The sword rises

Chapter 1110 Can wait ten thousand years

Chapter 1110 Can wait for tens of millions of years

Chapter 110 Can wait for tens of millions of years

Once upon a time, there was a young man who knelt beside Hetian Sword Immortal, begging Hetian Sword Immortal to forgive Jinling Valley and give Jinling Valley a way out.

Back then, that young man had a kindness towards Sword Immortal Yu Hentian.Hate Heaven Sword Immortal couldn't bear it, and agreed to the young man's request.

Afterwards, the Golden Ridge Valley became extinct, and only the clansmen of the third line escaped and escaped the blood punishment of heaven.

"You don't need to be like this. Now I can't protect myself, so how can I care about you, Golden Ridge Valley?"

If it were someone else, he would definitely lose his sense of control because of the battle in front of him, but Gu Hengsheng was still calm.

"For thousands of years in the world of mortals, Mr. alone can be called the only one in ancient times. If Mr. hadn't helped me back then, my Golden Ridge Valley would have been destroyed under the punishment of God. If there is really someone in this world who can make me Jinling Valley see the light of day again, It must be sir."

The patriarch Wu Wenchen's attitude changed drastically, he was very respectful.

Wu Wenchen has lived for tens of thousands of years, and has been staying in the abyss of the secret realm without knowing it. He is also yearning for the life and scenery of the outside world.

However, the most important thing for Wu Wenchen is for the descendants of his tribe, he doesn't want to see one tribe after another rushing out of the abyss regardless of life and death.

Whenever he saw the hopeful eyes of his descendants, Wu Wenchen felt extremely uncomfortable.

A few days ago, he learned of Gu Hengsheng's whereabouts through his great supernatural power.Then, Jinling Valley paid a huge price to send the Jinling guards out of the abyss, and "please" return to Gu Hengsheng.

Wu Wenchen was worried that Gu Hengsheng would not come over, so he ordered Gu Hengsheng to be brought back at all costs.Therefore, there was a scene of threatening to invite each other.

Jinling Valley couldn't afford that kind of price, and had only one chance, so it had to do so.

"You are wrong. There are so many monsters in this world. Don't dare to be arrogant."

Gu Hengsheng shook his head and whispered.

The only thing in the ancient times is that the people of later generations left a stroke in the ancient records in order to express their respect for the Sword Immortal Heantian.

Just like Dongfang Mo, the elder brother of the Floating Tomb, he shattered the Heavenly Dao, the Thunder Tribulation, and reversed Yin and Yang, but there was not a word left in the ancient book.

There is also the third senior brother, Zhuge Haokong, who is willing to abandon the throne, deduce the ages, and plot against the emperors.Even the emperors who coerce the Nine Heavens must be called "Mr."

How many people in the world can compare with the third senior brother's sky-reaching skills?
There are too many strong men throughout the ages, too many to count.

"Sir, I'm old, half of my foot has already stepped into the coffin, I don't care about anything. However, my children and grandchildren in Jinling Valley are still young, and they should go to see the real bright world, not in this cage Live your life."

"Please, sir, be merciful to me, Jinling Valley, and help me to get rid of the punishment of heaven."

Since the Hetian Sword Immortal was able to keep the clansmen of the third vein alive, then Gu Hengsheng must have a way now.

This was the last ray of hope for Jinling Valley, and Wu Wenchen didn't want to give up.

This never-ending day in the cage has made many clansmen miserable for a lifetime, and Wu Wenchen doesn't want to see the clansmen trapped in the abyss for the rest of their lives.

For this, Wu Wenchen is willing to give everything, as long as he can escape from the blood punishment trial of Dao.

"You can suppress me right now, how can I have the ability to save the Golden Ridge Valley?"

Gu Hengsheng told a cruel fact.

To be honest, he is just a cultivator at the peak of Xiantai, and he is no longer the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal who was invincible in his previous life.

For a moment, there was silence.

A pair of eyes full of hope gradually dimmed.

Patriarch Wu Wenchen fell silent.

The clansmen of Jinling Valley all lowered their heads, as if they had already recognized this unfair fate.

"I don't want to see the light of day again in a short period of time. I just hope that when you become powerful, you can still remember me, the Golden Ridge Valley. Whether it's a thousand years or ten thousand years, I, the Golden Ridge Valley, can wait."

Wu Wenchen firmly believed that Gu Hengsheng would be able to reach the pinnacle of his previous life, and even reach a whole new height.Wu Wenchen planned to gamble once, betting the entire Golden Ridge Valley.

"Are you serious?"

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the clansmen of Jinling Valley, and he saw the emotion of longing for the outside world from these eyes.

"This decision was unanimously agreed by the elders and I, and I believe the clansmen will not object."

Wu Wenchen nodded solemnly.

Every clansman in Jinling Valley gritted their teeth. There was no killing intent just now, only thirst.

If there is a chance to get out of the cage of the abyss, no matter what the price is, Jinling Valley is willing.Even if it is ten thousand years, they can afford to wait.

"Aren't you afraid that I will break the contract after taking the benefits of Jinling Valley?"

Gu Hengsheng said flatly.

"Mr. promise, it is higher than the sky, I believe sir."

This sentence came from Wu Wenchen's heart.

"I'll talk about it later. I have one more thing to do here."

Gu Hengsheng didn't dare to agree to Jinlinggu's request easily. Once he made a promise, there would be cause and effect, and a fetter would be left in his heart.

"This..." Patriarch Wu Wenchen said hesitantly, "Okay."

"Everyone go back!"

Then, Wu Wenchen yelled at the clansmen and retreated.

The patriarchs all spoke, and the clansmen of Jinling Valley had no choice but to leave this place reluctantly.Before leaving, they couldn't help but glance at Gu Hengsheng.

After what Wu Wenchen said just now, the tribe no longer hated Gu Hengsheng.Because everything they have now is due to the sins of their ancestors.

Wu Wenchen led Gu Hengsheng to a luxurious palace: "Sir, what else do you want?"

"Back then, I was defeated in a battle with Emperor You. What happened afterwards? How did Su Xixue die?"

When Gu Hengsheng said the name, his heart tightened.

Su Xixue, the sword attendant who once hated the Heavenly Sword Immortal.Later, the Hateful Sword Immortal passed away, and Su Xixue passed away without knowing what happened.

Gu Hengsheng wanted to clarify this matter, at least to make himself feel better.

"Fairy Su?" Wu Wenchen immediately thought of who Gu Hengsheng was referring to. Although he was not from that era, he knew a lot.

"At that time, Jinling Valley should have also fled to Dilu, but did you leave any records about Su Xixue?"

After so many years, it's been so long since life and death. After all, Gu Hengsheng still felt a little guilty towards Su Xixue, and he just wanted to find out why Su Xixue died.

"Sir, please do it for a while, I'll send someone to look up the ancient books. If there are no accidents, there should be a few words about Fairy Su recorded in the ancient books."

Wu Wenchen was able to know Su Xixue's name, he naturally read it from ancient books, otherwise he has never stepped out of the abyss in his life, how could he know the outside world.

"Okay, it's work."

Gu Hengsheng nodded.

Wu Wenchen bowed back, and immediately sent someone to Zangshu Pavilion to look through ancient books, hoping to find what Gu Hengsheng needed!
(End of this chapter)

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