The sword rises

Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092
Chapter 92 Bloody Starry Sky
The Great Emperor Jiujun led the heroic souls of the hundreds of generals under his command, and penetrated into the second half of the emperor's road, killing and attacking everywhere.

The ancient existences on the Emperor's Road and the great arrogance of the world all watched the phantoms in the clouds through magical powers and secret methods, and felt tense and depressed in their hearts.

"In the battle of Emperor Yun back then, there must have been an unknown taboo hidden and far away. Who is it?"

It must be a taboo emperor who can make the emperor Jiujun's remnant will go all out, and can also close the gate of the emperor's road in advance.

Because of the Nine Nether Seas, many existences have sold their souls, just to escape the judgment of time, even the Great Emperor is no exception.

As for which forbidden emperor is on the emperor's road, the world does not know for the time being.They only knew that the Nine Sovereigns must be confronting the Forbidden Emperor.

"I hope you can win!"

Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to hope and pray.The current him is not qualified to participate in this kind of ancient war, so he can only watch from afar.


Duan Luojun, the emperor's title is Jiujun, and the hundred generals under his command are all powerful men who were famous all over the world in the past.

Even if there is only a ray of heroic soul left in the hundred generals, they still have the strength to amaze the world.

Millions of years ago, Bei Gongxin pierced the sky with a single sword, cutting out a boundless Nine Netherworld Sea, and obliterated the traces of previous history.

Now that the traces of the lost years are all reappearing in the world one by one, people in the world know that there are still many unknown and powerful existences, and they are very sad.

"The ground seems to be trembling."

Da Shi Tianjiao said in fear.

The major heavens of the Emperor's Road are separated by countless miles, but the world can still feel the trembling of the vast ground, and the emperor's pressure spreading from the depths of the Emperor's Road is constantly oppressing the heart.


Tianjiao in the first half of the Emperor's Road couldn't see the figures of the Nine Sovereigns and the Hundred Generals at all, but felt that the rules of the road were starting to crack, which made people feel heartbroken.

"It must be that Emperor Jiujun is fighting with an unknown existence, and the entire emperor's road is not peaceful."

Someone trembled, looked into the distance with awe-inspiring eyes, and murmured softly.

"Who will win this battle?"

Emperor Jiujun was indeed an ancient peerless emperor before his death, but now he is just a wisp of remnant will, how much strength can he display before his birth?
No one is optimistic about Emperor Jiujun, thinking that this is the last light of Emperor Jiujun, and regrets it.

"I'm afraid only the creatures in the depths of the Emperor's Road can witness this battle with their own eyes. We are not even qualified to witness this battle."

Some Tianjiao let out a long sigh, and exclaimed in surprise and fear.

In the depths of the Emperor's Road, there are 32 heavens.

The creatures who can stay here are either extremely powerful, or have unlucky luck.

There was a figure exuding a thick black aura, mixed with the imperial prestige that could not be ignored.He is a taboo emperor who escaped from the sea of ​​darkness. As for the taboo name, perhaps no one has known it for a long time.

On the other side, the Nine Sovereigns holds a water-patterned goose feather spear, and behind him stands the heroic soul of a hundred generals.

"Duan Luojun, if your deity is still alive, I should turn around and leave. However, you are just a remnant now, why bother?"

The Forbidden Emperor had his hands behind his back, as if the whole world had to crawl under his feet.

"How do you know my way?"

Emperor Jiujun looked majestic, and fired a shot from the air.

clap la la...

The gun light pierced through the void of thousands of miles, and approached the forehead of the taboo emperor.

The Forbidden Emperor's footsteps did not move at all, and before the point of the gun's light reached his eyebrows, it disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

"Since you want to fight, then I will accompany you to the end."

The Forbidden Emperor did not change his face, and took a step of thousands of miles to reach the top of the sky.

Afterwards, the Forbidden Emperor pressed down with his palm, and the cloud rolled for countless miles, forming a huge palm print, as if it was going to cover the entire vast land.

Emperor Road No. 30 Second Heaven, the palm prints taken by the Forbidden Emperor had not yet landed, but the ground had already collapsed, and the nearby stars were shattered, bursting out with brilliant lights.


The Nine Sovereigns stabbed the giant palm that was pressed down from the top of the head with a spear, and the domineering side leaked.

The heroic souls of the hundred generals formed a killing formation, followed closely behind the Nine Sovereigns, and blessed him with strength.

A single confrontation shattered many stars, causing the rules of the avenue to be somewhat distorted.

However, this is just the beginning.

"If I am still alive, I will suppress you within a hundred moves!"

The Great Emperor Jiujun let out a loud shout, and followed closely to the cloud, his cannian will flickered a little, and it seemed that he couldn't hold on for long.

"I believe this. But so what? You are dead, this is a fact."

The taboo emperor replied seriously.

Although he, as the taboo emperor of Minghai, has embarked on a road of no return, he respects Emperor Jiujun from the bottom of his heart, and his words are very respectful.

After all, Emperor Jiujun was an ancient emperor who dared to fight Bei Gongxin alone.With this alone, it can be remembered and feared by all living beings in the world.

"Today, I will definitely suppress you even if I fight blood in the starry sky."

After the Emperor Jiujun walked out of the emperor's tomb, he went directly to the end of the starry sky.When he reached the end of the starry sky, he saw ancient coffins suspended, suppressing all parties.

Then, something happened at the end of the starry sky, causing Emperor Jiujun to fight on Dilu, vowing to suppress this taboo emperor of Minghai at all costs.


The Taboo Emperor roared and used all his strength, intending to make a quick decision without giving the Nine Monarchs any chance to breathe.

The great battle between two unrivaled beings broke out in the Second Heaven of Emperor Road No.30. Only some ancient beings can use their supernatural powers to watch the battle. Ordinary creatures can only feel the imperial power that suffocates their souls, and the rest is unknown. .

The taboos of the major heavens on Dilu didn't make any moves, and they were planning something.

The battle was fierce, but it was a pity that none of the great talents of the world had the opportunity to witness this scene.

If there is anyone who can know, perhaps only Xu Wentian who is located deep in the Emperor Road.

The evildoer of the Xu family of the ancient clan, Xu Wentian.He is recognized as the contemporary No.1, and his strength is almost comparable to the peerless powerhouses of the older generation.

Xu Wentian stared blankly at the terrifying battle in the distant clouds. Even though he was separated by hundreds of millions of miles, his soul trembled because of the breath of the war.

"One day, I will come to this step."

Xu Wentian clenched his fists, his dull and panicked eyes gradually became firm.His pupils were bloodshot, he endured the pain caused by Diwei, and watched the battle intently.

In the future, Xu Wentian will definitely be Gu Hengsheng's formidable enemy, this is beyond doubt.

The battle in the depths of the Emperor's Road had a great impact on the Emperor's Road.

(End of this chapter)

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