The sword rises

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Chapter 94 Burial Heart Valley

Nine Monarchs, lost.

It can also be said that he won.

Because the result of this battle caused the Taboo Emperor to pay a considerable price, no matter what plans Minghai Taboo had, it had to be postponed for a long time.

Some Tianjiao couldn't figure out one thing, since the Nine Sovereigns' remnant will can come to the Emperor's Road, why the current Emperor Nangong didn't show up for a long time?
As everyone knows, the pressure on Emperor Nangong is even heavier.

Once Emperor Nangong came to the Emperor's Road in person, it would mean that the chaos of the heavens would start again, and the consequences would be disastrous.Now, Emperor Nangong doesn't know anything about the remaining strength of the Nine Nether Seas, he dare not show up and make a move easily, without absolute certainty.

Therefore, Emperor Nangong was waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

At the price of the annihilation of the cannibal will, the Nine Sovereigns let the world know more about the taboos of the Nine Nether Sea, and bought precious time.

"If the forces of all parties are willing to give up everything, why should Gu go out of hiding?"

Although Emperor Nangong is coercive all over the world, he is unable to mobilize the powerhouses of the top powers.After all, all the major top forces have left a deep foundation, and many of them have the Daoist Artifact of the Great Emperor.

Emperor Nangong can be against a top power, but he cannot be against all the powers in the world, that would make the whole world even more chaotic.

Being an emperor also has many helplessness.

Unless Emperor Nangong can reach the level of the senior brother of the Floating Tomb, he can raise his hand to suppress everything, and truly command the world to fight against the sea of ​​darkness.

It's a pity that Emperor Nangong is still one step away, and I don't know if he can make it through in this life.

"Dijun, there is a vision in Dongzhou."

At this time, a burly soldier stepped into the air and knelt on one knee.

"What is the vision?"

Emperor Nangong kept a majestic expression and asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the emperor, a black lotus three thousand miles away appeared in the clouds of Dongzhou, and it lasted for three days and three nights before disappearing."

The soldier bowed his head and said loudly.

Three Thousand Miles of Black Lotus...

Emperor Nangong lowered his eyebrows and thought deeply.

Suddenly, Emperor Nangong raised his eyebrows, and the look of surprise flashed away in his eyes.

"Gu knows, you should step back!"

Emperor Nangong waved his hand lightly.


The guard bent his waist and slowly backed away, finally hiding in the void.

Emperor Nangong held his hands behind his back, his towering body seemed to hold the sky to death, his eyes were filled with ripples, he was very surprised.

"The vision of the thousand-mile black lotus, could it be..."

Emperor Nangong thought of an impossible existence, but once the idea popped up, he couldn't get rid of it.

After a long time, Emperor Nangong hid his shock in the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. San, your methods are really frightening!"

Nangong Great looked into the depths of the starry sky and muttered to himself.

If you had proved the way back then, where would you go?

Looking at the heavens, the person who can sincerely admire Emperor Nangong is Zhuge Haokong from the Tomb of Fusheng.

The vision of the three thousand li black lotus appeared in Dongzhou, and it spread all over the world, and many existences wanted to find the source of the vision.However, no matter who uses the supernatural power, they cannot know the cause of the vision.

"The vision of heaven and earth, either there is a treasure appearing in the world, or a peerless evildoer is born!"

An old antique from a certain holy place said solemnly.

"Now Dongzhou has not found any traces of the treasure, so there must be a monster born against the sky."

The forces of all parties are speculating, and they continue to send strong men to find the person or thing that caused the vision.

As long as a heaven-defying evildoer grows up, it is enough to protect a power from immortality and prosperity for thousands of years.

Because of this, many big forces hope to find the monstrous person who caused the vision one step ahead of others. As long as they are carefully cultivated, they will definitely be unrivaled in the future.

"Even the monsters of the ancient and imperial clans, there are not many people who can cause a vision, let alone a vision that alarmed the entire Dongzhou. The old man guessed that since no treasure was born, it must be someone who has the qualifications of a great emperor." A monster is born."

An old man came out of the Holy Land and rushed to Dashi Dongzhou in person, just to find the born Wushuang evildoer.

It's a pity that no matter what methods the world uses, they can't find any trace of Wushuang evildoer.

"Is the vision of the three-thousand-mile black lotus that day just a change in the Dao?"

"Why didn't I find any trace of the birth of a monster? Could it be that my guess was wrong?"

"Strange, what the hell does this mean?"

The powerhouses of all forces are confused. Could it be that the avenues are boring and they have created some visions?
How is this possible?
The Dao has its own rules, and if there is no reason, it is absolutely impossible for the phenomenon to appear.

Several months after the vision had passed, still no force found the evildoer.Gradually, people in the world stopped paying attention to this matter, and it was all regarded as Da Dao's joke, and gradually forgot about this matter.

However, in a village and town in a certain corner of Dongzhou, there was a baby boy who appeared without father and mother, as if appearing out of thin air.Some old people in the village couldn't bear it, so they took the baby boy back to the dilapidated house to raise him.

At the same time, on the emperor's road.

On a certain day, there was an ancient city called the Great Wilderness City.

There was a youthful and peerless figure in the city, she seemed to have sensed something, she looked into the distance with a delicate face, tears in her pupils: "Yes... are you back?"

With that fleeting breath, she was sure that she must not have felt wrong.

Tears glistened in the woman's pupils, and for a hundred thousand years, she did not lose control of her emotions.

Today, however, it was raining with pear blossoms.

No. 13 Chongtian, Gu Hengsheng took more than 20 Tianjiao, set foot in many secret treasures, and found some good opportunities.

Many people's cultivation strength has been greatly improved, and they respect Gu Hengsheng even more, and everything is centered on Gu Hengsheng.

"Sir, the Burial Heart Valley is ahead, let's take a detour!"

In the cloud, a proud man walked up to Gu Hengsheng's side and offered his own suggestion.

"The legendary Burial Heart Valley."

Gu Hengsheng squinted his eyes, looking at the deep valley covered by clouds and mist ahead, thoughtful.

The matter of the Nine Sovereigns has come to an end for the time being.Gu Hengsheng didn't want to mention it, but buried the matter deeply in his heart.

"Sir, I heard that Buried Heart Valley is very evil, let's go to other secret realms!"

Immediately afterwards, Tianjiao said again.

"Tell me, what is evil in Buried Heart Valley? I wonder if it is the same as what I understand."

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the crowd and asked.

"Sir, I heard from the older generation that Burial Heart Valley was a forbidden place that appeared on the Emperor's Road 4 years ago. It is said that as long as people set foot inside, men will go crazy and commit suicide, while women will shave their hair and become nuns. "

A female Tianjiao said in awe.

(End of this chapter)

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