Chapter 78
To be honest, when Su Yu first came to the mainland, he wanted to hang out with Tang San. It would be best if he could join the Shrek Seven Monsters, so that Su Yu would be guaranteed to become a god.

But then gradually this feeling faded away, after all he had the system and the Qilin bloodline, and Tang San wanted to kill himself, if he still licked, then he would be nothing.

"The game begins" the staff members quickly left the competition platform after speaking.

"We recognize..." Before Dai Mubai finished speaking, Su Yu fell asleep and rushed in front of him, hitting Dai Mubai's face directly and fiercely with his big fist.

Dai Mubai flew directly to Su Yu, and wanted to admit defeat, how could Su Yu agree.

"White Tiger Possession" Dai Mubai was sent flying with a punch, and the white tiger spirit instantly possessed him, the clothes on Dai Mubai's body immediately swelled up, and the big muscles directly supported the clothes.

"White Tiger Fierce Light Wave" Dai Mubai jumped up with a bounce, and at the same time Dai Mubai opened his mouth instantly and began to condense a large amount of energy waves. Su Yu didn't panic, the three thousand thunders activated slightly, and an instant appearance appeared on Su Yu's feet A trace of thunder and lightning, under the stimulation of lightning, Su Yu appeared in front of Dai Mubai again in an instant.

The terrifying Su Yu was so overwhelming that people couldn't react at all. The power of wind and thunder on Su Yu's feet directly drew a black and hot scorched mark on the field.

"Baji Beng" Su Yu's arm bent instantly, and his elbow hit Dai Mubai's chest heavily.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang" eight terrifying explosions directly exploded on Dai Mubai's chest, the terrifying force directly made Dai Mubai spit out a mouthful of blood, and the terrifying impact directly made Dai Mubai He flew upside down from the arena.

"The power of Bajibeng is really impressive. If I hadn't kept my hand, I'm afraid this guy would have died." Su Yu looked at Dai Mubai who was vomiting blood and twitching constantly, and said with emotion nearby.

Watching Dai Mubai being blown away, Ma Hongjun couldn't help showing a ferocious look in his eyes, and flames spewed out from his mouth continuously towards Su Yu.

Wang Qiuer stood still and did not move. She and Su Yu had already discussed it, and they would only seek help from each other unless they encountered a battle that they could not solve.

Now Su Yu can easily deal with his opponent, since he can deal with himself, why do he do it.

"Fatty be careful," Dai Mubai shouted with difficulty while coughing up blood.

Ma Hongjun glanced at Dai Mubai who was lying on the ground reminding himself, that chubby face couldn't help revealing a touch of tenderness.

"Fire Phoenix" Ma Hongjun directly activated his third soul skill. After the phoenix flame was blessed, the temperature became even more terrifying, but such things as flames had no effect on Su Yu at all. After all, Fenjue was not just a decoration.

If Ma Hongjun's flame can cause damage to Su Yu, then Su Yu really doesn't have to live. Among all the current people in Shrek, Ma Hongjun will always be the most beautiful and threatening to Su Yu. After all, who can resist burning? Jue, if he can raise his phoenix flame to the level of different flames, Su Yu will admire him.

But is this possible? If Ma Hongjun can elevate the flame to a different flame, he might be able to easily extinguish the entire continent.

And at that time, I am afraid that Su Yu will directly kill Ma Hongjun by any means.

"Go on," Su Yu said lightly, and at the same time Su Yu's third eye bloomed directly between Su Yu's eyebrows, and a terrifying mental power gushed out from Su Yu's eyebrows.

The terrifying mental power directly and fiercely attacked Ma Hongjun's body. Ma Hongjun was immediately shaken by the mental shock and started to roll his eyes. The turkey wings on his back also disappeared, and Ma Hongjun fell directly from the sky.

"That's it" Su Yu curled his lips, greeted Wang Qiu'er directly, and then left the ring directly.

"Mubai, fat man, it's just a soul fight, it's such a heavy hand." Tang San gritted his teeth and looked at Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who were carried back and said in a gloomy tone.

"Principal Flender, Fatty's injury is alright, he just needs to rest for a few weeks, but Mubai is different, his body has been hit by a special force, every half a year he is absolutely training It's not good." Feeling Dai Mubai's body, Tang San couldn't help saying a little seriously.

"Special strength?" Flender couldn't help frowning.

"Little San, if you come to treat him, can you be cured?" The master seemed to see his good friend's mind, looking directly at Tang San and said quite relaxed.

The master knows the ability of his son.

"I'm sorry teacher, I still really don't have this ability. This strength is very special. Except for the master of strength, I'm afraid it can only be resolved by Title Douluo." Tang San looked at Dai Mubai and shook his head helplessly.

"Hmph, what a nasty guy, I'll go find him." Flender walked out the door angrily after finishing speaking.

"Brother, their strength is too weak, but today you actually used three thousand thunderbolts, you really are..." Wang Qiuer looked at Su Yu speechlessly.

"Oh, stinky girl, it's not that I haven't handed it over to you. You don't need it yourself and don't let me use it." Su Yu glanced at Wang Qiu'er and said indifferently.

"Cut, aren't you a bully? That kind of thing is so difficult to practice, how could I just master it like that?" Wang Qiuer glanced at Su Yu, who kept rolling his eyes, and suddenly became angry, and stretched out Yu hand pinched the soft flesh around Su Yu's waist.

"Hiss..." Su Yu felt the little hands kneading constantly on his waist, and his complexion changed. Although Su Yu's physique is very strong, Wang Qiuer's physique is also quite strong.

So the two are just like ordinary people, and Wang Qiuer pinches Su Yu like an ordinary woman pinches an ordinary man.

This sour feeling is definitely not something that people who have never experienced it can know, Su Yu's complexion keeps changing.

Su Yu gritted his teeth and glanced at the little hand that kept pinching him, and directly reached out to hold the little hand, crossing his fingers directly, Wang Qiuer was also pulled into his arms instantly by Su Yu.

As soon as Wang Qiuer blushed, he wanted to break free from Su Yu's embrace, but Su Yu is a super player who is comfortable in love with [-] Pa. Of course he knew that he couldn't let go at this time. Smiling, then directly lowered his head.

2 minutes later
Su Yu let go of Wang Qiuer, looked at Wang Qiuer's shy face, and couldn't help smiling.

"Qiu'er, if you dare to pinch me, I will punish you." Su Yu licked his lips and looked at Wang Qiu'er with a smile.

"Brother, you are really getting more and more shameless." Wang Qiuer looked at Su Yu helplessly. She had to take the initiative before, but now Su Yu has become like this? It's like this.

(End of this chapter)

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