Chapter 55 Tiandou Academy
Dugu Bo looked at the pill in his hand in shock, with ecstasy and disbelief in his eyes.

"It's really useful. Although it needs a soul bone, it's also very good, and I actually felt a special power. Although this power is not strong, it is extremely mysterious. If I can comprehend this power, my I am afraid that the soul power can really be improved." Dugu Bo murmured unconfidently.

"Su Yu, I'm level [-], please help me protect the law, I need to condense the soul ring." After absorbing it, Xiao Wu walked up to Su Yu's side and said with a smile.

"Well, yes, but you need to find a hidden place to condense the soul ring, otherwise it will be a little troublesome if that Dugu Bo sees us." Su Yu stood up and walked directly behind a Binghuo Liangyi eye as he spoke , found a hidden place to put it, and Xiao Wu walked in.

Looking at Xiaowu who walked in, Su Yu couldn't help but nodded. No one came here except Dugu Bo, and Dugu Bo would not come here now, but Su Yu was still a little more cautious, and the Beast Spirit Fire appeared directly.

The Beast Spirit Fire directly surrounded the entrance of the cave, and Su Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing this.

"It's fine like this. If it weren't for my good fire control ability, I really can't. It seems that I will be fishing for a formation in the future." Su Yu pinched his chin and thought secretly.

Su Yu was thinking while walking, and soon he came to the place where Wang Qiuer absorbed the ground dragon pumpkin.

"Well, I don't know when this girl will be able to absorb it. It should be almost the same. After all, this girl's aura is almost the same." Su Yu glanced at Wang Qiu'er curiously.

But soon his face changed, and he saw a green figure coming directly towards him.

Su Yu stopped Wang Qiuer behind him with a smile, and looked at Dugu Bo who had come not far from him.

"Senior Dugu, what's the matter, the kid didn't lie to you?" Su Yu looked at Dugu Bo with a smile.

"Senior Dugu, it's not suitable to talk about here. My sister is still practicing. Let's go to that mountain and talk about it." After Su Yu finished speaking, Jin Yuyi appeared directly behind him and went towards the mountain he said.

Dugu Bo also nodded, but looking at Jin Yuyi behind Su Yu, he couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in his eyes.

"As expected of a genius, the level is already close to level [-] at a young age, and you also have such a precious external spirit bone, what a formidable young man."

"Hey, this kid is such a genius. Do you want to introduce Yanyan to him? Although the two girls beside him have an unusual relationship with him, Yanyan is the old man's granddaughter. He is no worse than anyone else." Dugu Bo shook his head, thinking to himself. .

But even if he said that, his speed was not slow at all, and the two arrived at the top of the mountain very quickly.

"Okay, senior Dugu, just tell me if you have anything to say." After standing up, Su Yu turned to look at Dugu Bo and said with a smile.

"Well, boy, I promise you. If you cure my granddaughter, I will give you the medicine garden, and I swear that I will not tell anyone where the medicine garden is." Dugu Bo looked at the medicine indifferently. Su Yu.

Su Yu couldn't help but nodded with a smile when he heard Dugu Bo's words, "Okay, since Senior Dugu said so, I naturally agree, how about Senior Dugu, take me to find your granddaughter tomorrow. She's cured, anyway, even if your granddaughter is seriously ill, she can't compare to you."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth, and Dugu Bo couldn't help but nodded when he looked at Su Yu.

"Okay, little monster, since you agreed, I'll pick you up tomorrow. You can't be careless when you treat my granddaughter. This old man has only one granddaughter."

Dugu Bo patted Su Yu's shoulder with a smile, and after talking to Su Yu a few more words, the old man left.

"Hehe, get ready, treat Dugu Yan tomorrow, and then the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye will completely belong to me." After finishing speaking, Su Yu spread his golden wings and flew down.

After flying down, Su Yu also took a look at Xiao Wu, and he couldn't help smiling when he saw Xiao Wu was working hard to condense the soul ring.

It can be said that Dugu Yan's poison is not as difficult to treat as Dugu Bo. Although she has been poisoned since she was a child, she is not as strong as Dugu Bo after all.

"Oh, it's a pity. It would be great if there was a qilin exhaust. If there is such a thing, I'm afraid Su Yu can cure Dugu Yan's poison. I'm afraid Dugu Bo's poison can be easily understood."

But it's a pity that there is no such thing as unicorn exhaust here, let alone the ten thousand years that Su Yu is looking forward to, even a hundred years.

Su Yu thought for a while and couldn't help sighing and shaking his head, and directly started to help Dugu Yan start to configure the required medicinal materials.

The day passed quickly, and Su Yu couldn't help but said with a smile looking at Dugu Bo who had come in front of him.

"Come on, old guy, let's go." Su Yu said, looking at Dugu Bo with a smile.

"Well, let's go, little monster, my granddaughter is in Tiandou Academy now, we can just go there." After speaking, Dugu Bo and Su Yu flew directly into the sky, heading directly for Tiandou City.

The speed of the two was very fast, and the setting sun forest was not too far away from Tiandou Academy. They set off in the morning and arrived in Tiandou City around noon.

When they came to Tiandou City, Su Yu and Dugu Bo didn't settle down and went directly to Tiandou Academy.

The two came to Tiandou Academy, looking at Tiandou Academy, Su Yu couldn't help but nodded.

"Hehe, how is the little monster here?" Dugu Bo asked with a smile looking at Su Yu's eyes.

"It's not bad. If there are not so many stubborn disciples here, I'm afraid it will be really good. But if there are too many stubborn disciples, the reputation of Tiandou Academy will be bad. In my opinion, there is nothing but reputation here. .”

Su Yu said lightly, his voice was not concealed at all, there were still many students at the gate of the college, and these students all turned their heads to look at Su Yu, looking at Su Yu as if they wanted to eat Su Yu, But after seeing Dugu Bo, he didn't dare to come forward to trouble Su Yu after all.

"Hehe, what you said is true, but the cultivation environment here is probably incomparable to Wuhun Hall and Xingluo Academy. If it weren't for this, I am afraid that the old man would not have sent his granddaughter here."

Hearing what Su Yu said, Dugu Bo couldn't help but also smiled. What Su Yu said was indeed correct. There are indeed many stubborn disciples in Tiandou Academy. Most of them just came here for a cutscene, and then went home to inherit the family business or start In politics, after all, Tiandou Academy is an academy that only recruits noble disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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