The sword rises

Chapter 1114 One step to the sky

Chapter 1114

The first thousand and 110 chapters and four steps to the sky

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent, worried that Gu Hengsheng would get angry and not help Jinlinggu.

"My husband's lesson is that I shouldn't guess with a villain's heart. I believe that with my ability, I will be able to reach a new height."

Patriarch Wu Wenchen gave a compliment, feeling a little guilty.

They are really helpless, and really don't want to let their children and grandchildren suffer the torture of being trapped. This dark day should come to an end.

"hope so!"

A whole new level!
Gu Hengsheng also wanted to reach this step, only in this way can he have the strength to fulfill his wish.

"Sir, there are still many treasures left in my treasure house in the Golden Ridge Valley, do you need to take some for cultivation?"

Now that the future of Jinling Valley depends on Gu Hengsheng alone, Wu Wenchen naturally hopes that Gu Hengsheng will become stronger and stronger, so that Jinling Valley will have a greater hope of getting out of the cage of the abyss.

"No need." Treasures are useless to Gu Hengsheng.

There is a clear liquid in Gu Hengsheng's body, which is far better than the precious medicine of the Dao, and it is enough to support Gu Hengsheng to the end.All he lacks now is time. As long as the time is up and the opportunity is captured, his cultivation will naturally increase.

"One more thing, the girl from yesterday is not bad, and deserves careful training."

Since you are using a girl as a bargaining chip, Gu Hengsheng reassured them a little and gave the girl a chance by the way: "I hope I can see her again when I come to Jinling Valley next time."

The eyes of the elders of all clans brightened, not only were they not unhappy, but they were also happy.

Gu Hengsheng spoke up, no matter what his intentions were, Jinling Valley must act according to his instructions.At the same time, Gu Hengsheng also relieved the worried elders of various clans and had a sustenance.

At least, Mr. still has a concern in Golden Ridge Valley.

In the eyes of everyone, what happened yesterday is tantamount to a success.

"Don't worry, sir, we will definitely cultivate Miss Luo well, make her a leader of the younger generation, and take good care of her."

A clan elder said quickly.

"En." Gu Hengsheng nodded slightly.

The companionship of pouring wine yesterday is repaid today.

Thinking of that innocent girl from yesterday, Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly.

Then, Gu Hengsheng stepped out of the hall.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Gu Hengsheng gradually disappeared as soon as he stepped into the abyss.

"Are you leaving, sir?"

The clansmen of Jinling Valley looked at the direction Gu Hengsheng was leaving, and they yearned for the day when they could walk out of the abyss in an open and honest manner.Sir, I don't know when I will return!
However, Jinling Valley had at least one hope, hoping that Gu Hengsheng would lead them out of the abyss, so that they would no longer live in a daze.

Just as Gu Hengsheng left, Jinling Valley announced a major event.

Luo Hanyan, a commoner who established a branch line, was the head of the young clan, and the elders of the various clans personally taught him how to practice, and he reached the sky in one step!
As soon as this incident happened, the whole family was in an uproar and couldn't believe it.

Many voices of doubt gradually subsided because of the deterrence of the patriarch Wu Wenchen.The tens of thousands of people in the Golden Ridge Valley can only recognize the new young patriarch.

"Sir, how can I repay you in this life?"

As the person involved, Luo Hanyan's heart could not be calmed down for a long time, and the seed of ignorance was deeply rooted in the soul, sprouting and growing.

If there is a chance to see Mr. again, I will have no regrets in this life.

Luo Hanyan ascended to the sky in one step and became the young patriarch of Jinling Valley. She knew that it was all because of Gu Hengsheng.If it weren't for this, she would still be an ordinary woman with a charming appearance, ready to be manipulated and oppressed by others.

Many years later, the young patriarch of the Golden Ridge Valley will shake the five states of Emperor Road and turn all living beings upside down.


Gu Hengsheng walked out of the secret realm of the abyss under the escort of Jinling's guards.

The guards could no longer go out of the secret realm, and only Gu Hengsheng was left to go forward, and he saw the scenery of the Emperor Road again.

"I'll come again next time, I don't know when it will be."

Gu Hengsheng stood on the clouds of No.17, looked down at the quiet abyss, and muttered to himself.

Then, Gu Hengsheng covered his chest, and there was a scroll of paper.

"Endless sea, I will definitely go there."

A killing intent flashed in Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

Through induction, Gu Hengsheng sensed the location of Dugu Shang and the others, and immediately flew away.

The most important thing now is to increase strength as soon as possible, and then face the taboo of Minghai.Gu Hengsheng had a strong feeling that Ming Hai Taboo was about to make a big move.

Back then, Emperor Nine Monarchs stepped back from the depths of the starry sky to fight against the Forbidden Emperor, and the last wisp of remnant will was completely annihilated.

It is precisely because of the Nine Monarchs that the action of Minghai Taboo has been delayed for a long time, and no news about Minghai Taboo has been heard in these years.

However, the taboo of Minghai will not be completely quiet after all, and one day it will really show its bloody fangs to the world.

A few days later, Gu Hengsheng contacted Dugushang and the others through sound transmission Yushi, and they met again.

"It's okay!"

As soon as they met, Dugu Shang asked worriedly.

"It's fine." Gu Hengsheng replied.

"It's good that benefactor Gu returns safely." Mingwu Buddha clasped his hands together and bowed.

Seeing that Gu Hengsheng came back safely, the hearts of the Tianjiao were finally relieved.

"Worry you all."

Along the way, all the geniuses who originally had their own thoughts gathered together, and regarded Gu Hengsheng as the backbone from the bottom of their hearts.

"The road ahead will not be easy. Many people's cultivation bases have not broken through Xiantai. I suggest finding a place to practice temporarily. What do you think, sir?"

Lihuo Jianzi Zhang Hanye suggested.

"Yes." There are still a large number of Tianjiao who are located in the ninth realm of the avenue. If they rush to the depths of the emperor's road rashly, let alone encounter the powerful Minghai taboo, they may not even be able to pass the road of life and death.

"Then let's settle on this island for the time being!"

The secret island is rumored to be the place where a great emperor enlightened.However, apart from Gu Hengsheng, no one has yet confirmed who the emperor is.

Perhaps it was really just a coincidence that Gu Hengsheng came here, the place where Emperor You realized his enlightenment!

Everyone can finally temporarily stop their progress and digest the opportunities they have obtained before.

As soon as many people entered the island, they opened a cave to retreat. They couldn't wait to break through the shackles of the realm, go further on the emperor's road, and see more exciting scenery.

"Sir, I'll take turns guarding the way, don't you plan to retreat or take a good rest?"

The little princess of the Dragon Carp tribe has bare feet and long fiery red hair, which is alluring and charming.

"No need." What Gu Hengsheng lacked was only the precipitation of time, and retreat was useless.

At this moment, there was a white figure coming from afar at a high speed, which made Gu Hengsheng and the others feel it, and subconsciously tensed up.

(End of this chapter)

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