Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 7 The Taste of Freedom

Chapter 7 The Taste of Freedom

Before Su Yu's identity was thoroughly confirmed, Xiao Wu didn't intend to confess to Su Yu.

"Huh" Su Yu opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath.

"It's comfortable, it's really timeless to practice!" Su Yu looked at the bright moon outside the window, and couldn't help smiling, and then Su Yu was taken aback.

Looking at Xiao Wu who was lying beside him, twisting his body from time to time to sleep soundly, Su Yu couldn't help smiling.

Xiao Wu's sleeping position is really wild enough, those little jios almost kicked him.

"Hehe, what a lovely girl, but is she a bit out of her mind?"

Su Yu shook his head. While reading the original work, Su Yu felt that Xiao Wu's mind was not very good.

You say that you are a 10-year-old little rabbit, after turning into a human, it’s fine if you don’t hide in a safe place, and you still follow Tang San to do it every day.

Tang San has a father with the title Douluo escorting him. What's wrong with you, Xiao Wu? Joining Tang Hao is a little bad idea. I'm afraid Xiao Wu will be skinned and boned, or even turned into a spicy rabbit head.

Su Yu shook his head because of his poor brain at such a young age. Although this girl's brain is not very good, she is still good to her friends.

It's still possible to make friends with her.

Su Yu put Xiao Wu's legs in place, and then lay directly on the bed, covered the quilt and closed his eyes.

"Hey, hello, brother Yu, wake up and go to eat." Su Yu opened his eyes in a daze, and then he regained his mental strength in an instant, and punched out with a swish.

One punch hit Wang Sheng's big face in front of him, and Wang Sheng was sent flying with one punch.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing? They just told you to get up, okay?" Wang Sheng said aggrievedly as he touched his swollen face from being punched by Su Yu.

"Ahem, it's okay, I just opened my eyes and saw your face, I was frightened, okay, I'll treat you to dinner." Su Yu shook his head, took out a silver soul coin and handed it to Wang Sheng.

"Brother Yu, don't you want to eat, one silver soul coin, we can all eat meat."

Su Yu shook his head, he got a Barrett yesterday, and today he plans to get a soul ring.

The fighting strength of Douluo Dalu is actually not too strong. Barrett's power should be able to deal with soul beasts that are less than a thousand years old.

Su Yu didn't believe that when the soul beast was there, the soul beast was still so vigilant.

"I won't go, Wang Sheng, go on your own, I have something to do today." Su Yu nodded at Wang Sheng and said with a smile.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Wang Sheng didn't say anything. We are all future soul masters, so don't ask too much about other people's affairs. This kind of thing has been taught from the first moment you stepped into the academy.

"Okay, Brother Yu, then I'll go with my brothers, and if you have something to do, please say hello." After speaking, Wang Sheng took his group of younger brothers and left.

Looking at Wang Sheng's appearance, Su Yu couldn't help being a little speechless, and he didn't know why Su Yu looked at Wang Sheng, and there was always a sense of sight that the elder brother led the younger brother to collect protection fees.

Su Yu tidied himself up, and then walked out of the academy directly.

Notting City Wuhun Temple
"Little Suyu, you want to buy a warrant. I can't make the decision, but if you give me a gold soul coin, I can lend you the warrant for half a month. Don't think it's expensive, it's the same price no matter where you go. "

Su Yuntao looked at the child in front of him and said helplessly.

"Okay, brother Tao thank you, here, this is my money." Su Yu took out a gold soul coin from the system warehouse and handed it to Su Yuntao.

Su Yuntao took the gold soul coin without saying anything, just took out the warrant from his pocket and handed it to Su Yu.

"Thank you Brother Tao, I will definitely return it to you in half a month."

Su Yu knew that Su Yuntao shouldn't have cheated himself, and a gold soul coin was really nothing to him now.

"You're welcome, just be careful yourself."

Su Yu smiled at Su Yuntao, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

"Sure enough, there are still a lot of good people. Although this Su Yuntao has a bad eye, at least he has a kind heart. Tang San's slaughter of the bottom of the Spirit Hall is indeed a bit too much."

Su Yu walked out of the Notting City Martial Soul Branch Hall, and walked directly to the place where the carriage was rented in Notting City.

"Uncle, how much is it to go to the Hunting Soul Forest?" Su Yu looked at the carriage outside the college gate and couldn't help leaning over to look at the old man on the carriage and said.

"No bargaining for 8 silver soul coins!" When the old man saw Su Yu, a child, he boasted in an instant with his expectant expression.

Su Yu thought for a while, then took out a few silver soul coins from his pocket and handed them to the old man.

"Well, boss, let's go." Su Yu jumped into the car, looked at him in a daze, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Uh, good little boss, please sit down and let's go, drive." After returning to his senses, the old man looked at the silver soul coin in his hand, and couldn't help but nodded to Su Yu.

Directly drive the carriage to the Hunting Soul Forest hundreds of miles away.

The old man's driving skills are good, and he came to the Hunting Soul Forest in about half a day.

"Little boss, we're here, so I'll leave first. If you have any places you want to go in the future, you can come to my old Wang. My old Wang's car is stable and fast."

After seeing Su Yu jumping out of the car, the old man couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Okay, don't worry, Lao Wang, I will definitely have to take care of your business in the future, Lao Wang, slow down when you go back by yourself." Su Yu smiled, and then walked towards the hunting forest.

Su Yu looked at the small groups around him who kept yelling, and couldn't help but feel a little fresh.

This is the characteristic of Douluo Continent, what kind of groups will there be in other fantasy worlds, everyone is based on themselves.

Only the Douluo Continent has the concept of a team, but Su Yu actually has no concept of a team, and the real power is always only himself.

Even Tang San in the late Douluo Continent was like this, if it wasn't for Tang San, would the Shrek Seven Monsters really be remembered by the Continent? This is impossible.

If Tang San hadn't become the God of the Sea in the later period, I'm afraid the mainland would have been conquered by Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue long ago.

"Come and stop" Su Yu was stopped as soon as he reached the gate of the Hunting Soul Forest.

Su Yu didn't hesitate, and handed the warrant directly to the guard.

"Okay, kid, go in. After you go in, be careful, and if you can't deal with it, come back quickly."

After speaking, the guard ignored Su Yu, and Su Yu nodded and smiled at the guard.

Then he stepped directly into the Hunting Soul Forest, looking at the lush trees around him, Su Yu couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Ah, it's comfortable. Is this the question of freedom? It must not be smelled in the previous life, but the smell of freedom is a bit stinky."

Then Su Yu saw that bright yellow thing not far away.

"Ah, it's really embarrassing!"

(End of this chapter)

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