to me. I'm afraid I just made a move, and I will be killed in the next second." Dugu Bo thought secretly in his heart.

The aura just now was really terrifying, probably even the Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was not so terrifying.

Sword Douluo at level 96 doesn't have this kind of aura, so behind this kid is at least a level 97 powerhouse, such a person is not something Dugu Bo can provoke.

"Hmph, tell me, boy, I can promise you, but I also have one request, that is, you also need to help my granddaughter detoxify, otherwise the old man will destroy the medicine garden even if he dies."

(End of this chapter)

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