The sword rises

Chapter 10 I want all these people

Chapter 10 I want all these people
Chapter 10 I want all these people
Not long after, the sound of the piano stopped and the dance fell.

Han Ruian lingered watching the dancing posture fiddle with the dozen or so girls, secretly hating his father and family for being strict, otherwise he would have vented his anger in Baimenglou.

He could only look at it, but not touch it, Han Ruian felt extremely itchy.Whenever he had the idea of ​​overstepping, as long as he thought of his father's words at home, Han Ruian felt chills.

Therefore, at the age of nearly twenty, Han Ruian is still a boy.

"Okay, don't look at it, what's there to look at." Gu Hengsheng patted Han Ruian lightly, and teased slightly: "If you really can't help it, just listen to your father and marry a girl. "

"I... don't marry, even if I'm killed." Han Ruian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head quickly and said, "My father said to start a family and start a business. After I get married, I won't be allowed to wander around anymore. I must join the army." Advanced study."

"That's not very good." Gu Hengsheng responded.

"What a fart, I'm the kind of person who takes time off. I'm not going to be able to look for women in the future. I only have one woman. I feel like I'm going to go crazy." Han Ruian's eyes flashed a gleam of fear.

"..." Gu Hengsheng pondered: "There is another way that allows you to do whatever you want. Your old man and your father will never stop you."

"What way?" Han Ruian asked with a look of hope on his face, tightly tugging on the sleeve of Gu Hengsheng's white shirt.

"Beat your father until he loses his temper. In that case, the entire Han family will stop suppressing you." Gu Hengsheng's mouth slowly showed a deep smile: "If you want to find flowers and ask willows, and sing songs every night, you can get them at your fingertips."

Han Ruian was stunned for a second, then let go of the palm that was holding Gu Hengsheng's sleeve, and muttered with blank eyes: "Instead of doing this, I might as well pray for the day my father dies, and why beat my father violently? No It exists, and it would be good if I don’t get killed by him.”

I pray that my father dies...

The corner of Gu Hengsheng's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he looked at Han Ruian with contempt and helplessness in his eyes.It is estimated that if Han Ruian's father knew about this, Han Ruian would have been very cold on the spot.

Regarding this, Gu Hengsheng could only cover his forehead secretly, and had to admire Han Ruian's simple and abnormal thinking.

Gu Hengsheng didn't want to discuss with Han Ruian anymore, because he felt that he couldn't keep up with Han Ruian's rhythm.Thus, Gu Hengsheng slowly turned his attention to Su Xingyuan who was on stage.

"Everyone, these are the boys and girls selected by my Baimenglou from all over the Tianfeng Kingdom." After Su Xingyuan patted Qianqian's palm lightly, one figure after another appeared on the high platform.

There were as many as thirty immature fair-skinned girls standing on Su Xingyuan's left side.There were around twenty boys with handsome features, standing on the right side of Su Xingyuan.

Looking around, these girls are all beauties with exquisite facial features, beginning to take on the appearance of a peerless beauty.

They are seventeen years old, and less than thirteen years old.The looming long skirts draped over their bodies added a bit of ethereal color.

"What a beautiful girl, the quality of this group of girls is a bit better than the previous ones." After a group of boys and girls appeared on the stage, various noisy discussions sounded in the hall.

"Another batch of beauties in bud, we must try something new today, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable." For a while, many young masters showed evil smiles, and kept looking at the crowd on the stage. Beautiful girl.

"Ah!" Han Ruian sighed coldly, as if lamenting that he could not bid, as if mourning for the boys and girls on the stage.

Worry, fear, fear... There were such expressions in the eyes of many boys and girls on the stage. They just glanced at the dignitaries in the audience before lowering their heads, hoping to avoid this disaster.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the crowd and narrowed his eyes slightly. He looked at the trembling boys and girls on the stage, and a certain string in his heart was stirred up.

In his previous life, he was an orphan when he was young, no one cared about him, no one cared about his feelings as a small person.He has done countless chores and been called by countless people.Fortunately, he got a chance in his previous life and embarked on the road of cultivation, so he didn't end up in a tragic end.

Now, looking at the boys and girls on the stage, Gu Hengsheng seemed to see himself locked up by fate in his previous life, and he couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart.

"Everyone, these girls are all innocent, and they are all beauties selected from thousands of miles. As for these boys, they are all talented, and it would be best to train them to be servants of the family."

Every frown and smile of Su Xingyuan attracted the attention of many people. She said softly, "Today, Baimenglou will select ten girls for everyone to bid, and all the 23 boys on the stage will be sold."

In this society where the jungle preys on the jungle, human beings have also become commodities of the powerful nobles.

"Sister Su, since that's the case, I want that girl!" Just as Su Xingyuan's crisp voice fell, a young man in the audience couldn't help standing up, pointing at a girl in a long white dress, and shouted.

"Mr. Feng, don't worry, let's take it step by step, so it's interesting." Su Xingyuan followed the voice and looked at the young master who spoke, and responded with a light smile.

"That's right, you can't be in a hurry today." Feng Jiang also seemed to feel that it was against the rules, and laughed jokingly.

"Hahaha..." There were bursts of light laughter in the field, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Suddenly, a voice broke the atmosphere in the field, and everyone present was stunned.

"Sister Su, I want all these boys and girls!"

When Gu Hengsheng spoke at this time, Baimenglou was instantly silent.

In fact, Gu Hengsheng didn't want to stir up trouble, but he looked at the boys and girls on the stage with tears streaming down his face, as if he saw himself in his previous life.He knows that if there is no chance, then the boys and girls on the stage will have no good end.

Gu Hengsheng didn't think he was a good person. He had blood stained his hands, traveled to countless ancient countries, and never cared about this world.However, he didn't want these ignorant young boys and girls to fall into the abyss.

"This... Mr. Gu really likes to joke." After Su Xingyuan was stunned for a moment, he quickly laughed and said in a charming voice: "It seems that our Mr. Gu is even more impatient, so Mr. Gu will choose a few beauties first. Embryo, I think there must be nothing wrong with everyone."

"Young Master Gu is suave and suave, he is really a role model for my generation, and it should be Young Master Gu who should be the first." Immediately, some people began to agree.

"Indeed, Mr. Gu should be the first one to attend the ceremony. It's too late for us to be happy, so there's nothing wrong with it." Compliments came one after another.

It's a pity that Gu Hengsheng didn't catch a cold at all.After everyone's approval gradually subsided, Gu Hengsheng slowly raised his deep eyes, stared at Su Xingyuan, and said calmly, "I said, I want all of these people!"

(End of this chapter)

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