Chapter 88 Daily Life
Su Yu looked at Zi Ji who had jumped up after failing the confrontation, and couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

"Hasn't Ziji won once?" Su Yu looked at Bingdi and asked with certainty.

"Well, Xue'er is very strong in terms of strength and eloquence. Ziji always suffers by herself, but she never tires of it." Bingdi looked at Su Yu's face and tone that must have been like this and couldn't help but nodded.

"What are you talking about, I dare to make up my old lady and don't want to pass it by." Just as Bingdi and Su Yu were talking quietly, Ziji seemed to have heard something and gave Su Yu a hard look, and then looked at him viciously Looking at Su Yu and said.

"Hurry up and come in." Just when Ziji was about to fight Xuedi, a deep male voice came from the depths of the forest.

Listening to this voice, Su Yu knew that the farce was over because Di Tian had intervened.

"Huh, then go in, let me take you little guy" Before Su Yu could react, Xuedi was about to grab Su Yu's collar by the back of his neck, and took Su Yu directly towards the lake of life. direction.

Xue Di has been to the Lake of Life more than once, and she is very familiar with the location of the Lake of Life.

Xuedi's speed was terrifying, and within 2 minutes, he took Su Yu directly to the depths of the Lake of Life.

"It's back again." Su Yu stood beside Xue Di, and took a deep breath of the air that contained a lot of life energy in the Lake of Life.

The air in the Lake of Life contains a lot of breath of life, and every breath makes Su Yu feel particularly comfortable, as if the pores of his whole body have been opened, and his whole body is as if he has been baptized.

"The lake of life is not bad, at least this environment is much better than ours in the extreme north, even the cold pool left by the ice god of the extreme north is not as good as here." Snow Emperor looked at the clear lake surface of the lake of life, He couldn't help but said in a rather helpless tone.

"Well, sister Xuedi is right. Although I haven't been to many places, the Lake of Life is indeed the most beautiful place I have ever seen, and it is also the place with the best cultivation environment. I haven't been to the cold pool below, can you take me to see it next time?" Su Yu looked at the corner of Xue Di's mouth and couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"Oh, okay." Xuedi glanced at Su Yu lightly, and nodded with a smile, but no one knew what he was thinking.

"Sister Xuedi, let's make an agreement. I'm going in the future, so don't refuse to agree." Su Yu smiled, and Xuedi couldn't help cursing secretly when he looked at Su Yu in this state.

Su Yu knew that Xuedi also wanted to go to the extreme north now. After all, after coming to Xingdou, Xuedi had a special feeling in his eyes.

"Hehe, of course it is impossible for me not to welcome you. If you come, little guy, I will definitely treat you well." Xuedi said, patting Su Yu on the shoulder with a smile.

"Then I'm looking forward to it." The confrontation between the two foxes ended so plainly.

"Su Yu, long time no see." Just after Bi Suyu and Xuedi finished their conversation, a group of Bi Ji in green came slowly over.

There was a soft smile on Brigitte's face, and at the same time, the waist that was tightly grasped was constantly twisting, and the two long white straight legs were wrapped in a pair of white trousers.

"Bi Ji, long time no see." Su Yu smiled, walked directly to Bi Ji, looked at Bi Ji with a smile and said.

"Boy, it's been almost a year now, and you haven't come back. Last time I asked Chi Wang, Chi Wang said that you got a good job. Now it seems that you are really doing well. Look at this, you have gained weight." Seeing Bi Ji, she tiptoed slightly, and picked up Su Yu carefully.

Bi Ji's face was very close to Su Yu, and even Su Yu could smell the faint fragrance from Bi Ji's body.

"I gained a little weight, but it's good that you were too thin before." Bi Ji stretched out her hand and pinched Su Yu's cheek, feeling the fleshy feeling, Bi Ji couldn't help but nodded.

"Hey, Bi Ji, you can do it. Don't let this little guy go to rest. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's catch up today." Xuedi looked at Bi Ji, who kept pinching Su Yu's cheek, and couldn't help smiling. Brigitte said.

"Okay, I haven't seen Sister Xuenv for a long time, Su Yu, go and rest, don't worry about breaking through tomorrow, and you are tired after a day of driving today, by the way, remember to bring it back a few years ago The bright dragon egg, that little guy is about to hatch, you can go and have a look when you break through." Bi Ji smiled softly at Su Yu.

Su Yu couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard Bi Ji's words, and then his eyes widened.

"Thank you." Su Yu looked at Bi Ji and smiled sincerely.

Some people may say whether he has forgotten this matter, but Su Yu has never forgotten it.

Those who say he forgot are all nonsense.

"Time flies really fast, that little guy is about to hatch so soon." Su Yu shook his head and walked directly into the room?

Not long after Su Yu entered the house, Wang Qiuer and Xiao Wu were brought back by Bingdi and Ziji. They didn't bother Su Yu, but went straight back to their room and started cleaning.

"Brother, it's really delicious, and your craftsmanship is really good." Wang Qiuer looked at Su Yu's shocked statement while holding a bunch of arowanas with bulging cheeks.

"Well, Su Yu's craftsmanship is really good." Xiao Wu's mouth was also full of greasy food.

"It's delicious, so eat more, I'm not the kind of person who cooks often." Su Yu glanced at the two girls who were sweating profusely while eating, and said helplessly.

"No cooking, hum, it's impossible, sooner or later I'll ask you to cook for me every day" Wang Qiuer glanced at her dog, thinking secretly in her heart.

After eating, Su Yu asked the two girls to go to rest directly.

Lying on the bed, Su Yu quietly looked at the Qilin blood in the system warehouse and fell silent.

"Tomorrow, I will absorb it, and I don't know if the martial soul can evolve, I hope it can, the unicorn martial soul is really looking forward to it?"

Su Yu thought a little excitedly, Qilin can be said to be the existence that completely abused the three-eyed golden lion. If the three-eyed golden lion is compared with the unicorn, it is just rubbish. It is not that the three-eyed golden lion is not powerful, but that the unicorn is too strong Yes, it's ridiculously strong.

If you want to compare the three-eyed golden dragon with the unicorn, it is like a grandson and an ancestor.

The unicorn masters the luck of the world, but the three-eyed golden dragon can only control some luck, and the two cannot be compared at all.

"Wait, Qilin Wuhun" Su Yu made a secret decision in his heart.

After figuring it out, Su Yu slowly went to sleep.

early morning
Su Yu looked at the fierce beasts sitting cross-legged not far from him, and nodded involuntarily.

Just when Su Yu sat down cross-legged, a silver light rushed directly from the Lake of Life.

(End of this chapter)

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