Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 99 I'm Not Clean

Chapter 99 I'm Not Clean

"Bing'er, this is what Su Yu personally narrated. Just work hard. A single celestial herb is enough to save you several years of cultivation. You must work hard to break through level [-]." Shui Wuxin looked at Shui Bing'er with a serious tone Seriously speaking.

The other people also nodded one after another, it is impossible that the temptation of the fairy grass is not great.

"Teacher, I will work hard, and I will reach level [-] soon." Shui Bing'er showed a serious face.

Shui Wuxin looked at Shui Binger like this and couldn't help but nodded in relief. As a teacher who watched Shui Binger grow up, she naturally hoped that Shui Binger could become better.

"Well, it's good that you know, so hurry up and practice. I broke through not long ago, and I'm afraid it won't be so easy to break through again, but I have already told the dean that I plan to let you use all the resources of the college without restriction. Just break through."

Shui Wuxin looked at all the students in front of him, and said in a rather serious tone.

As the Five Elements Academy, Tianshui Academy has quite powerful resources.

It can be said that even some medium-sized sects are not as good as Tianshui.

As the strongest women's college in the past, Tianshui's resources are really strong, and it can be said that it is very willful to control resources without restraint.

Under such a random bombardment of resources, if you don't break through the first level in a month, then you haven't cultivated well at all.

She, Shui Wuxin, was the strongest genius in Tianshui 20 years ago, even she hadn't been completely beaten by resources.

Now she is really envious of these little girls, if they don't happen to be practicing, then just break their legs.

Shui Bing'er is almost at level [-], Shui Yue'er and Zhu Zhuqing are still a little early, but Xiao Wu and Xue Wu have also broken through level [-].

As for Wang Qiuer, Shui Wuxin said that she didn't want to talk.

There's no way this girl's talent is too strong. Shui Wuxin has almost never seen her practice, but her level is steadily rising.

Even this girl's talent is stronger than Su Yu's. She became a level 13 soul sect directly at the young age of 46. She really doesn't want to talk about such a pervert.

And Shui Wuxin really has nothing to say. You said that Wang Qiuer didn't cultivate well, but he has the strongest level. You said that he must not have strong combat experience, but he can directly knock out a soul sect of the same level with a single punch.

This kind of pervert came here specifically for cultivation, at least except for that little pervert Su Yu, she really has never seen anyone stronger than Wang Qiuer.

And even if he thinks Su Yu is better than Wang Qiuer, Su Yu's level is not as good as Wang Qiuer after all.

But it's lucky to say that these two little guys had the same martial soul before. Although I heard that Su Yu's martial soul has evolved now, there is really nothing to say about the fate of Wang Qiuer and Su Yu.

It's the same as the martial soul, it's not an ordinary martial soul, anyway, Shui Wuxin feels that it is at least a super martial soul.

It's not like Shui Wuxin didn't think that if these two little guys get married in the future, there might be another super family on the mainland.

At that time, it is not certain whether the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus can keep the first beast Wuhun family. In Shui Wuxin's heart, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is really inferior to the martial arts of Su Yu and Wang Qiuer.

Even if the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex can be transformed into a dragon, but even if it can be transformed into a dragon, what can it do? Can it compare to Su Yu's flame and Wang Qiuer's power?
This is obviously impossible. To be honest, she is really looking forward to the two little guys getting married in the future.

When the time comes for these two children to have two dolls, she can definitely help take care of the children.

Shui Wuxin felt that she might not be able to get married in this life, and she would be very happy if she could help these children take care of them in the future.

"System Open Panel"

[Drip, successfully opened]

Host: Su Yu

Age: 13 years old

Bloodline: Kirin bloodline

Martial Soul: Auspicious Beast Kylin

Soul Power: Level 44

Cultivation method: Burn Jue (quasi-level)
Skills: Bright Dragon Body, Sacred Flame Armor, Eye of Destiny, Magma Lava Strike, Beast Spirit Fire, Qilin Destroyer Strike, Breathing Technique, Spiritual Invasion, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire
Pet: Ah Yin (Blue Silver Emperor)
Strength: medium

Fishing times: 0 times

Evaluation: Your spiritual power is terrifying, but your strength doesn't match. Come on, Sao Nian, I believe that a person who masters luck can definitely become a god.

"The system takes out the Lei Yuanguo," Su Yu said to the system in his heart.

Soon a blue fruit appeared in Su Yu's hand.

There is a trace of lightning on the fruit, and there is a numb feeling in the palm of the hand.

Su Yu didn't hesitate either, and directly threw Lei Yuanguo into his mouth.

After chewing a few times, Su Yu swallowed it directly.

"It's so delicious, it's delicious," Su Yu thought secretly.

But before Su Yu finished thinking, a feeling as if he had been given anesthesia surged out of his body.

Feeling the half of his body that was completely numb, Su Yu couldn't help showing a touch of helplessness.

Now Su Yu can move except his head, and it can be said that he has completely lost control of other places.

Although there is some numbness, there is no pain at all.

"I'll go, can this be used for physical training?" Su Yu couldn't help thinking helplessly as he felt his body that he couldn't control.

Su Yu shook his head, didn't think about it anymore, and just fell asleep, since he couldn't move anyway, so just go to sleep.

Su Yu fell asleep directly until the evening when the sun was setting.

"Is it finally finished?" Su Yu couldn't help showing a touch of joy in his eyes as he felt his recovered body.

"Speaking of how to train the body, is it the toughness of the muscles." Su Yu felt a little puzzled about his almost unchanged body.

Su Yu was taking off while thinking, and soon Su Yu took off all the clothes on his body.

Looking at the perfect muscles on his body, Su Yu couldn't help being a little narcissistic.

"Sure enough, it's me. If I'm on Earth, I'm afraid I'm either a celebrity or a national male god."

Su Yu touched his own muscles and couldn't help falling into narcissism.

"Su Yu" was just when Su Yu was narcissistic about himself, his door was pushed open in an instant.

"Dangling" Su Yu watched Zi Ji who suddenly appeared at the door and couldn't help but silently grabbed the sheet on the bed and wrapped himself up.

"Female Tyrannosaurus, can you knock on the door when you come in?" Su Yu's weapon was flat, and he even looked at Zi Ji without a trace of emotion.

Looking at Su Yu like this, Zi Ji couldn't help swallowing.

(End of this chapter)

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