Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 67 The Arrival of Ditian

Chapter 67 The Arrival of Ditian
Wang Qiu'er stood there blankly, she really felt that it would be good to follow Xuedi now.

"Okay, Snow Emperor, Su Yu is the person the Lord likes, so don't make up your mind." At this moment, a black figure appeared instantly and it was Ditian.

Seeing Di, Xue Di couldn't help curling his lips, "Oh, Di Tian is here."

"Ditian, you said that the little guy is the master's favorite, she is your master and not mine, and you already have an auspicious beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, now put this So what if the little guy gives us up?" Xue Di wasn't afraid of Ditian's terrifying aura at all.

Instead, Snow Emperor stood in front of Su Yu with a smile, and an ice sword appeared in his hand.

This place is not too far from the extreme north, and it can be said that this place is Xuedi's land card, even if Ditian wants to defeat her, it is not so easy.

"Snow Emperor" Di Tian looked at Xue Di with a gloomy expression.

"Sister Xuedi, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't go with you, after all, I have been in the Star Dou Forest since I was six years old." Su Yu came out from behind Ditian, looked at Xuedi and smiled.

"Sister Xue, some visions will appear after I break through. At that time, sister, you should be able to make a breakthrough. I will let Ditian inform you when the time comes." Su Yu smiled.

"Oh, the abnormal image, it's interesting." Xue Di's eyes shifted and he looked directly at Di Tian.

Looking at Xuedi's eyes, Ditian couldn't help but nodded helplessly.

"Oh, what a pity." Xue Di shook his head, and at the same time took out an ice-blue snowflake in his hand.

"I don't want the old guy Ditian to notify me, you should notify me, little guy, and you can just input your soul power when the time comes." Xue Di smiled, patted Su Yu's shoulder directly and said with a smile.

"Well, thank you, sister Xue." Su Yu smiled, and directly put away the snowflake in Xuedi's hand, and put it into the galaxy.

"No, little guy, come and see my sister when you have time." After saying that, Xuedi pulled Bingdi away.

It's not that Xuedi didn't want to take Su Yu away, but that she had no choice but Ditian was very strong. Although Xuedi would not be afraid here, it still made Xuedi a little afraid after all.

Although Bingdi's strength is good, he is about the same as Chiwang. Since he can't take it away, he might as well form a good relationship with Su Yu.

"Stinky boy, why did you come here? This guy is not simple." Looking at Su Yu, Ditian couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"Hey, it's nothing." Su Yu told Di Tian everything about himself these days without hiding anything.

"Okay, kid, you understand." Ditian opened his hand, looking at Ditian's appearance, Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

He directly took out a lot of estrus pills and gave them to Ditian. Seeing Ditian's smiling face again, Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Ditian is just like taking drugs. If he doesn't take two sips a day, it won't work.

"Okay, I'm leaving Chi Wang, you go back with me, let Bi Ji heal you." Di Tian frowned and grabbed Chi Wang directly, heading directly towards the Star Dou Forest.

Watching Di Tian Wang Qiu'er run out from not far away, when he saw Di Tian just now, he was really startled, he thought Di Tian was here to find her, but now it seems no.

"Okay, it's okay, let's leave." Su Yu patted Xiao Wu and Wang Qiuer's heads, and the three of them took a rest for a while and then went directly to Tianshui College.

The three of them didn't encounter any trouble this time, and they rushed to Tianshui City within 10 days.

Tianshui University
"Dean, are you sure you really want to change Tianshui? This is a big deal."

In a rather huge room, an old woman looked at Shui Binger's mother and said seriously.

"Oh, you don't need to say, Mr. Wang, I have already made up my mind, and that young man is really outstanding." Shui Linli looked at the old woman surnamed Wang not far away and said with a serious face.

"Oh, forget it, you are the dean and you can decide for yourself." Elder Wang shook her head helplessly. In fact, she also agreed. After all, she watched Tian Shui weaken. Before, Tian Shui was much stronger than now.

"You don't need to mention this matter. When that boy comes, everyone can observe and observe, and there are two talented girls beside him." Shui Linli said, looking at the teachers in the room with a smile .

"Oh, then this is considered, buy one get two free." A teacher couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Yeah, that's it. With the three geniuses, we don't have to worry about the future teams." Shui Linli smiled and said softly.

"Brother, is this Tianshui City? It's really huge, and there are quite a lot of people buying clothes." Wang Qiuer looked at the surrounding shops and said excitedly.

"Yeah, but it's already late today. Let's find a place to live first. After you start school tomorrow, it's not too late for you to go shopping. Of course, I don't deserve to go with you."

Su Yu quickly looked at the two women in front of him and said, since that time shopping, he really quit, and he will never go shopping again.

"Oh" Wang Qiuer gave Su Yu a pitiful look, and could only sigh helplessly after seeing Su Yu's face unchanged.

She really didn't know why Su Yu didn't like shopping. Su Yu didn't like such a fun thing as shopping. She really didn't understand it, so she really didn't understand the mind of a man.

There are still many hotels in Tianshui City, Su Yu quickly found a hotel, and after Su Yu went in, he opened two rooms.

Su Yu has one room for himself, and Xiao Wu and Qiu'er have one room. It's not Su Yu, but the two women said that they have something to discuss tonight.

When Su Yu returned to the room, he sat directly on the bed and opened the system panel.

"System Open Panel"

[Drip, successfully opened]

Host: Su Yu

Age: 12 years old

Bloodline: Kirin bloodline

Martial Soul: Three-Eyed Golden Demon (Awakened)
Soul Power: Level 38

Cultivation method: Burn Jue (Xuan-level intermediate level)

Skills: Bright Dragon Body, Sacred Fire Armor, Eye of Destiny, Magma Lava Strike, Beast Spirit Fire

Pet: Ah Yin (Blue Silver Emperor)
仓库:巴雷特、发情丹×199、十万金币、扑克牌,方便面、卫生纸、致幻丹x10、百草枯(特殊版)、发情丹(强化版)x66 、辟谷丹x99、、敛息丹、自行车、封印卷轴、特质发情丹X88、血莲丹、八极崩、凝血散、五形观想法、天、手榴弹、牙刷

Strength: ordinary

Fishing times: 10 times

Evaluation: You who have mastered the power of luck and destiny are already a qualified soul master. Now your luck has broken through the sky, and you are the protagonist of the mainland.

"Finally ten times, the system started fishing"

[Drip, start fishing]

[Drip, successful fishing]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining...]

(End of this chapter)

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