Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 74 Rectifying Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun

Chapter 74 Rectifying Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun
"Su Yu, don't you worry too much? We don't need it at all. With our strength, there are few people in the young bag who can compare to us." Shui Yueer patted Pat Su Yu on the shoulder.

"Hmph, what Su Yu said is right. You girls just haven't suffered. I told you not to despise anyone. Maybe the person you despise will kill you the next moment." Shui Wuxin looked at Shui Yue'er couldn't help but said quite seriously.

"Oh..." Shui Yue'er didn't dare to talk back to Shui Wuxin now, but she still curled her lips a little unconvinced, and it seemed that she really didn't take it to heart.

"Oh..." Shui Wuxin sighed.

This group of girls are not geniuses, and they haven't suffered any losses. If they don't change their mentality, they will definitely suffer in the future.

But Su Yu is a good little guy, Xiao Wu and Qiu'er are similar, and the most important thing is Yue'er. It seems that she must be trained well in the future, otherwise this girl's mentality will definitely suffer when she goes to the soul master world.

Shui Yue'er's talent is good. Although she is not as good as her elder sister with a congenital level nine soul power, she also has an eighth level innate soul power. Now she is only 13 years old and has a level 34 strength. It may not be impossible to break through when the competition starts two years later.

But this girl's mentality is a bit out of order, thinking of Shui Wuxin, she can't help but feel a little helpless.

Although Shui Bing'er is also quite arrogant, but at least when fighting, she is quite serious, which is completely different from Shui Yue'er.

On the soul fighting stage, a middle-aged man in a tuxedo was standing in the center, he cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Next, we will have the first one-on-one soul fighting in our three soul fighting arenas. "

"The ones on stage are Li Qing Hunzun who has won two games in a row and possesses the beast spirit Gale Wolf, and Su Tianzhen Hunzun who we just registered today."

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, a voice appeared suddenly, and Su Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard the voice.

"It's my turn." Su Yu stood up and looked at everyone and smiled, greeted everyone and walked directly to the audience.

"Sister, tell me, can Su Yu win?" Shui Yue'er moved to Shui Bing'er and said excitedly.

"Sister Yue'er, just watch, my brother is very strong, but he is just a soul master. My brother has reached level 39 now, and the average strength of a soul king is not enough in front of him. I think Defeating my brother, that Li Qing was just joking."

Wang Qiuer said quite confidently that she watched Su Yu grow up. She remembered that when she first met Su Yu, Su Yu still knew the little guy, but now Su Yu is taller than herself.

And she knows Su Yu has a lot of hole cards, such as Three Thousand Thunder, if Su Yu uses it, his combat power may end in a second.

There is no way that the speed of three thousand thunders is quite terrifying.

"Li Qing, Wuhun Gale Wolf is a level 36 assault system, please advise." Li Qing is a middle-aged man in his 30s.

Li Qing's face was cold and handsome, and he said to Su Yu as soon as he took the stage.

"Su Tianzhen, Martial Soul Golden Cat, level 39 attack system, please advise"

Li Qing glanced at Su Yu differently. After all, in his eyes, Su Yu's age should not be very old. Although Su Yu was wearing a mask so that he could not see clearly, he knew that Su Yu's age could not be more than 20 years old by looking at the figure. .

When the "competition starts" staff announced that the competition was coming, they quickly left the ring.

In an instant, Li Qing rushed towards Su Yu like a gust of wind, and Li Qing's hands were like wolf claws, tearing towards Su Yu's shoulders fiercely.

Su Yu looked at this scene and smiled faintly. He was about to face Tang San, but he had to keep winning, and after he had ten consecutive victories, he would definitely meet Tang San.

Su Yu didn't even look at it, just listening to the wind, he directly held the wolf claw that Li Qing was grabbing towards him.

"Brother, I'm sorry, let's go down." Su Yu casually threw Li Qing off the playing field.

Li Qing looked at Su Yu on the field in bewilderment off the field.

"Let's congratulate Su Tianzhen for winning tonight." The staff member said in a rather weird tone before he stepped into the ring.

He knew Li Qing's strength, but it was not weak, and now Li Qing lost without even releasing his martial soul, how terrifying Su Yu's strength must be.

"This person is a little familiar." Not far away, in the Shrek exclusive private room, a tall black-haired woman looked at Su Yu's receding figure and couldn't help thinking with some doubts.

The woman has a fiery figure, and there is a black cat tail swaying non-stop behind her.

If Su Yu were to do it again, he might be able to tell at a glance that this woman was Zhu Zhuqing who was hit and rescued by him back then.

"Brother, it's too strong. Well, let's hurry up and form a team now." Su Yu was dragged out by Wang Qiuer just after he came back, and Wang Qiuer nodded in satisfaction after a fight with Wang Qiuer.

"Let's go, it's boring, it's really boring not to fight Shrek." Su Yu gasped as he walked.

"Drip, Dai Mubai successfully signed in and got two fishing times." Just when Su Yu was in a daze, a burly figure walked over from a distance
Su Yu glanced at Dai Mubai, and couldn't help showing a smile. Now he has finally done ten times, and he can finally fish again.

But what Dai Mubai did next angered Su Yu.

"Hello, beautiful lady, my name is Dai Mubai, can we be friends?" Dai Mubai ignored Su Yu and walked quickly to Wang Qiu'er, with a wretched smile on his face.

Dai Mubai's eyes kept looking at the girls in Su Yu's private room, looking at a large group of beauties, a wolfish look flashed in Dai Mubai's eyes.

"Hey, there's a good show to watch, Boss Dai has another goal." A little fat man suddenly ran over from not far away, and said excitedly after watching this scene.

"Is this the goal of Boss Dai? It's really beautiful. Boss Dai let me drink some soup?" Ma Hongjun said excitedly when he saw Wang Qiuer beside Su Yu as soon as he came.

"Get out" Su Yu's tone was quite indifferent, Su Yu's eyes turned golden directly, and as the golden eyes appeared, the breath in the air immediately froze.

As a soul master, Dai Mubai could naturally feel it, but he was not afraid, but instead looked straight back at Su Yu, curling his lips in a disdainful tone.

"Boy, tell me to get the hell out, or you can teach me." Wang Qiuer heard Dai Mubai's words and was about to make a move when Su Yu stopped him.

"Okay, let me teach you, come on." Su Yu's fists turned into palms and directly grabbed Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun. With Su Yu's speed and physical fitness, he even beat Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun When he didn't react, he directly grabbed the two of them.

After capturing the two of them, Su Yu directly imported the terrifying soul power into their bodies, sealing their soul power.

"Teacher Wuxin, let me go out for a while, you guys go back first!"

(End of this chapter)

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