Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 57 Xueqinghe's Search

Chapter 57 Xueqinghe's Search
"Yanyan, what's the matter?" Dugu Bo saw his granddaughter opened his eyes, he couldn't help but looked at Duguyan nervously and asked.

"I feel my body is light, and I can also feel that my soul power has improved." Dugu Yan jumped off the bed, jumped up and down, feeling his body, and said excitedly.

"Well, yes, that's good. You should remember how to get rid of the snake poison. From now on, do you remember to take the medicine on time every day?" Dugu Bo looked at Dugu Yan and couldn't help showing a smile.

Looking at her grandfather's appearance, Dugu Yan couldn't help but nodded helplessly.

"Well, it's enough to know, come on, grandpa is leaving, you should study hard here, oh, by the way, you have to break up with that kid from Landian's family these days, you saw that kid just now, that What a wonderful boy, I will decide to marry you to him when the time comes." When Dugu Bo was about to leave, he did not forget to pat Dugu Yan on the shoulder.

In fact, Dugu Bo is really not very satisfied with Dugu Yan's boyfriend Yu Tianheng, and a man who possesses the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Dragon Martial Soul is never very reliable emotionally.

"Grandpa" Dugu Yan looked helplessly at his grandfather.

"Hum..." Dugu Bo snorted coldly, and flew directly towards the sky.

Dugu Yan looked at the grandfather who left, and couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, then bounced towards the training position of Tiandou Academy.

"Phew, it's finally finished, and the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye really belongs to me. With so many fairy grasses, I'm afraid it can really make some strong people in the forest." Su Yu couldn't help but secretly sighed after leaving Tiandou City Thinking about it, thinking about Su Yu, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. The Binghuo Liangyiyan has a lot of medicines that prolong life.

I can let the old man eat it, and then help the old man prolong his life.

And these fairy grasses can also be given to Ditian and Bi Ji. As for Zi Ji, the female tyrannosaurus, I have to think carefully about it. Whether or not to send it depends entirely on my mood.

"See His Royal Highness the Prince." Xue Qinghe looked at the three education committee members bowing in front of him and couldn't help but nodded helplessly.

"The three education committees are continuously sending talents to the Tiandou Empire. How can Qinghe make the three education committees like this? Please get up quickly." Xue Qinghe quickly helped the three education committees who bowed to their feet.

"His Royal Highness is joking, by the way, I don't know His Royal Highness is coming this time." Zhilin Education Committee looked at Xue Qinghe and asked with some doubts.

"Three education committee members, Qinghe came this time to find a little friend, the education committee members don't need to worry about Qinghe, Qinghe can just go around by himself." Xue Qinghe showed a gentle smile on his face.

"There are still people in the academy that His Royal Highness can come and find in person. Since His Royal Highness is willing to go alone, then we old men don't care?" The three education committees looked at Xue Qinghe and asked with some doubts.

"Well, the three education committees, you should be busy, Qinghe can walk around by himself." Xue Qinghe cupped his hands at the three education committees, and left.

Xue Qinghe came all the way to the back mountain, and he couldn't help showing a smile when he saw the house in the back mountain.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill, I can finally get you." Xue Qinghe had a faint smile on his face.

Before coming to the door, Xue Qinghe could already feel that there were quite a few people in the house.

Xue Qinghe stretched out his hand and pushed the door open fiercely. The moment he pushed the door open, the smile on Xue Qinghe's face froze.

There were seven people in the room, all of which he knew, and he looked around, but couldn't find the figure he wanted to see.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" Yu Tianheng, the captain, couldn't help being a little angry when he saw his door being pushed open, but when he saw Xue Qinghe, he suppressed his anger and showed a smile. walked up to Xue Qinghe and asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, brother Yu, it's been a long time. Hey, brother Tianheng, have you ever seen a boy with golden hair? He is my friend, about eleven or twelve years old."

Xue Qinghe regained his somewhat stiff smile and put on that soft smile again, looked at Yu Tianheng and asked with a smile.

"Blonde boy" Dugu Yan couldn't help giving Xue Qinghe a strange look. Others might not know it, but she knew that he had just parted with a boy like this.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Your Highness, I haven't seen the person you mentioned, by the way, have you seen him?" Yu Tianheng turned his head to look at his teammates and asked with some doubts.



"I do not have either"

Looking at the appearance of his teammates, Yu Tianheng couldn't help but shook his head at Xue Qinghe.

"I'm sorry Your Royal Highness, it seems that my teammates haven't seen it either." Yu Tianheng looked at Xue Qinghe apologetically.

"Oh, forget it, since you haven't seen it, forget it, I'm sorry today" said Xue Qinghe cupped his hands, and left directly.

"This..." Yu Tianheng looked at Xue Qinghe who was going away speechlessly, shook his head and Yu Tianheng closed the door again.

"Damn, play me, you might as well let Uncle She Long come with me, forget it and let Uncle She Long go to investigate after going back, this has come to my territory, if I let you run away again, I will It’s just too embarrassing.”

Xue Qinghe gritted his teeth, thinking with some discomfort that this time he left quite quickly, and he returned to the Prince's Mansion within a few minutes.

"Uncle She Long, go out and investigate, see if anyone in Tiandou City has seen a blond boy." Xue Qinghe went to She Long directly to explain it as soon as he returned to the Prince's Mansion.

Seeing his young lady's appearance, She Long couldn't help being a little puzzled, but he still didn't say anything, and She Long turned around and walked out of the Prince's Mansion.

"Hmph, I don't believe I can't find you, little guy, just wait for me." Xue Qinghe looked at She Long who walked out, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and thought secretly.

Eyes of Ice and Fire

Su Yu looked at Wang Qiu'er standing in front of him and couldn't help smiling.

"The absorption is over, girl." Su Yu reached out and touched Wang Qiu'er's smooth blue-pink hair.

"Well, the ground dragon pumpkin my brother gave is really useful. I can feel that my blood has improved a lot, and I have already reached level [-]."

Wang Qiuer waved her little arm, looked at Su Yu with a smile and said.

"Girl, it's really amazing. You're already at level [-]. It's better to condense the soul ring. Brother will help you protect the law." Su Yu took Wang Qiuer's hand and brought Wang Qiuer to Xiaowu's place where the soul ring was condensed.

After revoking the Beast Spirit Fire, Su Yu took Wang Qiu'er in and walked in directly. Seeing Xiao Wu who was still condensing her soul ring, Su Yu couldn't help but nodded to Wang Qiuer.

(End of this chapter)

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