Chapter 9 Sacrifice
"Howling..." The bright unicorn rubbed against Su Yu a few times, signaling Su Yu to enter the cave.

"Okay, I'll go in, I'll go in, don't push it, it hurts."

Su Yu touched his sore buttocks, then turned his head and looked at the bright unicorn calmly and said.


"Okay, okay, I know you didn't mean it, and I don't blame you."

Su Yu looked at the bright unicorn that was about to rub against him again, and couldn't help but speak quickly.

After speaking, Su Yu ran into the somewhat dark cave cautiously.

As soon as Su Yu went in, he saw a five or six meter long dragon.

The dragon had wings on its back, and an aura that suffocated Su Yu continued to emerge from the dragon.

"Thousand, millennium soul beast" Su Yu looked at the giant dragon in front of him, and couldn't help but look at the holy light unicorn in surprise.

"Howling..." the bright unicorn didn't say anything when it saw Su Yu's surprised eyes, and walked directly to the dragon, and began to talk with the dragon.

From time to time, the Holy Light Unicorn turned its head to look at Su Yu.

"Roar" A huge roar came from the mouth of the dragon in an instant, and the dragon directly left the holy light unicorn, walked in front of Su Yu, and quietly observed Su Yu for a while.

After two or three minutes of "roar", the dragon roared loudly, and then walked straight out of the cave.

The pair of huge wings on the back of the giant dragon that walked out of the cave spread out in an instant. The dragon with spread wings was tens of meters long. The terrifying aura directly made all the soul beasts within a radius of 500 meters tremble.

Even Tang San who just finished absorbing the spirit ring felt this aura, feeling such a terrifying aura, even Tang San couldn't help showing a bit of shock in his heart.

"It's so powerful, is there such a powerful spirit beast in the Hunting Soul Forest, it's really terrifying!" Tang San couldn't help thinking secretly, but he didn't think about it anyway.

"You said you could be my strength, but you want me to send your child to a safe place?"

Su Yu looked at the dragon in front of him, it shouldn't be said that the bright dragon said seriously.

The giant dragon in front of Su Yu is the bright dragon. Although the bright dragon can only be said to be a sub-dragon, it can be regarded as a very powerful soul beast.

It is said that a soul beast like the Bright Dragon has a trace of the blood of a real Bright Holy Dragon.

Su Yu watched the bright dragon push out the egg, and he couldn't help showing a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

Ever since he got the blood of the unicorn, he felt that these spirit beasts were similar to humans. Now that he saw the bright dragon looking for the child, he really couldn't do it.

"Why don't you forget it, Bright Dragon, you should take care of your children yourself." Su Yu shook his head at Bright Dragon, and when he was about to leave, Bright Dragon moved.

The body of the tens of meters of the bright dragon took off directly to block Su Yu's way.

When Su Yu was wondering, the Bright Dragon lay down directly in front of Su Yu, showing Su Yu what he had done.

I saw a huge wound with a length of three or four meters appearing on the belly of the bright dragon.

Moreover, because the huge wound was not treated in time, it had suppurated, and the wound had even festered. Su Yu even saw maggots.

Just now because he didn't pay attention to Su Yu, he didn't see it. Now that he saw Su Yu, he couldn't bear it. Now Su Yu knows why this guy is doing this to him.

It is impossible for the bright dragon whose wounds have festered like this to survive, and may not even survive for a few weeks. It is a good deal to find a backer for his child before he dies.

At least the Holy Dragon of Light thinks so. You must know that Su Yu is now an auspicious beast in the eyes of the Dragon of Light. Su Yu took a deep look at the eggs on the ground, and then at the Dragon of Light who begged, and couldn't help sighing slightly , and then nodded helplessly at the bright dragon.

"Well, I promise you, I swear I will let your child grow up safely."

"Roar" Su Yu raised his head to the sky and roared after finishing talking about the bright dragon, and the terrifying Longwei appeared.

But this time it appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

The bright dragon glanced at his child with nostalgia, but the look in his eyes soon turned into firmness.

Waves of special power gushed out from the body of the bright dragon in an instant, and then directly poured into Su Yu's body.

Feeling the power pouring into his body, Su Yu couldn't help his complexion changed, and he sat cross-legged on the ground in an instant.

The bright unicorn glanced at the bright dragon and then at Su Yu, nodded humanely, and then began to wander around Su Yu.

At the same time, at a distance of 500 meters not far from Su Yu, Tang San couldn't help but look happy when he looked at the master who had opened his eyes.

"Teacher, you're awake. You were so worried about me just now. Teacher, it's good that you wake up. Let's go quickly. I felt a strong momentum and heard a violent roar just now. Let's go quickly. A powerful soul beast will come soon."

After Tang San finished speaking, he planned to help the master to leave, but at this moment the master spoke.

"Little San, don't go, help me to go to the place that exudes a strong aura just now, there must be a powerful soul master, teacher, I am a master recognized by the soul master world after all, I still have some face, when the time comes I Please ask him to take us away, otherwise it is still a bit dangerous for us to go out."

The master supported Tang San weakly, and said solemnly.

"Wow, the teacher is really amazing. He is actually a master recognized by the entire soul master world. It seems that I need a teacher to study hard in the future."

Tang San couldn't help thinking of admiration when he heard the master's appearance.

"Okay," Tang San agreed, and then led the master directly to Su Yu's side.

"Teacher, you are so amazing, you actually know so many people." Tang San said with a smile while supporting the master.

"Haha, after all, the teacher is respected as a master by the entire soul master world. You are still young, Xiaosan, and you can learn from me in the future. You can do it in the future."

Yu Xiaogang smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Tang San's head.

In the sky a hundred miles outside the Hunting Soul Forest, a streak of green and purple streamer flashed across the sky in an instant, heading directly towards the Hunting Soul Forest.

"Is this a thousand-year-old soul beast? It's such a terrifying power. Thanks to this sacrifice, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to bear it at all."

Feeling the terrifying energy in his body, Su Yu couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart, but Su Yu was quite happy when he thought that his first soul ring was a thousand-year soul ring.

The first soul ring is a thousand-year soul ring, but Su Yu has never seen it before. You must know that the first soul ring of ordinary people is just the most common ten-year soul ring.

Now that my first soul ring is a thousand years, it means that my starting point is much higher than everyone else's.

(End of this chapter)

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